news from nigeria


I am a student in one of the universities that is 4h hours away from my ecclesia hall, Because of this I really need books like Bible Basics for comprehensive studies of the Word and proper spread of the Gospel to numerous people around me. I'll be very glad to receive a copy as soon as possible. Once again, I appreciate all your efforts both in preaching the word and in uniting all our brothers far and near through the wonderful work in Gospel News, I'll be glad if I can be getting copies of the Magazine at the University.

Sis Lydia Chidimma Ojike

Our Ecclesia is progressing, with more people coming in and a few leaving the fellowship due to some personal understanding of the Word. My Sister wife and I are still holding firm to our understanding but none of our daughters are with us. The first daughter, who was baptised, married a Pastor from Living Word Ministry in 2006 and had her baby boy in 2010. The third daughter married a C.P.M. Pastor in 2007 and they live in Italy. She also had a baby boy in 2008 and is already expecting her second child any time. These two ministries are all indigenous Christian churches. I do sometimes feel unhappy as I cannot see any of my children by my side in the Ecclesia.

Bro. James Ogbah


You have fulfilled my dream by sending me a box of preaching leaflets. The Customs phoned me and I immediately went for the parcel and when I saw your address I laughed. The officer opened the carton and I saw many pamphlets with the books. I thanked God first, before you. Since then I have spent much time in photocopying and running to and fro. I have had malaria fever but the joy of the pamphlets and your encouragement made me feel less ill. I am living in one room with my children because of the high cost of living here and this time of year we have hot weather and mosquitoes. I hope that in the Kingdom of God all things will be quite different. May I ask you if these are the tracts that Bro. Blackstone told me last September that he had ordered for me and told Bro. Dafydd to sign for me?

Bro. Goddy Nwosu

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