News from Africa

NEWS FROM CONGOview as web pdf  

KINSHASA | Bro Marcus Losah

We are happy to announce to the Christadelphian community that from 25 – 28 October 2018 we were able to meet with the ecclesias of Nkana, Luvaka, Kwilu-ngongo, Maluku, Mbandaka et Kunzulu. The meeting went well and we were reunited by the Word of God and exhorted on the following themes: ‘Satan and the Devil’ by Bro Kims, ‘The Angels and their nature’ by Bro Oswald, ‘Death’ by Bro Vincent, ‘Jesus Christ and His nature’ by Bro Jadot, ‘The Kingdom of God’ by Bro Zambrotta, ‘The Resurrection’ by Bro Shako and ‘The promise of God and the baptism’ by myself, Bro Losah. On the Sunday we were given words of exhortation by Bro Nzila Mosi from Kwilu-ngongo, and Bro Jean-Marie Balabala from Mbandaka led us in the breaking of bread. We shared the bread and cup of our Lord with brothers and sisters and in the presence of several friends.

This meeting permitted us to strengthen our faith and encouraged us to follow the way of our Lord Jesus-Christ, despite the many troubles of this current life. May God bless us and continue to support us.

NEWS FROM KENYAview as web pdf  

AHERO | Bro Lawrence M K’owiti

I’ve not been in contact for quite some time due to case with box rental fees. It’s nice once again to read from the brotherhood across the globe and to fellowship together with their causes. It’s wonderful to see the word reach all corners of the world and many prayers of goodwill to the Carelinks for the tireless work in the mission. Bravo Brethren Duncan and Marcus together with the donors, may God bless you ALL.

If for any reason we can’t meet up in Kenya, let’s meet in the Lord’s coming Kingdom.

BUNGOMA | Bro Alfred Wanjala

Truly brother you have revived my spirit again, since my mother died. I have suffered a lot, but through your prayer and the literature you sent me you have encouraged and strengthened and I have greater hope in our bond with Jesus who is giving me confidence and helping me in my life.

Right: Bro Alfred with his daughter Vashti

DODOMA | Bro Moses Boter and family

KAKUMA | Bro Isidore Mwibeleca

My wife Esperance become weak through pregnancy as any day she will deliver. She was at the hospital last week for pregnancy check. The Clinic officer told her that she has low blood HB 8 only.

Bro Isidore with his daughter

Three weeks ago there was an attack at Green Light and Kakuma secondary schools made by students from Nubian mixed with Darfourian tribes (Sudanese) and from Dinka tribe (South Sudanese) who are not studying because of lack of school fees - to attack students in class at school who are paying the school fees and teachers. They had machetes and sticks in their hands. They injured many students who were admitted in Kakuma hospital. Those with severe injuries were transferred to Nairobi hospital for leg surgery. One woman, a Kenyan teacher at Kakuma has died.

Bro Innocent Baruani and Lovis Mbongo, both of them from Kibera ecclesia in Nairobi, visited Kakuma. On the Saturday morning Bro Lovis Mbongo taught about “Understanding the Psalms” a book divided into five books – compared to the five books of Moses in the Old Testament. They provided a lunch and in the afternoon Bro Innocent Baruani taught about “The four women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus”. On the Sunday we started with a Breaking of Bread service, then after that Bro Innocent Baruani taught about “The False Prophets”, which finished at 4pm when we sung and closed the fraternal meeting with prayer thanking God. Many friends asked questions which were well answered.

We later received this letter from Bro Isidore:

Dear Bro Marcus,

I and my family also the brethren and sisters are healthy today. Yesterday evening at 5pm there was a conflict at the football ground in Kakuma 4 camp area during a match, which resulted in a clash between two clans of Nuer South Sudanese tribes. They came to the graveyard area where they battled and three people died. They had sticks, machetes and spears in their hands. We kept our children in our home until 7pm when the police and soldiers scattered the fighters. This morning we heard that the cause is not the football but the past hatred killing between the two Nuer clans.

