News from Africa
We greet you
in the name of our Lord and Saviour. We ask you to pray for us because of our
Sisters and Brothers who fled their quarters at Kinama, north of Bujumbura where
the rebels are in confrontation with the government army. They are in the
miserable situation of being lodged by members of their families in the quarters
at Cibitoke. Please pray for us and for peace in our country.
Photos. Above: The baptism of Bro.
Kitambala Jean Pierre in August, 2003. Below: The ecclesia at Cibitoke.
We are fine. We
plead with God for His blessings to foster His work in the ecclesia at Buea.
While we try our best in doing our service to God, our handicap is getting
Bible Basics and Gospel News to aid our evangelisation work.
Agbor Martin Ebai
I am delighted to report the
visit of Brothers Ian, Ged and Sisters Sue and Veronica in Douala.
After our
Bible talks on, "I know Thy Works" by Bro Ian, we moved to the baptismal action
in Bonaberi where two new babes were received into the faith. We also had two
marriage blessings, that of Bro Tanyinjia Atabong Martin and Sis Lucy Atabong
and also that of Bro Joseph Igah and Sis Therese Igah. The blessing
ceremony was conducted by our U.K brothers with the quotations from the books of
Gen. 2:28 and Eph. 5:22:25. May the blessing of the Lord be upon us till the
coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro Amumbi Robert.
Thank you very much for the
BIBLE BASICS. I will use Psalm 52:9 to thank you. I started the Sunday School
in 2000. We are learning in SS the years of those of old, Methuselah 969 years
and Noah 950 years, that the Bible is the only book that contains God’s works
and plans for man.
Bro. Princewill F. Mobit
I last wrote to you I have been sick, and in hospital for two months, but I am
beginning to recover and will soon be discharged. Thank God for the Brothers
who have been praying for me all this time, and to God for restoring me to
health. Brother, I want everyone to pray for me and for the contacts who were
preparing to be baptised; as they have seen no one, I wonder how they stand in
the Lord, but thank God I bought some Bibles and sent to them for guidance. I
intend to visit them when I get out of hospital.
Bro. George Njuh Ewi
Photo. Bro Leke Thomas in
front of the Edea Ecclesial Hall, when in construction.
The Lord Jesus
will soon come back to the earth; we should all be ready to receive him as our
Sis. Rachel Leke
Photo: Sis. Rachel Leke
I have been
delighted with the content of the Key Cards you kindly sent to me. I am now
inspired to make a request: Having made a check I find there are many numbers I
have not got. I should be grateful if you could send me these and hope you will
not mind the inconvenience.
Bro. K.A. Gepi-Attee
There is much
work to be done here, and if our Lord and Master remains away, God willing more
will be added to the vineyard of the Lord. Events in the world tell us that the
coming of the Lord is very near, therefore we should hold fast and support one
another on the road to the Kingdom.
Bro. Joseph Oppong
I take this
opportunity to write and thank you for the work you seriously undertake. I am a
new Christian convert from the Muslim doctrine. The books you have produced
have changed my life fully. Really the truth is in the Bible, not in church
doctrines. My family members are still under Moslem law, but I decided to
follow the truth that will lead me to the eternal life soon.
Bro. Saligue Bukhebi
First of all I
would like to thank you for the six free books you sent to me for the use of the
church; we are very grateful and they may be used by some members of other
churches who request for them. May our Almighty God bless you and may you
continue in assisting us to proclaim the gospel news.
Bro. Emmanuel Joumer
I thank you very
much for the materials you sent to me which I received without problems.
Bro. Moses Sande Joumer
It was so nice to
hear from you and I was pleased to receive a Bible from Bro. Malcolm
Cross. I would also be pleased to receive Bible Basics in Kiswahili
Bro. Gibson A. Azere
I’m glad to take
this opportunity to thank God for His love towards all men. My prayer is to ask
God to open ways to enable brothers and sisters to continue giving support to
our CBM and CAT to get more books for our library. May I also thank you for the
work you are doing to assist us. Please continue serving Him because your reward
is awaiting yonder
there. Time will show when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to this earth to set up
God’s Kingdom.
