Mission work
On 13th October 2003 Bro Tim Evans sent Bro Benoit Mukendi from Arusha to come to Musoma to interview some contacts here. Bro Benoit arrived very late at night. This was due to some disturbances on the bus he had taken from Arusha. Bro Samson Mwanza and Bro David Kahama and I were already waiting in Musoma. We waited for Bro Benoit eagerly as this was the first time he had come to Musoma. Bro Benoit in his journey had some problems, as he couldn’t get any food, only water. He arrived and rang us and immediately we went to meet him. When we arrived we found him tired and dull, like a lost sheep, but when he saw us the sadness turned to happiness. We could not imagine that it was midnight, it seemed like mid-day! We immediately took a taxi to his accommodation.
The next day, work started straight away. Benoit managed to interview two contacts for baptism, the other contacts were not ready, so were sent back to study again until December, God willing. Here we managed to baptise Bro. David Sanana and Bro Moses Asewe. I am very happy to have two more
Brothers to help in doing mission work, and am no longer in isolation,
but have a family. Bro Benoit managed to come along with three hymn
books and one Bible for one Brother. My Brothers from Mwanza have been
with me part and parcel - Bre Saimon, Samson, Emmanuel and Civillin. I
thank them for their hard work and the love that they showed to me.
Bro Samson decided to stay with me for three weeks helping me teach the
contacts.. Brothers from Mwanza have been here helping me, as and
The photos of the Brothers from Mwanza and the Musoma
contacts were taken in Musoma at my place. The contacts were baptised
here in Lake Victoria on the 18 th October surrounded by the boats,
ships, crocodiles and some water animals. Safari men and business men
were all amazed when they saw what was happening on the lake. What a
wonderful day it was! On the next Sunday the new Brothers were welcomed
in the meeting by Bre Benoit, Samson and Saimon. On the Monday Bro
Benoit and Samson extended their journey to Seronena to meet a Brother
who I introduced to the truth with Bro Tim Evans. There are now three
there doing lessons, one of them is a 75 year old man who has completed
his lessons. Bro Saimon’s wife Sis Christine, has been sick for a very
long time, and I’m longing to go and visit her. Here in Musoma there
is much hunger as there has not been much rain during the whole of this
year. May we wait the coming of our Saviour who will relieve the
suffering in the world. He is almost knocking at the door, and we must
be ready to open the door whenever we hear the knock.

Sister Monica, centre with plate with interested friends
Ryoba, Monica, Moses and John
Sis. Monica Achieng (Musoma, Tazanian)