News from Europe / Eurasia
I am sorry for not having written for a long time. In that
time my husband Volodya was baptized and we are breaking bread each week
regularly. We read together also. I want to thank you for all the literature.
The new booklet about alcohol is really very important. My daughter is living in
Riga and I so hope she
will visit Bro Duncan and Sis Cindy and develop her interest in the Bible.
Sis. Iraida
I was unable to come to the
Bible School as it is almost
impossible for residents of Abkhazija like myself to pass through the blockade,
and it is very hard to get the documents required for us to travel. I send my
greetings to all.
Bro Guram
We are very sad that those who used to visit us now can no
longer visit us, we love them and miss them because it was them who brought us
to know Christ. At 81 it is very hard to do anything much but we love you all,
even to take the letter to the post box is about the main sacrifice which we can
Bro. Viktor & Sis. Nina
I was visited recently by some visitors from
England, the shame is I do
not understand them as they don’t speak Russian. I so wish that you could come
here again and translate for us! I ask you for your prayers for my family. I
pray each day and night both to God through Jesus.
Sis. Anna
We are praying for you here. We believe that soon the Sun
of Righteousness will arise with healing in his wings. Our great hope is to
again have fellowship together as we used to in Russian as we find a problem
with the visitors we now get speaking to us in English with no translator.
Sis. Natasha
I am truly hoping that this year will see the return of
Jesus to this land!
Bro. Vladimir
I have been here for a year working. I miss you all and
send greetings to those brothers from
England whom I met in
Romania. I miss the Bible Schools we had in
Bro. Mihail
Photo: Bro. Henryk and Sis. Yevgeniya Budzialowscy, recently married in Poland.
I am looking forward to having my baby but I have been so
ill here with the cold weather, flue and bronchitis etc. We are so worried about
being able to clothe our baby. We are praying and reading, but are still faced by
such problems.
Sis Valentina
(Note: Some clothes have been sent)
We are very much with you and we keep praying for those
poor Brothers in Iran
and Pakistan.
Sis Ira and Sis Luba
I am sorry for not writing. It is hard for me to get out
but I dream of being able to come to a meeting. I wish to very sincerely thank
you all for writing to me and sending me everything, exhortations etc, which
have helped and encouraged me so much. I realize my problems are so small
compared to those of our Brothers in other countries.
Sis Irena
May the Angels watch over each of you every step of your
lives. I was very touched to receive greetings from so many countries after my
baptism. I truly feel part of you all and pray for you.
Bro. Nikolaj
I am grateful for the letters and spiritual support I
receive from Bro Mark Greeves and from Bro Charles French from
Australia. I count it a
privilege to thank God for all my many blessings.
Sis. Olga
I keep on reading and re-reading the books. I am talking to
many people now who are interested. Please pray for my son as he has so many
problems just now.
Sis. Anna
I again had my pension stolen and this very much shook up
my mother who is very elderly, I always look forward to the meetings here, and I
wish sincerely for the Lord to be with you all.
Sis. Vaira
Photo: Meeting at Tukums
I am still getting over the loss of my husband Sergej. I
spent so much money at the hospital when he was taken ill and I have such
problems repaying it. Also my uncle died recently so I am being tested by God in
many ways at once. I believe in the coming of the
Kingdom of God very strongly
Sis. Tanya
I am so grateful that after three years being without gas,
we now have gas, so I can be warm, especially as all day I have to work outside.
I thank God so much for this blessing to me. Since Bro Sergej died things have
been hard for us here, as we always gathered at his place.
Sis Elvira
Things are very hard for me here. After the war we had here
and the isolation policy we still have, it seems in our blocks we are surrounded
by invalids, old and hungry people, it is very hard for us. My only hope is in
the Kingdom of
Sis Tamara
I miss Bible Schools! I often remember the Bible Schools I
attended. Soon it will be seven years since I was baptised. It’s amazing to
think how God works in our lives and helps us. I pray each day – for my family,
relatives and all Christadelphians. Prayers are so important. In the evenings
when I put Linda to sleep I pray a long time.
