March - April 2004

The late, great Bro. Faris (Kandahar,
A Christadelphian Matyr
have now obtained a photo of our murdered Brother Faris (left) of Kandahar,
Afghanistan. Kandahar is one of the most fundamentalist Islamic cities on
earth. According to the Koran, a convert to Christianity must be murdered
within three days of his conversion. Brother Faris had his head chopped
off by his father-in-law, using a garden spade. Our Brother is pictured
here just after his baptism, writing a letter of greeting to his new
Brethren and Sisters, in which he explains his determination to preach the
gospel at all costs. We pay tribute to our brave Brother and long for
the day of resurrection.
EDITORIAL:The Road Ahead
Click on a country to zoom into that country. Click on the ocean to zoom out. Click on Green country for news.
News from Africa
News from Europe / Eurasia
News from the Americas
News from Asia
Fishers of Men Bro. Godwin Mugasi (Mbarara, Uganda)
Criticism Bro. E. Store (Kachingwe, Malawi)
How sweet is God's word! Bro Gennady (Poltava, Ukraine)
The Redeemed of the Lord Bro. Sylvester Tembo (Mzuzu, Malawi)
Activities in North Tanzania and Kenya Bro Sammy Mutunga
Sisters Conference at Mwandeo Hope for People with Disabilities in the Kingdom Bro. Jim Stinehoff (U.S.A.)
Practicing the Presence of God Bro. Jim Stinehoff ( U.S.A)
Responsibility in the Last Days Sis. Savnah Bushenyi (Mbarara)
A More Sure Word of Prophecy Bro. Moses Dhlakama (Rimbi, Zimbabwe)
The Kingdom's Administration Bro John Richard Chulu (Lundazi, Zambia)
Control Your Temper ?A word spoken in due season, how good it is.? Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)
Mission work Sis. Monica Achieng (Musoma, Tazanian)
Elders in the Ecclesia Bro. Lapulani Malata (Kabwe, Zambia)
Public Speaking: Lesson 4 Thinking and Speaking Under Pressure Bro. John Muyala (Bungoma, Kenya)
The pre-existence of Christ - Part Three Bro John and Sister Sally Palmer
Confession Bro. Erick Kipruto Mutai (Sosiot, Kenya)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – Psalm 139:14. Part 3 The Ear Bro J Wilson (Windermere, England)
Eastern European Bible School: Two Ludmilas Give Their Impressions Sis Ludmila C (Poltava, Ukraine)
Evidence of my personal salvation Bro Emmanuel Joumer (Bolimbo, Kenya)
On Eagles’ Wings of Deliverance Bro George Ewi (Limbe, Cameroon)
Miracles for the Hebrews From - Scripture News Digest
Christ?s Coming: When shall it be? Bro Thompson Changata (Magunje, Zimbabwe)
The Promises to Abraham Bro. Joseph Katasi (Lukosi, Uganda)