Our duty is to listen to reasonable criticism. The time is short. Some will appear in their true light to everyone. Many will discover that they have been wasting their time by hurting their brethren by bootless and embittering controversy, instead of redeeming the evil days by the consolation of the truth. They will see too late that instead of imbibing the sincere milk of the word, they have been feeding on ashes; that instead of dispensing a portion of meat to the household in due season, they have been giving them gall and vinegar, that instead of strengthening the hands of fellow-labourers, they have been casting stumbling-blocks in the paths of the weak, and discouraging the hearts of the strong; that instead of rejoicing in the Lord, they have been fretting their soul with barren contentions; that instead of filling up a good account with works of humility, mercy and faith, they have been sowing a harvest of envy and strife; that instead of helping to purify a peculiar people, zealous of good works, their influence has been only mischievous, continually obstructing the work of the Lord, pulling down the work already done and throwing clouds and darkness over the beacon intended to guide the feet of the stranger to life eternal. Let us aim to be out of the ranks of this number, that the Lord at His coming may approve our faithfulness in small things and give us higher work to do.
Bro. E. Store (Kachingwe, Malawi)