I would like to inform you that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me chance to travel
to Migori- KABABU ECCLESIA on Friday December 12, 2003. I joined our brothers
and sisters there and we shared the word of God and were together in memorial
services on Sunday. The Lord is good He guided me and came back safely. It is
lovely for brothers and sisters to be together but because of the distance it is
impossible now. We are looking forward for that time when we shall share
together in the Kingdom. Please I am requesting you humbly to send to me ten
copies of Bible Basics (eight in English and two in Kiswahili). I am
requesting to get preaching materials because the work is wide and I look for
good reports in the future.
Walter Odongo
Time is passing
by and we are still waiting for our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who we expect soon to
establish the Kingdom here on earth. Our hope is that we shall be among those
who shall inherit that precious Kingdom. All over the world everyone is praying
for peace and harmony. Kenya is trying to maintain peace, but still cases of
political instability are reported. My fellow Brothers and Sisters here in
Kenya are all right, despite the day-to-day problems in people’s lives. May we
meet soon in the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Gideon Mukeku
I would like to
offer myself to the service of spreading the gospel of God. I am a student aged
18 and have felt so much inspired by your letter, which is indeed a call from
God, that is why I have written to inform you that I am ready for the work.
Please note my address.
Bro. Isaac Wabuge
I am thankful for
you remembering me and sending me some more cards accompanied with booklets and
leaflets to help me and the ecclesia. We pray that God will make you wise in
preparing such material to support our faith. I am also thankful for Gospel
News from which I am gaining knowledge through the views of Brethren and
Sisters from all over the world. I saw my article about the commandments; I am
pleased you have fulfilled all that you said in your letter. There are three
interested friends who are in need of Bible Basics. If you can please
send them to me, it would be better if we had the Kiswahili translation, because
it is the language understood in our area. My acknowledgement goes to my tutor,
Bro. J.T. Waycott, who is now aged; he is helping me with Lukosi ecclesia.
Bro. Joseph Katasi
I hope you are
fine in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ just as I am with my family and all
other members of Kitale ecclesia. Thank you very much for the books sent, they
are really helping us to understand many things, which we had only a vague idea
about. At the same time they are helping us to walk towards God’s Kingdom. We
are praying to the Lord to give you strength so that you can continue spreading
the gospel.
Peter Weksa
In the past I
have had some problems with my P.O. Box, but Bro. Trevor has been helping me.
Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
I am very happy
writing to you to thank you for the work you are doing in helping us in the
ecclesia. You sent Bible Basics and added other interesting booklets, leaflets
and some cards to make us wise in the word of God – particularly myself, I found
my faith being built up through understanding.
Bro. Samson Simiyu Wanyonyi
Photo: Bro. Samson Wanyonyi
I’m very thankful
for your letter enclosing a booklet for more encouragement concerning the soon
coming of our Master, Jesus, and the events seen, fulfilling foretold prophecy.
The Scripture says, “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds and
in their hearts also will I write them, and I will be to them a God, and they
shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his fellow citizen,
and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me, from
the least to the greatest of them. My wife, Sis. Judine, passes you warm and
loving greetings in the truth, with the great hope of enjoying soon the coming
of our Master, Jesus Christ.
Bro. Joseph Opiyo Nuani
I am so grateful
to receive from you, and thanks a lot for the work you are doing; may our God
Almighty, together with His Son, multiply blessings to you. On my side, we are
just OK, both spiritually and practically, except that we are experiencing some
hardship because of famine. Just to request any book concerning Islam and some
copies of Bible Basics in Kiswahili, if available. I send my hearty
gratitude to all of you who spend hours in publishing this Gospel News
which enables us to know the problems and blessings of Brothers and Sisters
world-wide. I am so happy to fellowship with Brethren of Kababu since July 2003
to date. I truly admire the courage of my Brothers in Nyandenga ecclesia (in
the picture) and other isolated Brothers and Sisters, at such great cost to
Bro. Richard Oduma
Photo: Nyandenga Brethren:
Jared, John and Daniel (standing) and Richard and Eraline
Since 2001 up to
March 2003 we have been learning the Bible, through studying it. In April 2003,
we became Brother and Sister, i.e. my wife, Sara, and I were baptised. Through
Bible study the relationship between us has really improved. Surely the Bible
has added happiness to our family, this is through reading chapters like Gen.
2:24-25, Ps. 45:10 and Matt. 19:5. 1 Peter 3:1-9 has shown us that the word of
God brings peace. I personally would like to thank you for sending GOSPEL NEWS.