Photo: Sis Filomena, Sis Jean Field, Sis Valerie Freer and
Bro Jan Byrski at Bielska Bialo,
I am so sad I can’t get leave from the factory to go to the
I ask you to pray for my situation as my former wife is seeking to take the
apartment away from me and I shall be without anywhere to live, please pray for
me. I seek in all this to act as would Jesus and the apostle Paul.
Bro. Oleg
I was so, so happy to return home and learn that my dear
friend Viktor Moor had been baptized. We pray for you each evening and are
always hungry for news of how our dear brotherhood is getting on in all their
Bro. Anatoly
I’m unable to get to the
Bible School so I am not
looking forward to a long time now without any fellowship from Brothers and
Sisters. I am so grateful for the literature about alcoholism, I am surrounded
daily by this problem and fear for my children as they live surrounded by these
temptations. I eagerly read all literature sent to me.
Sis. Elena
I continue praying and reading each day and I am much
helped by all the literature sent to me which I am reading with great hunger.
Bro. Nikolaj
We are eagerly waiting for the
Winter Bible School, I want
to take my daughter Kristina with me so she can meet with the Brothers and
Sisters. We love you all and are waiting for the Kingdom.
Sis. Svetlana
Things have changed very much here since the arrival of Sis
Ludmila from Kazakhstan.
Now we meet regularly and she teaches us so well, we feel we are a real
Christadelphian ecclesia . We are so happy and grateful to her.
Bro. Viktor
We continue meeting together at Sis Ludmila’s for the
breaking of bread. I so enjoy these meetings.
Bro. Andrej
I finally returned home from the
Bible School, after some
problems. It was truly a good school. I feel that the end will come soon, all we
can do is prepare ourselves for it.
Sis Ludmila
I have been re-reading ‘Bible Basics for Moslems’ as I have
some relatives who are Moslems who I so want to preach to. Islam is becoming a
real problem for
Russia now. Also I am enjoying understanding about the Orthodox church better
through the articles in the Russian Gospel News. I want to understand people
better so I can preach effectively to them.
Sister Anastasia is still the same, she is blind and I am
doing absolutely everything in the house, the shopping etc, but I want to tell
you all that I do this for her with joy. I am sorry for my long silence but I am
holding to our Lord.
Bro Viktor
I am much impressed by the new booklet about alcoholism, it
is really necessary, but sadly here those people who most need this help refuse
to come to God, who can be the only cure for it. I am in eager anticipation of
coming to my first large
Bible School this Winter.
Bro. Sasha
I was very happy to be encouraged to give details on anyone
of my family or friends who would like a copy of Bible Basics, I am
sending these to you. Then I can write to them and ask for their impressions. I
am very grateful of all letters of encouragement sent to me.
Sis Svetlana
I had a great joy recently in that I was visited by Igor
and Lena and we made
the breaking of bread together! They also invited me to come to their meeting in
Moscow. I look back and am so grateful to God that I found out about you all
from an advertisement in a newspaper, and you have become my best friends and
true Brothers.
Bro. Sasha
The new booklet about alcohol is really very well written
and helpful, I have seen so many talented lives destroyed because of it, it is a
cursed legacy from the period of Communism. I am so sorry that I couldn’t get to
the Bible
this Winter. We are living here on the brink of poverty in every way.
Bro. Valerij
I have not visited a
Bible School for two years
but I am going to make every effort and sacrifice I can to come this year. I am
very grateful for all the effort made for me and I pray for you all.
Bro. Nikolaj
I have just celebrated the anniversary of my baptism as I
write this. I am filled with you, especially as a Brother sent me a calendar
which arrived the same day. I thank God for the way His angels have worked in my
life and brought me to you and to having the hope which I now have in my old
Sis Aleksandra
I so miss seeing the Brothers and Sisters at the
Bible Schools and this year I
want to make the effort to come. I have moved here from Kazakhstan and still
face many problems with my documents. I love you all.
Sis. Raisa
With great joy I am preparing to come to the
Winter Bible School, thank
you for the trouble in organizing this School.
