news from rwanda


We were very happy to see the first edition of the Swahili Bible Basics you sent to Bro. Masimango Amisi of Goma. He was not selfish with them but shared them out with one book to each ecclesia. As people in the area are Swahili-prone, the books have created a thirst to everybody, so please send 50 books of the kind Misingi Ya Biblia. We also need 50 books in French: Principes Bibliques. You could send the package by post please as you usually do.

We are very happy to see our Ecclesia growing because from 2005 until 2009, the number of baptised were only seven brothers and one sister. Now God has blessed us during this last year and our number has grown from eight to fifteen. Six brothers and a sister from Nyabiondo have been baptised at Masisi, while Masisi Ecclesia has two brothers and Burora only one. We thank God because our area is receiving the Truth and the number of candidates preparing for baptism rises week by week, in spite of the troubles and our ecclesial room without a roof exposing us to the weather.

In the 13th chapter of Matthew’s gospel, the first nine verses tell us about someone who went out with good seeds and threw them out over the land but in different areas: near the road, on a rock, on thorny places and lastly on good land. The results of the different stages could not be the same. In our century, the sowers have become several with a different quality of seeds.

According to the explanations given by our Lord Jesus in the first case, the seed is the Gospel. Now in Africa, many churches have become as non governmental organisations (N.G.O.) and are growing as mushrooms, altering the Truth to obtain profit, in violation of the warning of 2 Peter 1:20 and Rev. 22:18,19.

The artlessness of the majority of Africans has facilitated Christendom to make religion a genuine foundation in which profit of money is the objective, lying to the hearers that they are sent by Jesus is to infringe the Lord’s own words in Matt.10:24. They are attributing to God what He did not say.

What is Christendom sowing now? The speech of the teacher, Jesus Christ, in Luke tells us all. Let us leave him to judge. However, let us meditate on the warning he gave in Luke 18:8, Shall he find the faith in the world when he returns?

Bro. Mumfano Dunia

Nyabiondo Ecclesia studying the Bible weekly. In the right hand corner – Bro. Mumfano.

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