The police tried to scatter them and have jailed some of them. This past night the police and soldiers patrolled and nothing bad happened, we slept and awoke well this morning. But the situation is not good as those who lost their people in the battle want revenge.

Please continue remembering us in your prayers to our Heavenly Father.


Bible Study in April at Kitale

SINDO | Bro John Owalo Onani

There is a great need for us as God’s family through baptism to live according to God’s way of life. The book of Deuteronomy reveals God’s love to the children of Israel and how difficult to learn and observe the journey towards the Kingdom of God and salvation promised. The command of love is the greatest and requires a completely contrite, devout heart to obey and be humble towards our salvation. Deuteronomy 6:5: “And you shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.” See also Mark 12:30,31.

The love must be in action. You loved me so much since 1999. Nineteen years of spiritual nourishment. You have maintained your first love. I have also made a serious effort to play my part. Through your prayer and spiritual guidance two of my sons were baptized into the Christadelphian faith.

Through God’s grace in 2008 I met your son Duncan in Nairobi, Kenya on his way to an African country. Therefore Brother Marcus may the God of our fathers take care of us for the year 2019 in being strong witnesses to the Truth. John 15:12: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Let us continue in doing the work of the Gospel News until he comes to reward us with eternal life and inheritance on the earth.


Bibles gratefully received by Bro Francis Wafula


The Turbo Ecclesia

NEWS FROM MAURITIUSview as web pdf  

CUEPIPE | Bro Guy Jhureea

I want to let you know that I have received your parcel safely, including Bible Lessons and a letter that you have sent to Kisham Banjeej. He has received his parcel safely, also, with all the books which you sent him. He has been very happy for this spiritual gift. I help him to understand these lessons. Thank you very much for helping us to know more about the Word of God in order to direct us towards the Kingdom, which will come soon.

At the moment I see that many prophecies are accomplished each day, and we must be prepared for the return of Christ soon, when we will have no diseases, no death nor all the troublesome problems which we have in the world.

During this last two weeks my health has not been so good: I have suffered some inflammation inside my body, perhaps due to an allergy. I don’t know exactly, God knows my problem. I have prayed very much about it. We have some great examples in the Bible for prayer, like our Lord Jesus Christ, David, Daniel and all the Apostles, etc.

Bro Francois Sylvio Remy

NEWS FROM NIGERIAview as web pdf  

EBEM | Bro Gaius Egwu

I am so grateful for the materials that you send to us, thank you so much. There is much work for us here to do, because many here have a zeal for God’s word but not according to the truth. So we are trying to reach them with truth to save them before Jesus comes back to be our King here on earth. Our prayer is to baptize as many as possible. Bro Olugu who was just baptized is doing well, only he is passing through some health problem so we ask for your prayers.

It always inspires me whenever I read the works of Carelinks. I am on my knees for the love of our heavenly Father to always see you through. Seeing as some migrants come from Christadelphian families, our prayer is highly needed and the value of family worship comes in much. We really pray and ask for your continued support in reaching the unreached people at our end.

Those who want to make a name for themselves want to climb to heaven like Christendom (tower of Babel). But we, the children of the Kingdom, look for the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. God Himself will be our God and we shall reign on the earth and then we shall see His face and be like Him. That is our comfort.

Fraternal gathering at Port Harcourt in 2016

MBAISE | Bro Blessing Nwigwe

The news tells us that the coming of the Son of Man is near for this earth. We will not know the exact day or hour, as Christ said in Matthew 24:36 and it is recorded in Acts 1:7 – “of that day or hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” So nobody knows the day – both man, angels, prophets, even Christ himself doesn’t know the time, except his Father only. Peter gave more indications on it, and his followers, as the Old Testament reveals that we are in the last days. Jesus gave us signs of his coming, recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21:

1| There would be false prophets claiming to be ‘Christ’. 2| War and violence would be on the earth. 3| There would be famines, pestilences and earthquakes. 4| Many people would hate Jesus’ followers and deliver them to death, persecution or imprisonment. 5| There would be signs in the sky, sun, moon, stars and sea. Heaven would be shaken, day will be darkened etc., showing the coming of the Son of Man.

