News from Africa
Kinshasa Sunday School, Congo | Having a lesson on King Solomon
Kinshasa Sunday School, pictured above and below left
ELDORET | Bro Nasongi Harron
I have developed a good foundation of the Bible from studying ‘Introduction to Bible Basics’ and want to move further forward.
Initially I picked up the book from a street vendor and found it was not like any other Christian book. When I first reached Study 4 on Death, I realised I was empty of hope as I had no Bible knowledge on true Christianity.
Brothers, it takes heart to do such a good work, to lead people to the right decision – to take the direction which leads to the Kingdom of God, that will be set up in this world with our Lord Jesus Christ as our King.
We are grateful for the gospel material that you have been sending to us. Please, brothers, continue sending to us, for not only is this material helping us, but it is also helping the friends who are with us.
SINDO | Bro John Owalo Onani
Jesus Christ never wrote the New Testament, but he empowered the apostles by the power of the holy spirit to write it and to lay down first century Christianity based upon the prophets, apostles, Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:20).
Today, I would like to talk about God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis chapters 12 to 50). Yahweh, God of Israel, through the promises to the heroes of faith, revealed the key to understand the Bible based upon understanding the knowledge of the Father and His son Jesus Christ. The root cause originated in the book of Genesis chapter 3 when Adam listened to and obeyed the voice of his wife Eve, instead of listening to and obeying the voice of Yahweh God of Israel. In Genesis 11, people decided to build a tower to heaven and God turned away the thoughts in their minds to misunderstand, and brought on confusion and their plan was stopped. Then God made His covenant with Abraham.
In Genesis 22:1, Abraham was tested but God was pleased because Abraham obeyed his voice: Abraham became a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8; 2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23). “God said ‘I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great. You will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you. All the families of the earth will be blessed in you. Your descendants will be in Egypt 430 years.’” (Genesis 12:2; 15:15; Ezekiel 12:40-41).
“For I say that Christ has been made a minister of the circumcision for the faith of God that he might confirm the promises given to the fathers” (Romans 15:8). “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, raised Jesus from the grave” (Acts 3:13). “The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus whom you delivered up and rejected before the presence of Pilate when he had determined to release him” (Acts 5:13). God is the one who raised up Jesus from the grave: “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you slew, hanging him on a tree.”
How can we, the Gentiles, join Israel to share the promise of salvation in the Kingdom of God on earth? By belief, baptism and obedience, accept the gospel message: “the things of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12). The Kingdom of God was the kingdom of Israel which was on earth and was destroyed to be given to Jesus of Nazareth (Ezekiel 21:25-27). “‘Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel’. ‘It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father has set under His own authority’” (Acts 1:6-7).
Bro Francis Wanjala sends us this photo of the orphanage where he works. Alas throughout Africa there are lots of such orphanages in need of all kind of support.
The Ecclesia at Dzaleka Refugee Camp
I am very happy to write to you and tell you about the continuation of the Ecclesia of Dzaleka. We all greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is my sincere hope that you still remember that when Brother Ikola Bernard was still here in Dzaleka Refugee Camp we were two distinct groups under the same church. But when brother Bernard was resettled to the United States of America, I and the other group met, prayed to God and reached a very important step of forgiving each other and forgetting what had happened in the past. Therefore, we are united and we are very happy. For assurance from your side, we have enclosed two photos for you, of members standing in front of the Ecclesia of Dzaleka brothers, sisters and the children of the Sunday School.
When we were united, we had new church members, among whom some brothers and sisters went to the extent of becoming baptised. Those who accepted the gospel of good news were six in total, and we took them to Salima in Lake Malawi for baptism, after getting an assistance of 50 USD from Brother Bernard, and this, with an added 60 USD for trip expenditures (hiring a car and food) helped to make the trip successful. The trip and baptisms took place, by the grace of our Almighty God, on 20th July 2016, and we have enclosed a photo showing the new baptised church members for your assurance (pictured below). At this point, seven more people are taking baptism lessons and this makes us feel very happy for the prospect of having new born again members in Jesus Christ.
The Ecclesia of Dzaleka has made their request to you to help us with Bibles, books of songs and Misingi ya Biblia in Swahili versions. Here in Dzaleka, Bibles are sold at 12000 Malawi Kwacha, which is around 20 USD. These Bibles originated from Tanzania.