I have been sharing it with Sis. Sara and it’s real good; it makes us know much
about other Brothers and Sisters world wide, e.g. March/April 2003 issue page 1,
where there is a unique picture. Such pictures make people (myself included)
understand that the gospel and GOSPEL NEWS is for all races in the world. May
God bless you.
& Sis. Munga Lugo
Thank you for
sending me Bible Basics in Kiswahili and other literature. Let us look
at what God is doing among people and nations for the preparation of our Lord
Jesus Christ’s return and rule.
Bro. Johnstone Kaliwanga
Please try to
serve me: We have a Brother, Richard Olang, who was baptised in 1973, who has a
son learning in USA, and he would like him to be sent Bible Basics in
English and, if possible, to be put into contact with any Brethren in the US to
learn more about our faith. I am getting on well in the faith and we still
maintain our Memorial service.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
May God our Lord
do miracles so that the gospel can spread all over the world through native
languages. As Jesus said, that gospel should be preached to the whole world and
then the end will come. Preaching the gospel through native languages is surely
a sign that the end will soon come
Sikolia Kapa.
Photo: Tongaren Sunday School
and teachers
I want to thank
God for giving you the will to spread the word world over. The kind of change
you have inspired in people through this will be rewarded. I congratulate you,
too, for the literature you sent to me late last year, all received; I am
strongly assured that it is going to have a great impact in the lives of many
people who will want to share it with me.
Bro. Moses Wafula
Really, I am so grateful for the
wonderful book, ‘Why Are we Here?’ sent to me as a gift so that I might read it
and increase my knowledge in the word of God. I just say, Thank you for the
book. Here in my beloved country it just seems as though the times prophesied
has come by the events taking place; I would like to mention some: (1) There
is famine in so many parts of the country and a huge number of people are dying.
(2) Due to starvation, many people have turned to being killers or
blood-suckers. Some have turned to thieving and so break our houses and steal
things and sell them very cheaply for survival. There is also a hatred
currently prevailing among people. There is no love. In families children
rebel against their parents and some even beat up their parents. Things have
changed and become worse indeed. So do these things show that the coming of
Jesus Christ is very near and we should be prepared for his coming? Really, I
am very perturbed and fearful, for I do not know what is going to happen in the
future. Only God knows what will happen and I trust Him and regard Him as both
my Shield and Fortress. The reason for many of these happenings seems to be
unemployment. Please pray for me that God, will hear my prayers when I pray to
Him, asking for employment. I thank you for Gospel News which I
receive. I am grateful for it and realise that it contains good news about my
Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Bernard Lintsa
Photo: Brothers and Sisters of the
Cyangugu ecclesia and their children
I do appreciate
your work in publishing Gospel News, indeed, you’re following the works
of our Lord Jesus Christ that words of God must be spread all over the world,
that whosoever believes and is baptised may attain the Kingdom. My father fell
asleep recently. The problem is that after my husband died, leaving me with two
daughters, I came back to my parents and enjoyed being with them, my children
also got used to calling my father their father and not ‘grandpa’. They are now
asking me who are they to call ‘father’. I answer that God in heaven is our
Father, but I often feel depressed with the question, as the kids are so young
that it will take time for them to understand what I mean. The second thing is
that my living now is so much poorer. I earn my living by farming, but one has
to have farm inputs, e.g. seeds, fertiliser, etc. The thing is it is impossible
for me to go into town to look for employment because my mother is old and town
life with children is really difficult. So your prayers for me are most helpful
for both spiritual and physical things. I enclose a picture of my daughters and
Sis. Bertha Khonje
Sis. Khonje with
Charity, left, and Florence
I receive
Gospel News and am greatly touched with the various activities of praising
God all over the world; please continue sending it to me. I am very much
interested in translating Bible Basics into the Tumbuka and Nkhonde
languages; Tumbuka is my mother tongue and it is spoken by over five million
people in the whole Northern region of Malawi.
Bro. Evans K. Mfuni
I have not been
receiving Gospel News magazine. Please, I beg you that you send it to
me. Gospel News is a very helpful magazine and boosts people’s spiritual
capacity. When I did receive it I was kept abreast of what is going on in the
world. If you could send me ‘Elpis Israel’, ‘The Visible Hand of God’ it would
be much appreciated. Since you sent me, ‘Why Are We Here?’ I haven’t received
any booklets from you; I rely on you, as you are the one who writes to me.