Bro. Pavel
I am praying day and night for various ones who have fallen
into poverty or hard times, there are really so many amongst us. I muse as to
why there is so much wealth in the Western world when here we are going from one
poverty to another. I can’t come to the
Bible School as I am sick,
but there are also some suffering in my own family due to a car accident, I can
only pray for them.
Sis. Tamara
I keep meditating upon the way that some will be told in
the end, "Depart from me, I never knew you". These words are so often in my
mind. I am still grieving for the loss of my wife. I wish I could do more for
you all, my health is weak and I can’t even go to a
at the moment, so I pray for you.
Bro. Boris
I remember often my baptism in the river. I am a
Christadelphian because I believe the truth and have explored the Bible widely,
it is the closest I have found to the truth and I will therefore spread this
truth to all I can.
Bro. Vadim
I have just spent an afternoon writing letters to you all.
I am with you all. I have much enjoyed reading the new booklet about Alcoholism,
this is really important for us in this area of the world. Even in the Old
Testament we read in places like Isaiah 28:1 that there is great "Woe" for those
who are alcoholic.
Bro. Igor
We have all been sick here, I also haven’t been able to
write because of a broken finger. Despite this we have been breaking bread on
Sundays at 11:00 as always. I am trying by all means to get to the
Bible School, it will be a
miracle if I can, but I pray.
Bro. Ivan
I am so sorry for my long time of not writing. There is not
a day that goes by where I do not have some trauma or problem, in my family, in
my health which is weak, or in opposition I find at my work, where people are
somehow jealous of me and there is much religious gossip. But I am God’s
creation and I know that He will preserve me, and I keep praying that I will be
among the sheep and not the goats when Jesus returns.
Sis. Elena
I am writing from here as I am now at college here. I am
thinking much about
God, I am grateful for your support, and I am hoping I may
be able to share something of the truth with others here.
Bro. V.
We are now meeting together with the
Kazan ecclesia whenever we
can, numbering about 15 who regularly attend with Sis Ludmila. We all so love
and respect her, she is a great blessing to us and has shown us how to live as
true Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Sis. Valentina
Photo: Bro. Vladimir and Sis. Nina with an interested friend
I am thinking still of ways to preach here. I am eagerly
awaiting when Br. William will complete typing up my translation of Br.
Stewart’s book Numbers and Colours in the Bible. I know an Adventist here who is
a great inspiration to me, he goes out on the streets each day and seeks to talk
to people and offer them literature. I will never give up my hope of having an
ecclesia here.
Bro. Vladislav
I am sincerely praying for Jesus to return this year to end
all divisions between people and to bring His Kingdom.
Sis Elena
I am sorry I was unable to come to the
Bible School as my mother is
now critically ill. But I truly think of you and wish peace and blessing to be
with all our Brothers and Sisters.
Sis Ludmila
We are truly so sorry we can’t get to the Winter Bible
School but we will think of you all and are very much with you all as we too
continue our walk with you to the Kingdom.
Sis. Ludmila, Bro. Stas
We here would all so love to come to the winter
Bible School, we are very
sorry if this won’t be possible. We are living here in very poor circumstances
and these Schools are the only light in our lives
Sis. Vera
I make special prayers to God about all our suffering
Brothers in Iran,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. I also pray more strongly, "May your Kingdom come".
Bro. Vladimir
We have the breaking of bread here every Sunday and I am
leading the meetings apart from when we go to
Kiev for the breaking of
bread there. We think of you in
and love you all so much.
Bro. Gennady
I have been very ill and in hospital and it has been very
hard for me to afterwards go to the village and gather food. My husband Bro
Vitaly is not allowed to live where I live as I am in a woman’s hostel, but we
see each other each day. We have so little money. We pray to God and we love
Him. We are reading His word daily and are so longing for Jesus return.
Sis Nadia
I am facing opposition from people here, but I do not fear.
I realize that you are my most wonderful friends and true family. I very much
love you and appreciate all you do for me.
Bro. Oleg