news from malawi

We are pleased to report the baptisms of Brothers DAVID, LUKA, ABDULLAH, PAUL, CHARLES, ANDREW, ELIAS, JAMES, PETER, SWETHAN, DANIEL and INNOCENT; and Sisters TERESA, EMILY, ZIONE, FLORENCE, KATE and JOYCE, all on the recent visit of Brother Duncan to the ecclesias in Malawi. May the Lord bless His mighty work in this country.


We have brothers and sisters here that read Chichewa only, so we have problems with English Bible Companions and please help us with Bible Basics books in Chichewa.

I run an Anti Malaria Club and give talks on ways of trying to prevent it, which is primarily through medication and the use of nets, all of which are in short supply. It is a sobering thought to realise that 30% of the adults and children in these photos will die of Malaria, this would not happen if they had the right preventative measures and care it. Young children are particularly vulnerable and I try to care for sixty orphaned children under seven.

Bro. Lyton John

Bro. John discussing malaria with adults.

Group in the Ecclesia’s grounds learning about malaria.


I am well and I really thank you that I will now be receiving your letters and I welcome all sisters who may wish to write and encourage me in my difficult situations. It was like a dream on a Monday morning in April when I received your Air Mail envelope containing a Gospel News to all nations magazine. I was like a lost sheep but have now found my way to the Kingdom of God.

Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Luke 10:27. Through the great work of CAT to all nations, many will be able to enter the Kingdom of God. His invitation is, “Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, Matt.11:28. So it is up to us to pray without ceasing, to live in faith and to do all things with love and to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers into His field. He said, “For God so loved the world (sinners and everyone) that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Our kind and merciful Heavenly Father has provided salvation through Jesus for all who avail themselves of His wonderful grace. So without CAT’s work, “To all nations” we would not have any means of feeling bad about sin, as we would not know right from wrong.

According to Psalm 119 the Word of God is the central thing in the lives of any believer. Romans 10:17 says that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Brothers and sisters, may we all be like the faithful virgins with oil in our lamps, looking, waiting and longing for the Lord’s return. Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong. Do everything in love (1 Cor.16:13-14). May all of us who worship God in sincerity and truth be ready to meet Jesus when He returns.

Sis. Bertha Khonje

Comment. The GN mailing list grows and grows and we need, from time to time to delete some recipients to keep the circulation within reasonable numbers. When we have not heard from someone for a couple of years we write and ask them if they still wish to receive the Magazine and if we do not hear from them, we delete them from the mailing list. In Sister Bertha’s case there had been a change of P.O. Box number of which we had not been notified. MH.


Knowing that nothing can be gained under the sun without having JESUS in our everyday life, I sanctify my life to God. Even though I am in the congregation of the Christadelphian Church I require some spiritual materials and I feel glad when I read your Magazine which inspires me in my walk.

Bro. Kennedy Ndaweza


I would like to share with you this good news. Last Sunday I baptised six people into the name of Jesus Christ(Acts 2:38) and in the evening we celebrated the Lord's Supper. Many people observed our great and unforgettable events. I do thank you for baptizing me and the spiritual support you sent me, especially the Bible Basics.

Bro. Innocent


We lack Swahili Bibles and would appreciate it very much if you could help us with five or more Swahili Bibles and song books.

Bro. John Abwe

Some members at Dzaleka


I've received the parcel of the New Testaments you sent. I went to a college recently constructed near to the camp, and asked permission for distributing some pamphlets The students were very interested but I didn't have enough literature. So please if you may send me others like: Introducing Bible Basics, Bible Companion and other New Testaments, at least 100 in general.

Bro. Bernard Wabene

Comment: The Christadelphian Advancement Trust sends out literature worldwide thanks to your donations which enable us to print and mail such things. Postage costs have increased radically recently.


We break bread and drink wine in remembrance of Jesus Christ till he come. We hear of him and say, “Whom having not seen we love”. The love of Christ is not a mere phrase with the true saint, it is in reality the leading sentiment of his mind. He says with Paul, ”the love of Christ constraineth me.” There is not a more powerful motive among men at all equal to the love of Christ. Nothing binds men so firmly together as a mutual and conquering love of Christ and nothing divides them so effectually as difference in sentiment.

Please send four Bibles for our members who have not got their own.

Bro. Edmund Store


For sure, the life we have inherited in Adam is a wearisome life, for it was said, “by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken, for you are dust; and to dust you shall return.”

No one amongst mankind is exempted from labouring for bread for his sustenance for life, but even then a sinful-laden life has an end in death – “for the wages of sin is death…”

However, had it not been for the love of God for us we really would have been greatly pitiful. Thanks to the ALMIGHTY GOD for Jesus who invites us all to rest in him. This rest in Jesus may be given to any, only on conditions. One of the conditions is to walk according to his precepts. A good lesson for us is Israel. Many of them failed because they did not go by God’s precepts and so they did not enter into His rest – the promised land.

Still more, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God – for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.

On 3rd April, we received Mcdonard Jobe into our Central Fellowship, fulfilling his desire and wish. He is still very weak and pale recovering from TB, the whole ceremony took place at his house. It was all joy amongst us. Again, the New Testament Bibles you sent us are very ideal for our preaching endeavours. Please remember us if you have some more.

Bro. Sylvester Tembo

Photo Bro Sylvester Tembo


Thanks very much for the books, I have put them on the shelf only to be borrowed and be returned, but one Bible Basics and the New Testament are already given to one of my friends who is very much interested in reading our books maybe one of these days he will contact you as he may be studying the manual.
Bro. Amison Liwawa


Thank you for sending me Gospel News which can encourage my friends to know more about the Bible. I would like to give a note to brothers and sisters worldwide who are spreading the Gospel, that without faith we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. We have to take the example of Abraham. God gave him a son, Isaac, when he was old and was also told to sacrifice him. Abraham went and prepared to sacrifice his son because he feared God, but God stopped him as he was about to slay him and God credited it to him as righteousness, Romans 4:3.

Bro. Diverson Folley

Photo: Bro. Diverson Folley


Sis. Mary Banda

Nkanda Sunday School


My desire is to teach and have a strong ecclesia here and nearby areas. Here at Nkhotakota we thank God for opening our eyes through the books you sent us. I was a pastor teaching people the trinity which is not in the Bible and so many wrong things. At first I was alone, but now God gave us in all 18 baptized. Also we have contacts in other places, KASUNGU, MWASAMBO,

NCHISI and MNDULUKA. These four places need visits. Let’s pray together that God will help us to reach those who need teaching. Bro. Duncan Heaster was here last month, he knows the situation here.

Bro. Leonard Chaunga

We have received copies of various Sunday school materials, copies of Bible Basics and The New Testament New European Version. Looking at the amount of materials which have been sent to us it is clear that a fortune has been spent on these materials. May the good Lord give back whatever has been lost. We greatly appreciate the effort you are making in trying to uplift our spiritual lives. It’s my prayer that the books will go a long way in uplifting ours and other peoples’ spiritual lives as we look forward to the kingdom of God. It is also of great joy to note that even other brothers and sisters are coming forward with the materials. May God bless you all. Your continued assistance is greatly appreciated. The Sunday School books have been put in our Library ready for use while the other books are under distribution. Some have gone to yet a new district of Mangochi about 400 km from Nkhotakota. This is yet another testimony on the mighty hand of God.

Bro. Esau C Chirwa


Ecclesia at Nterala awaiting copies of the New Testaments


Bro. and Sis Medson Katopela

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