Bro. Robson Tiyamike
It gives me great
joy to write again in Gospel News. It was early morning last September
that we set off for town for a Brother’s project, when a pick-up Toyota full of
firewood entered our main road –M1 – only a few metres away from the
crossroads. We heard a smash from our back. A friend of mine sat on my
left-hand side with the driver on my right. Alas! The three of us didn’t know
what was happening. I then realised that the driver was crying, the car’s head
was pointing in the direction from which we had come and wood was scattered all
round the area – and the friend to my left-hand was nowhere to be seen. After
struggling hard to get out of the damaged car and standing up I realised that we
were in the accident, and I can’t believe how I was saved from it, but I
remembered Deut. 32:39, “See now that I myself am He. There is no god beside
me. I put to death and I bring to life; I have wounded and I will heal, and no
one can deliver out of my hand.” The friend from the car died and I sustained
injuries to the scalp, stomach, legs and hands. The driver and I were taken to
hospital. God worked some miracles for us – mainly for me because I failed to
walk, but can now do so. Brothers and Sisters, pray with me to God and thank Him
for sparing my life. We all need each other’s strength and encouragement.
Since my baptism in 1995 I have never been written to by any UK Brother except
Bro. Duncan; my address is: Chamkusu School, Boyole Own Village, Box 298 Kasungu.
Alexander J.C. Banda
Bro. Alex Banda (sitting
on right) with friends
Your fellow
Christadelphians here greet you cordially in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please be informed that Malawi, though a small country, has over 12 million
people who are thirsty for the word of God, but their thirst for the word is
overshadowed by constant hunger for food and other necessities. People are by
nature really hard workers, but despite their hard work in their gardens, they
harvest little yields due to lack of fertilizer and good seed. Therefore we
Christadelphians this end humbly request their fellow Christadelphians that end
to please assist us in procuring fertilizer so as to be self-sufficient in food.
Bro. James C. Nyoni
Sorry, for I have spent a long
time without notifying you about how I am keeping. I am very sorry to tell you
about the death of my father in 2002; he was laid to rest in my village. I am
facing problems with my brothers who I stay with; before my father died they
loved me, but since my father passed away they are not taking care of me. I am
your Brother patiently waiting for the second coming of our King to establish
God’s Kingdom.
Bro. Joel Singini
Thank you for
helping me to get more books. Kindly send me three copies of English Bible
Basics for some friends. Life is still difficult, as earthly leaders never
think good of their subjects. The recent increase in the price of fuel has
brought more hardship to Nigerians generally. We pray for the quick
intervention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom which
will consume all these earthly kingdoms (Dan. 2:44).
Bro. James E. Ogbah
I received the
parcel and letter and am very, very grateful for the kind gesture and the
contents, especially the two Bible Basics that I immediately gave to the
two people who had been pressurising me no end. I made it known that it would
be a great disservice if they did not study the book well and abide with what
was written inside it, taking into consideration the pains taken to print the
book, the cost of postage etc. to save a soul. They thanked me for my effort,
as they didn’t want to believe me when I told them I had written to you. As you
are aware, many of our people here are semi-literate and by translating into
their own language they can understand quicker and more souls may be won.
Bro. Sunday
We pray always
for all of you who devote your time and life to spreading the good news of the
future coming Kingdom of God on the earth to those countries of the world that
have not herd the wonderful news. We implore you not to relent, no matter what
difficulties you may find on the way. God will guide and protect you in your
Bro. Friday E. Umesi
Some time back
our Sister Rose Nwogu received a serious wound to her right eye when she was in
her garden. Soon as we saw the wound we rushed her to hospital and she was
admitted for treatment. The doctor said the eye should be operated on, which
has been done. The box of Bible Basics has arrived – no trouble on the
way. Thank God it has been received. We would still like some more which will
be very useful to us.
Bro. Nwogu

Sis. Rose Nwogu
We are a group of six Brothers
and three Sisters who are regular in our ecclesia. We send you our picture so
that other Brothers and Sisters world-wide can see us and pray for us. We are
receiving Gospel News each time.
Theophile Mwagalwa
Sis. Zelpha
gave me a Bible in 1999 and told me the difference it would make to my life. In
2000 she tutored me and I was baptised into the saving name of our Lord Jesus
Christ in 2003.