And in Revelation 22:7-12 it is recorded that God will send his Angels as servants; behold, I am coming soon to repay everyone for what he has done. He will come as a ‘thief in the night.’ If anyone rejects him he rejects his life. ‘I am knocking at the door,’ the righteous will open it to allow believers to come in.

The problems stated in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 can refer to AIDS, Ebola, Lassa Fever etc., such diseases kill people everywhere. Wars will occur in many countries, as will earthquakes.

In Nigeria there is Bokoharam, kidnapping, war as carried out in some states like Benne State, between Fulani herdsmen and the people of the State killing innocent people daily. Lassa Fever and war between Christians and Moslems in the North. Pray for us.

NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICAview as web pdf  

Sis Leonie and Bro Paul Verster

We have just returned from Gaborone and were blessed to witness the birth into God’s family of Lucille Sambo, a very bright 19 yearold Zimbabean. She completed her Cambridge A levels with 3 distinctions in History, English literature, English general paper and a B in Divinity. She had been in Botswana visiting her mother and Sis Refilwe, her mother’s neighbour, diligently taught Lucille the truth, spending time with her almost every day. Lucille was very quick at grasping the true gospel and completed both Introducing Bible Basics and Bible Basics.

It was a joy to listen to her confession of faith and see her baptised. She has been chosen to be an exchange student in Germany and God willing will be going next year some time. We pray she will be close to an ecclesia.

Lucille and Refilwe are going to the Summer School God Willing. I put Lucille in touch with Sis Precious from Soweto ecclesia via What’s App and they seem to be forming a little bond.

We also were able to meet up with a Brother from Zimbabwe who has moved to a village close to Gaborone. He attended the Breaking of Bread and baptised Lucille. Such are the wonderful ways of providence.

top left, Sis Refilwe with Lucille and our Bro from Zimbabwe, seated Bro Paul Verster with his wife, Sis Leonie standing behind

NEWS FROM TANZANIAview as web pdf  

MUSOMA | Bro Jokta Rufano

Thank you for sending to me several books and leaflets for our Ecclesia and others. I distributed them at a CBM Assembly which took place for three days in Musoma. In fact many members from other places enjoyed them.

Above: Members of Seminar at Musoma which took place for three days, with Sunday School from Usagara, Mwanza, Musoma and Geita Ecclesias

Brothers getting breakfast on the second day of the Assembly at Musoma

TUNDUKU | Bro Billy Mataka

Travelling Light - is the title of a song by Cliff Richard who was born 78 years ago, like myself.

The spectrum of this ‘travelling light’ was allowed to shine around my home, by then, around Mtwara Region in Tanzania, and the bearers of this light were Brothers Chris and Philip Mundey. These Brothers came all the way from U.K. to counsel us for two days! Incidentally, by then Mtwara Region was cut off from the rest of Tanzania for six months of the rain season, therefore these Brothers had to come by air from D’Salaam!

The product of what they planted is myself, as current C.B.M. Brother for 29 years. However, my friend Stephen, who was my fellow student, is a product of God’s Word – Luke viii:7 and myself Luke viii:8. For those who have visited Tanzania, Tunduru District is populated by 95% Moslems! Hence my residence in Tunduru is a point of no return for my ‘Travelling Light.’ People around me are ready to admit that they have never come across a Christian who BELIEVES IN ONE GOD!

USAGARA | Bro Jokta Rufano

Nowadays I’m free as I am retired from public employment (as a teacher), but I am not “tired” of working, especially preaching the gospel. Also I’m dealing with environmental reserve such as distributing several types of tree and educating students and pupils how to keep the environment clean.