I am pleased to say our church is making good progress, without any problems. We number 67 in total. There are 31 adults, among whom 24 are baptised and seven are following baptism sessions. The number of children is 36. But we have the problem to face of the food crisis. It is now 3 months since we received any food, and we have no hope of getting any within these few coming days. Children and pregnant women are suffering a lot due to lack of food, hence your help is of great importance to us.
KASUNGU | Bro Harmony
Thank you very much for passing on to me your student who is at the baptism stage in my area. I have contacted him and after further instruction am arranging for his baptism at Mzima, God willing. The 180 booklets you sent on “When Will Jesus Return to the Earth?” has encouraged and strengthened Brethren and Sisters. Others are shocked at the message which is not taught in the churches, but are reluctant to resign from their churches and join us.
In the centre is Peter who is about to be baptised with Bro Harmony on his left
ENUGA | Bro Goddy Nwasu
Many people from different Ecclesias came to the CYC Meeting at Asaba-Delto State, with their own activities. There was very heavy rain for the first day when we began, yet people defied the heavy downpour, coming from all directions of the country to unite with their beloved Brethren and Sisters whom they longed to see.
There were also at the time despairing crises in Nigeria, together with an economic recession, yet our Brethren did not regard them. They attended the gathering with happiness, in order to worship together with others. The topic was “Walk Together.” In fact it was a joyful gathering: seven people were baptised from different Ecclesias. The names of the newly baptised are Igwodala Glory; Oubiebo Meshaeh,; Itak Udoh; Grace Owoseni; Chigozie Chisom; Godswill Uche Ndukwe; and Owuo Gba-Prosper Adaeze.
I use this media to thank our overseas brethren for their immense support of the gathering, especially Bro Daffyd Jenkins and Bro Philip Orah who were with us for the full time. We also thank the hosting Ecclesia.
Bro Emma Ndukwe received his Bible Basics. Could you please send some of these magazines to Bro Clement Ugwu and Bro David UD. The distribution of “When will Jesus return to the earth?” is a booklet of the moment as people here are worrying about our country’s troubles everyday, they are of course a fulfilment of the signs of the times. Many are unable to have more than one meal a day.
MBAISE | Bro Blessing Nwigwe
We are certainly living in the last days, waiting and praying for the return of our Lord Jesus back to the earth.
Many of the people in my ecclesia wish to thank you for the “Gospel News”, which helps them to know more of the gospel message and understand the Word of God. I would like to receive more books from you for my reading, and for sharing during public preaching.
OHAFIA | Bro Gaius Egwu
Nigeria is now in the grip of a terrible economic crisis; that is a sign of the Lord’s coming. Garri, which is our common food, was sold at 12 cups for 100 (Naira) up to 2015, and is now today sold at one cup for 100 Naira. In addition, many of the workers are owed six to nine months’ salary – everything is in turmoil.
The picture I enclose was taken during the wedding of our Sister and Brother Aloy, from Olokoro Kwuano Ecclesia, to Sister Janet Kalu of Ohafia Ecclesia. Dressed in the white suit is the husband, Bro Aloy, standing to the left is Bro Ibeka Thoms and Bro Joseph, both of Aba Ecclesia, whilst on the right, after a brother, is myself with my beloved Sister wife, Ngozi Gaius.
I still require more copies of “When will Jesus Return to the Earth?” with other materials, God willing, as well as, if possible, three Bibles, even already used ones would be appreciated.
| Omar B Ndamutsa
I am writing to thank you for Gospel News material that I have been receiving since I had contact with Christadelphians. These booklets help in witnessing to friends and relatives.
Today I am more than happy to be holding in my hands “When Will Jesus Return to the Earth?” I have well read the booklet and have found it a real eye-opener. I am going to study it so that I will be equipped enough to witness.
Bro Joseph and Sis Monica have been actively studying together the new NEV Bibles. Sis Monica proudly holding up her treasured copy.
MWANZA | Bro Moses Komanya
I am now 72 years old and the last 27 years have been spent in Christ. My eyes are now troubling me and I have difficulty reading the Bible and am in need of a second-hand or new pair of glasses. I wondered if someone could help me with these?
The photo enclosed are of two Bible reading Sisters – on the right, Sis Shikalile Komanya, and on the left, Sis Dotto Kalilyaya of Kidodi Ecclesia (pictured above).
I wish to let you know of my plans in these last days because my strength for working very hard at cultivating with hand hoe means that I can’t manage it.
Conscience is God’s built-in warning system. Be very happy when it hurts you. Be very worried when it doesn’t.
“And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men.”