Andiswe Mbuqe
With great sadness we report the
falling asleep of our dear Brother Silvesta Kateniba last November 16 at the
age of 60. He had a stroke while returning from his field. Our Brother leaves
us an example to emulate for his faith, love and devotion to the Lord’s work. He
had in the past few years become bodily weak with the engulfing poverty
conditions, but is now awaiting resurrection to come face to face with the Lord
Jesus whom he trusted. We buried our Brother at his home in Lipangalala. About
500 people attended the funeral, in which we seized the opportunity to introduce
the Christadelphians, read and spoke from Psalm 146, exhorting everyone to seek
their own salvation by searching the Scriptures. Bro. Kimimino Mnzava
Since I left Kigwa and came to
the Lugufu camp my living conditions are worse. I sold everything at a low
price and spent all the money on train fares and then to be rejected; the
Immigration has forced me to leave Kigwa. So I have many difficulties and do
hope you will help me. I found brothers and sisters who preach the gospel and
we break bread together.
Bro. Lawi
Many thanks for your help in
spreading the gospel by sending us Bible Basics in Swahili and others in
English for our brothers and contacts; these will be helpful to us in spreading
the gospel. We also appreciate your work in spreading the gospel by sending
Gospel News which we receive regularly. May God bless you. We would like
to have some copies of the book, In Search of Satan (“KUMSAKA SHETANI” in
Swahili).. Last September at Mtabila we had very happy fellowship with Brethren
from the UK, Bre. Arthur East, Paul Dredge, also Bre. Benoit Mukendi (Arusha,
Tanzania), Sammy Mutunga (Mawandeo, Kenya) and Brethren and Sisters from
Muyovozi ecclesia.. We also had interviews for baptism and baptised three of
six contacts, they are Bro. Baranyizigiye Liberiyo, Bro. W. Choyanga Jotham and
Sis. Firela Isaac, afterwards we had a breaking of bread. May God bless them on
their journey to the Kingdom of God. I enclose a picture of this visit.
Charles Hakizimana
Photo, from left: Bre. Ntahokagiye
Gabriel Fidel, Hakizimana Charles, Sammy Mutunga and Arthur East.
I am writing to inform you of the
baptism last year of Sis. Banderembako Fidela of the Muyovozi ecclesia during
the visit of Brothers Arthur East and Paul Dredge, accompanied by Brothers Sammy
and Benoit, at the Mtabila ecclesia. Last year Bro. Gahitira Leverien and
Sister Hakizimana Josephine and I were baptised during the visit of Bro. David.
Now Muyovozi ecclesia has four baptised members; we are very glad and thank our
Lord. We bread bread together, remembering the death of our Lord and look for
his return to earth. We recently had copies of English Bible Basics, but would
like it in Swahili and French.
Habonimana Isaac
I would like to report to you
that we were very happy to welcome to our ecclesia four Brothers from different
places, among them, Bro. Arthur East and Bro. Paul Palmer from the UK, Bro.
Sammy Mutunga from Nairobi, Kenya and Bro. Benoit Mukendji from Arusha, Tanzania
Wabene Bernard
Last year our small ecclesia had
a visit from Bre. Phil Ashcroft from UK and James Katondji from the D’salaam
Mbagala ecclesia. Despite all the problems, the visit was a success and we are
very thankful for the material grants sent by our UK brethren. I also thank
Bro. Arthur East for his help. All was thankfully received through Bro. Phil
Ashcroft. We take the opportunity to announce, for general information, our
postal address, which is now: P.O. Box 78, Mang’ula, Tanzania, E. Africa. May
the Lord continue to care for His people with love as we all walk in the
wilderness towards His Kingdom, with the hope of attaining the promised
everlasting life with our Lord Jesus when he reigns as King.
Joseph A.
I have been encouraged since
receiving information about the work you are doing, especially in Pakistan. May
God bless you. Through faith we can do what seems impossible. I heard about
you all from Bro. Graham Cooke (Phil. 1:6). Pray for me so that I may be strong
in His work.
Jonathan Nkombe
I was very happy to receive your
letter and my hope is that you are well. Thank you for sending me Bible
Basics in Kiswahili; when I received it there were many Christians and every
one wanted to read it, so now I haven’t any type of Bible Basics. I
need, if possible, 15 copies in Kiswahili. Also if possible send clothes
because there is a contact who is lame.
