TURBO | The Turbo Ecclesia
Tangaren | Bibles gratefully received
by Bro Francis Wafula
CUEPIPE | Bro Guy Jhureea
News from Mauritius
I want to let you know that I have received
your parcel safely, including Bible Lessons and
a letter that you have sent to Kisham Banjeej.
He has received his parcel safely, also, with all
the books which you sent him. He has been
very happy for this spiritual gift. I help him to
understand these lessons. Thank you very
much for helping us to know more about the
Word of God in order to direct us towards the
Kingdom, which will come soon.
At the moment I see that many prophecies are
accomplished each day, and we must be pre-
pared for the return of Christ soon, when we
will have no diseases, no death nor all the
troublesome problems which we have in the
During this last two weeks my health has not
been so good: I have suffered some inflamma-
tion inside my body, perhaps due to an allergy.
I don’t know exactly, God knows my problem.
I have prayed very much about it. We have
some great examples in the Bible for prayer,
like our Lord Jesus Christ, David, Daniel and
all the Apostles, etc.
Mauritius | Bro Francois Sylvio Remy