news from south africa


Our new Sis Patrizia Straulino, a long time friend of Sis. Aneta from University days, was received into fellowship after her baptism into the saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sis Patrizia Straulino

Sis Patrizia Straulino’s Baptism


It is interesting and encouraging to learn the extent to which other brothers and sisters can go in fishing people for God. As I read the articles I was using a map of USSR, to see the places mentioned. I can see how far apart those areas are, and have learnt how dangerous some were and still are. Thanks to God for his providence, and those man-fishers who are faithful enough and prepared go to deep and dangerous oceans to catch man fish. I got baptized in 1999, having got an advert about Bible lessons in a newspaper placed by Duncan in Port Elizabeth in South Africa. I thank Duncan and Sarah Greeves for the lessons and encouragement. Since then a number of people have been brought to the Truth. Now we have an ecclesia at Kwadwesi in Port Elizabeth.

Bro. Zwelakhe Shologu


It is with much sadness that we are writing to let you know that our dear Bro Elijah Rabaji fell asleep in the Lord he loved, on Wed 27 April.

He had been in a lot of pain for a long time and we appreciate that God has been merciful to release him from the shackles of mortality . He is at rest till that glorious day of resurrection- He always spoke with such longing to be with his Lord & in the Kingdom As the founding member and father figure of the Soweto ecclesia he has been an inspiration of faithfulness and integrity. We are thankful he had the joy of seeing the establishment of an ecclesia which had always been his prayer.

Our love in the Lord of Life

Bro Paul & Sis Leonie

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