Ezra R. Baocuti
I appreciate the material
received from you, including Bible Basics, all are very helpful. I would like
to introduce to you my neighbour who is very interested in the booklets sent to
me; we have been sharing them and I would be very pleased if you would send him
a supply.
Bro. Nkonge Mwakatage
How is the preaching in the UK?
We this way in Uganda have to say that Kigansilo are now working together and
showing love and preaching unity to other people who now want to know the gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Patrick Opondo
We express our thanks for the
letters we receive. You know, this language you use in sending letters to us
troubles us so much in reading. Why don’t you tell people to translate into
French or Swahili?. Here in Kipoma the situation is very bad; the problem is
rations. I am an old man, aged 69, and want to eat and worship God only. Is
there anyone who is 69 years old who can write to me so that we can make a
friendship? For our Christadelphian church, we are now 39 baptised; many
others have not yet been baptised, including many women whose husbands are
already baptised.
Ikola Baudouin
Loving greetings in the name of
our Lord Jesus who we are waiting for very soon. I would first of all take this
opportunity to thank the Almighty for His love to us all. I thank you who have
managed to send us good news ever to renew the hearts of every believer
world-wide. I pray that God will bless you. Let us encourage each other in
good deeds and be strengthened in the word. The apostle Paul tells us to live
holy lives (1 Thess. 4:7), to be awake. and put on God’s armour, to pray as we
wait for God’s Son to come and set up the Kingdom on earth. Everything will be
solved when he comes.
Harriet Wekoye
Baptism of Bro. Johnny Muhangi in
a plastic-lined builders’ bag in a hotel shower at Mbarara.
It is a long time since we last
communicated; however, we are always close together as members of the same
family of God and through prayer. We were very happy to host Brethren Kevin and
Paul last month and were blessed with three more baptisms, these being in
addition to the five we had prior to their visit; these include my wife, Jane,
who in the past had not seen the truth of our faith, but God has now shown her
the right way to take which will, in the end, lead her to salvation. I am happy
that God is blessing my humble work of preaching and our ecclesia is growing.
May His Name be praised. All the fruits we are reaping are the result of a
combined effort of yourself and several others who have been supporting us here;
may God continue to bless you for your support. I received two mail bags around
the same time. Here is Uganda any item now received from abroad is taxed, it is
called VAT (Value Added Tax), on top of the handling fee already charged by the
Post Office.
Godwin Mugasi
Since 1998, when I was baptised,
I have stood firm in Christ, preaching the word of God to other people. Where I
stayed is far away from Chifunsa ecclesia – about 8kms – but I force myself to
go there every Sunday. I am poor and do not even have a bicycle – I go on
foot. I also have a Bible study at home every day. Another thing is that I
have about 15 students and teach them from Bible Basics. The Bible I use
is in Bemba language, but it is difficult, as some people do not understand
Bemba. I therefore am asking for an English Bible to help in my teaching.
There are also some people who want to join us. I am one brother who is strong
in preaching the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro. Edward Mutale
Thank you so much
for having sent me some booklets. I’ve really enjoyed the book Introducing the
Christadelphians; I
now understand better how they
began, I got it first from ‘Elpis Israel’, but the small book has given me more
details. I am still meditating, referring to ‘Elpis Israel’ and connecting it
with my Bible. It is a wonderful Hope. I have found the true faith. So nice
to hear that Duncan is now married. May God bless them.
Amos Chikanda
Time is flying by so fast; very
soon we will be holding another Camp! I have recently managed to purchase a
pair of shoes and can’t wait to put them on! I have been down with malaria for
a couple of days and have lost weight. As I can’t find work, it is difficult to
have normal meals. I would love to go to the farm and cultivate, but I don’t
see myself meeting the farming requirements. I am a little low in spirits.
Bro. Lapulani
Most people put trust in someone
they can touch and see. The apostle John says “God is a spirit, and they that
worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Sin in the
flesh demands things it can see and touch, and ‘sheol’ – the Hebrew word for the
‘grave’ – demands all flesh. Psalm 146:3-5 says, “Put not your trust in
princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth
forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy
is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his
God.” Solomon says (Prov. 1:7), “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction”. People enjoy something
they can see and touch instead of trusting in the living God.
