Control Your Temper ?A word spoken in due season, how good it is.?
There are people who are very forthright. When faced with something with which they do not agree they express themselves very forcefully, often to the point of rudeness. They then say that they have given a piece of their mind. Unfortunately, it would be better if that ?piece? had never been given, for the hurt such frankness causes cannot be justified.
Of course, there is a time and place when, in the interests of truth, you must speak out plainly and clearly; however, there must be no bitterness but only an expression of understanding and love. Complete honesty is more effective when spoken in love and not in temper. Most people, when moved to indignation, express themselves on the spur of the moment and often regret what they have said. Especially is this so when a fiery temper lies dormant only waiting for an occasion to flare up at the slightest provocation.
Temper often makes you say things you do not want to say. The majority of people have said things they have later regretted. The surrendering of the temper to God, with the earnest and sincere prayer that He will control it, produces wonderful results. This may not be an immediate control but as you grow in grace your temper, over which you had little control, is conquered by the living Christ and the ?piece of your mind? you then give, will be wholesome, constructive and full of love .
Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)