Gospel News · January - April 2019

Bro Santosh Sharma
News from Nepal
The wonderful Calendar has created quite a
bit of interest and my son Samyog, who was
only 10 when Duncan visited us is now 21
and has taken it to College where he is an
undergraduate. In my work I often make
visits to remote and backward areas and
always take the NEV New Testament and
Bible Basics and explain to them the Truth.
The picture shows me telling them the
gospel message and holding them up to a
group of people in Ilam in Eastern Nepal.
EBEM | Bro Gaius Egwu
News from Nigeria
I am so grateful for the materials that you
send to us, thank you so much. There is much
work for us here to do, because many here
have a zeal for God’s word but not according
to the truth. So we are trying to reach them
with truth to save them before Jesus comes
back to be our King here on earth. Our prayer
is to baptize as many as possible. Bro Olugu
who was just baptized is doing well, only he is
passing through some health problem so we
ask for your prayers.
It always inspires me whenever I read the
works of Carelinks. I am on my knees for the
love of our heavenly Father to always see you
through. Seeing as some migrants come from
Christadelphian families, our prayer is highly
needed and the value of family worship comes
in much. We really pray and ask for your
continued support in reaching the unreached
people at our end.
Those who want to make a name for them-
selves want to climb to heaven like Christen-
dom (tower of Babel). But we, the children
of the Kingdom, look for the new Jerusalem
coming down out of heaven. God Himself will
be our God and we shall reign on the earth and
then we shall see His face and be like Him.
That is our comfort.
* * * *
More calendars and Bibles have been
sent to Bro Sharma for those showing
exceptional interest, it is an area where
much literature would be very useful. MH
Fraternal gathering at Port Harcourt in 2016