Lastly I plead with you if possible to reprint the Agano Jipya in Swahili as we have enthusiastic members that cannot understand English and so without Swahili literature it is difficult for them to grow in the Truth. It is also difficult to preach in the villages where English is not generally spoken.

* * * *

Note: We have reprinted Agano Jipya three times in Swahili and appreciate it would be a great help to many in several parts of Africa. Alas we have so many other urgent printing needs that we are not in a position to reprint it at the moment - the cost would be in the region of £2,000 for a thousand copies. MH

Above | Usagara Ecclesia members a while back

| Brethren preparing to clean the ecclesial hall - seen in the background

|The Secretary of this active Ecclesia, Bro Jokta Rugano

NEWS FROM UGANDAview as web pdf  

DOKOLO | Bro Paskweli Odur

In spite of personal difficulties, we thank the Almighty for His help, and we thank CAT for their effort and patience, as well as the hard work you are doing for the spread of the Good News world-wide, which is changing the lives of many people.

As we embark towards the end of the year 2018, we have the vision and call of a greater challenge than we have ever faced before. The call is to be diligent and work the work of God while it is still day, and to finish the work the Lord calls us to do. Not of division, selfishness, despising of God’s Word. As Jesus said, ‘My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and finish the work.’ (John 4:27) The sea and the waves are roaring, and we pray earnestly that the number of those elected will be made up, and the Father will send Jesus to put this wicked, sad world to rights.

We look forward to seeing you in that day in the Kingdom, when we can all sit at the feet of Jesus and those worthies of old, manifesting God’s Name in the earth. We pray, ‘Come quickly Lord Jesus.’ Our love and prayers are also with you in the hope we share.

Above | Bro Paskweli and Bro Alfred Okullo & family

NEWS FROM ZAMBIAview as web pdf  

KAPIRI-MPOSHI | Bro Chosa Osting

With much sadness Bro Osting reports the falling asleep of our aged Brother Austin Mwaka, who suffered much from eye problems and then some nasty heart problems for which sadly finance was not available for an urgent operation. He and his wife Sister Mwangala had to travel a long way to the meeting to which they were very committed over the years. We express our comfort and condolence to our Sister in this sad loss until Jesus comes.

| Bro Costa Kanembe preparing for the long journey to examine an advanced student, Oliver Munsanje

| Bro Oliver Munsanje

The home of Bro and Sis Austin Mwaka


Many thanks Bro Fred Mumba for the following Baptismal pictures from your Ecclesia and also the Copperbelt Fraternal at Kitwe of members from Chingiola, Kitwe, Mufulira and Ndola.

Brethren and Sisters at the joint Copperbelt Fraternal at Kitwe

Bro Musanda Mbewe baptising student Annie Kunda

Bro Musanda with Sisters Rhodah Kasongo, Annie Kunda and Grace Kaoma, in the green Zamian National Flag T/Shirt

Bro Fred Mumba giving Sister Annie the right hand of fellowship with two Sisters singing hymns from the Zambia Hymn book.

Mulfulira Ecclesia

NALUWAMA | Bro Dick Phiri

This book the Bible NEV I have in my hand, it is above all books. Jesus is about to come, let us read the Bible and pray for our sins to be forgiven. Read Romans chapter 6 verses 3 and 5. Please follow the Bible.

NEWS FROM ZIMBABWEview as web pdf  

CHIPADZE | Bro Joseph Mucheri

The Creation Calendar is really helpful with notes on readings and the amazing wonders of God’s creation which encourages the daily reading. I am on behalf of the Ecclesia requesting you to produce it for future years if the Lord remains away.

CHISAPE | Bro Lamiel Mazvaramhaka

The rains were more than enough giving us enough to eat. Now more rains kill the maize, because the rains now are more and rough. Lightning is striking people around us. So far more than five have been killed. We thank God for everything as we all walk towards the Kingdom.

Brother Joseph, Sister Joyce and Lee Roy

MAGUNGE | Bro Joseph Ndoromazasi

God is very merciful as Peter tells us: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9, African edition.

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