news from tanzania


I am very interested in Gospel News, more than ever because our days are numbered before the second coming of Christ. The events in the Middle East, the uprising of masses against their leaders/kings, the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan are just a few SIGNS - to point towards the end of time, which are in line with Mark 13:8.

Bro. Samuel Mushi


By the grace of God I am still alive but in hopeless condition after my house was burgled in the night and most of my assets, including my very valuable bicycle, taken away. My bicycle is very important to me as I am lame and getting old. Our Brother Leonard Chakupewa, who was baptized in July 2008, fell asleep in Christ on March 9th 2011 from Asthma.

Bro Raphael Mkeya


The Book the REAL CHRIST, is nice and most instructive. It helps me much to teach Brethren and contacts here at the refugee camp. Each week Bro John Aldersly (NZ) sends me exhortations that are encouraging. Regards to Bro Roger Beck also.

Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca

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