Fred Mumba
Any sincere servant of God would
be delighted to devote a good amount of time in personal Bible study (Psalm
1:1-3), yet there are demands on them for other things. In order to carry on
as active servants of God, we eed to have our joy and strength renewed from day
to day by finding new and deeper aspects of the truth of God’s word. It is
good, even vital, that we make a conscious and constant effort to gain fresh
insights into His word so as to keep ourselves spiritually stimulated.
Bro. Sakala William
I really thank you once more for
the news about Bro. David Jacob of Oman who is doing a commendable job in the
Lord. I have now got 19 pupils for the pre-school/nursery level, plus the other
two for tuition and will soon send you a photo. In the meantime a friend has
asked me to have the snap scanned for a Newsletter to be sent to the Netherlands
and the UK. Thank you for the CIL, Gospel News, and Glad Tidings, all of which
I am enjoying. Again I say: We need to go! Let us go! We really have to take
a step forward.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba
In Zambia (Solwezi) we have some people who are interested in joining the
Christadelphians, but they cannot understand the English language, therefore
they are hindered; one of our students was disappointed when some Brothers came
last year because she could not read English.
Bro. Joseph Kapimpa
I am in receipt of the
consignment of 18 Shona Bible Basics and have already started
distributing them. We mourn the death of my father-in-law, who passed away
after a long illness; this was in September, 2003. We continue to toil in the
Lord’s vineyard until he comes, which we hope will be very soon, as things get
worse in this part of the world. Regarding the marriage bond, complete mutual
love and sympathy existed in the beginning between Adam and Eve, whose nature we
inherited. Adam and Eve were not only “one flesh” by marriage, but by creation,
for Eve was formed out of Adam by the action of a common parent – God. They
would both inherit common hopes, aspirations and ideals. No other marriage has
been like that one. The perfect reciprocal marriage will be found in the
“marriage of the Lamb” with his bride, for the one was formed out of the other.
Itai Tembo
Photo: After the baptism of
Sis. Agnes Phiri, stripped dress (Chegutu)
It was comforting and encouraging
hearing from you, but I was sorry to know you had been unwell. We know these
are some of the trials of this life, hence our desperate attempt to have nothing
to do with it. We now know, without doubt, that the time is near when we are
hoping to leave this painful life behind as we enter the Kingdom of God where
there shall be no sorrow, hunger or pain – to name but a few things. Thank you
so very much for the public debate you sent me; it was very educative and
interesting and helped me explain some of the difficult aspects that go with
that topic. I won’t hide the fact that most brethren find it hard to explain
why we don’t believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit gifts in this age.
Bro. Duncan’s arguments left me no alternative but to picture him as a man
working tirelessly for the Truth to be known, and this only being a result of
wide reading and research. I thought you might like to know a little about me.
I am 38, married to Mercy and the two of us have been blessed with three lovely
boys, the elders of whom is now 16. My wife and I do not go to work, we farm
and only get enough to see us through to the next planting season. With
adequate rains we will be quite comfortable. We even manage to send two of our
boys to school, but the past two years have not been good, what with the rising
cost of living and successive droughts. I was born into a ‘Salvationist’
family, but learnt the truth four years ago and was baptised into the Name of
Jesus. There is no looking back; my family and I have promised to work for
Jesus to the end and are eagerly awaiting his coming.
Thompson Changata
I would like to thank you for
Gospel News. I also appreciated your letter
Shiela Chawaguta
We delight in the baptism of
Sithembile Munyama and pray that she will hold fast to the truth she has
received until the Good Shepherd returns, and we see the signs of his coming
daily. I will be going to Chiredzi where I am looking forward to meeting Bro.
Jonathan Zyayamwenye. Thank you very much for the 20 English Bible Basics;
I have already given 16 away. I hope to see you very soon in the Kingdom, as
there are clear signs telling us that it will not be long before the coming of
the Lord.
Moses Dhlakama
I have visited Triangle to follow
up students; they began by asking questions about God’s promises to David and
what happens when a person or animal dies. Another student-raised questions
about demons, how they work within us, and why do some people believe in them?
He also wanted to know how Satan overpowers us, instead of God. We had a nice
day with them all and covered many subjects; they also enjoyed our visit
Isaac Guzete
I thank God for His kindness and
His wisdom. The year I was immersed everything changed – even my thoughts have
changed. I was following an idol, a god I did not understand. The day I
started receiving the books everything changed. Here is a picture of me.
Bro. Jonathan Zyayamwenye.