Acts 24:16
KAFUE | Bro Emerson Ntebelma
Bro Emerson Ntebelma wishes to thank everyone who writes to him, sending literature and encouragement. He has taken some photos of other places he has visited, and has sent us some nice pictures.
Group of Sunday meeting at Kalomo.
At Mazabuka: left Joice, then Ruth and Esther, with Isaac sitting down.
Ted Musaka and James Zulu, with their Bibles at Choma.
Bro Simon Milimo who daily reads his Bible which increases his faith in God, which encourages him to follow Jesus. Alas, like all of us he fails at times, but thanks Jesus for opening the path so that our failings can be forgiven.
Ema Zulu goes to the meetings every Sunday and is glad they read the three portions of the Bible at the meetings. She is taking the 40 lesson course.
KAPIRIMPOSHI | Bro Austen Mwaka
I am in Lusaka District, but away from the town, where I am trying to spread the Good News to the needy. Kindly send me a copy of Wrested Scriptures: I had one copy, but someone borrowed it and failed to return it.
Some have left our group to either form their own churches, or join other religious groups. But the Truth will remain the Truth. I would rather remain alone than follow false churches who believe in Satan as a supernatural human being – something that is not Biblical.
NDOLA | Bro James Mwanza
Jesus tells us that He will come like a thief at night – that means He will come at any time. We should expect Him to come soon. The Bible tells us that faith in God is cardinal; without faith we can’t please God.
With this in mind, let us work very hard to read the Bible every day, let us also learn to share with others the Word of God – it is very important in our lives. Jesus Christ gave us a very good example by sending out the twelve disciples to preach the Gospel. “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” We thank God for what He has done for us. Thank you for the spiritual food in Gospel News.
PEMBA | Bro Joseph Mulawo
In our area I have a good number now of Bible students who have shown keen interest in our Bible Correspondence Course. I should thank Bro Kelly Simayumbulwa who is assisting these students with lessons accordingly.
I should also let you know that I must praise and thank our Almighty God for giving us good rains this season. If this continues like this to the end of the season, then we hope to have a good harvest.
Publishing and distributing Bibles and other Bible reading materials is a very important work, for it widens the knowledge about the good news of the Kingdom of God, especially here in Africa, where only a few people are able to afford to buy a Bible.
In our country, Zambia, we mostly use English as our official language. As such, English Bibles, Bible Basics and other reading materials can indeed help. We are grateful for all that is done to help with preaching the gospel by this means.
Bro Joseph Mulawo
CHIPINGE | Bro Farai Makandeni
Preaching here is going very well, as we had ten students doing Shona lessons, of whom six are from Ratelshoeck and the other four in various areas within Chipinge district. We also have seven students taking English lessons, four of whom are also from this Estate.
The Word of God must be spread to all corners of the world because the Bible brings the good news of the Kingdom of God which will be set up on the earth, and speaks of the forgiveness of sins through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The message is found in both the Old and New Testaments. Gen. 22:17,18, Daniel 2:44, also Matt.4:23, 6:12-18, 24:14. Study of the Bible is the only way to learn about God. It tells us all we need to know about Him and what He requires of us. God is the true author of the Bible. We need to read it every day.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, and there are many signs today to show that the coming of Jesus is near. People are experiencing many problems in the world today.
MAYUNJE | Bro Misheck Hondoma
Now I can write again to you and the Advancement Trust for book supplies as the bone in my right arm is healed. Without CAT we would not have the books and literature you send us. We need more as we need to improve our knowledge of the Bible. This year we have two new members: one brother and one sister. We need copies of English Bibles as without them we cannot go preaching from door to door. In our area, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are like ants. We write and write to other people but nothing ever comes, but we know that you send us books.
NKULUMANE | Bro Mesheck Shoko
We must remember that God created us with a purpose, to become a special part of His creation. Naturally sometimes through weakness we fail to live the lives we would like to, but by repentance we can obtain forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ, and our failings blotted out before him.
We want to always please God, as He has called us to be saints and wants us to finally enter into the rest of the Kingdom. Humanly it is impossible to live perfect lives, but by the mercy and grace of God the naturally impossible is possible. So let us press on trying to do our best for He wants us, indeed has promised those who try to serve Him a place in the Kingdom.
TONGOGORA | Bro Shukuru Isa
On behalf of Tongogora Ecclesia, we all say, “God bless you” for sending Gospel News and many other mailing items. As an ecclesia, we find that important, and we hope these will be of interest to us, together with our Bible lessons.
Be more concerned with what God thinks about you than what people think about you.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33 NKJV
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