news from zambia


I have received the 12 New Testaments and all are well distributed to ecclesial members, with many thanks. We need more Bibles please.

Bro. Isaiah C. Mumba


We have decided to start preaching, first at home then go out, following the command of our Lord Jesus. We plan to go out preaching for a week or two using the literature you sent. This year our aim is to do God’s work as time is drawing near for the Lord to come. Please we need your prayers and support of different kinds. We, as an ecclesia, despite being so poor, are wholly behind your work. We love seeing snaps in Gospel News. We need teaching information, encouragement and more literature for preaching.

Bro. Harry Hambula

Daphan Choir Members

Daphan Congregational Singing


I would like to enlighten my fellow Christadelphians of the misery I have. The month of March came to me on a wrong side. This is to say that my wife miscarried when her pregnancy reached 7 months. Before she miscarried I visited the hospital many times. They were saying that the baby was not well and was breathing very faint and the liquid they swim in was not clean. I tried my level best but all in vain and at last she miscarried on the way to hospital.

Nevertheless, during all these challenges I never forgot God, even on my darkest day when her pregnancy was destroyed. I read in the book of Job 2:9, “Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?” This book always strengthens me whatever situation I am involved in. Moreover it tells us how firm Job’s character was and therefore we should emulate Job. I look forward to all brothers and sisters remembering me in prayers so that God will strengthen my mind and my heart.

I am hereby writing to encourage our brothers, especially those that are engaged in publishing literature such as, Gospel News, books and the like and to say that we appreciate their work. We always put them in our prayers for the smooth running of their work for Christ. These brothers face some challenges and that is why we ought to pray so as to remove any stumbling block ahead of them. God’s hand is not short to bless these lovely brothers of ours.

Furthermore, as we receive the materials from our brothers let us put them to good use and always remember that there is a lot of effort applied before we receive any single item. Therefore we look forward to being in God’s Kingdom through reading the books and to live an everlasting life.

Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa

Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa


Throughout the world there are few who have their own Bibles so it is very good that you are printing a New Testament in modern English. I will be very glad to receive one because it is better to have your own Bible rather than borrowing or sharing one.

Bro. Greenwell Kunda


During the 1,000 years Jesus will rule from Jerusalem over the earth and make it into a a paradise. Also he will cancel the sins of those who love God. Jesus will thus eliminate sickness, ageing and death. Read Isaiah 11:9, 25:8. 33:24, 35:1.

When will God destroy evil on earth? Jesus gave a “sign” to indicate when the end is near. Present world conditions threaten man’s survival and show that we now live in the conclusion of the system of things. Read Matt.24:3, 7-14,21,22, 2 Tim. 3:1-5.

Regarding God’s creation, including the first humans on earth, the Genesis account says, “God saw everything he had made and look! It was very good”. Gen. 1:31. Adam and Eve were made very good, ideally suited to their earthly environment. There was nothing deficient in their makeup. Created “very good” they were certainly capable of the good conduct that was required of them. They were created “in God’s image” (Gen.1:27) so they had the capacity to demonstrate to some degree the godly qualities of wisdom, loyal love, justice and goodness, decisions that would benefit them and bring pleasure to their Heavenly Father, but they failed to do so.

Bro. Lotson Kayuni,

Thank you very much for the New Testaments and the other literature that we received recently. At present we all have full Bibles. However, if you can afford to send extra New Testament Bibles for the brethren that will be most welcome. In Kasaka and Kafue there are 11 of us who read English. We do have 22 Bible students in Western Province, where we have recently opened preaching activities for the first time, and there are two brethren in isolation on this same route, so probably they could be assisted with 24 New Testaments, if possible.

Bro. Kelly Simayumbula


I and my family were evicted from our home area. I would like to tell brothers and sisters what happened to me. It happened one Friday afternoon when I heard from a neighbour that the Zambian Wildlife Association (ZAWA) was chasing people to move out of the area. I rushed home and there were beatings and cries in the community and houses were burnt to ashes. I was parking my goods when the game rangers came and forced me to move out. They burned my home and pushed me out. There was noise that day and people walked day and night, driving their animals and crossing the river to a safe place.

The area’s population was 8,500 and had occupied the area since 1985. They were permitted residence by the late Chief, Nyawa Simbwizu. This incident has left me and many others in a worse situation. It reminds me of the mass movement of the Israelites from their original homes, which is now easy for me to imagine. But I thank God for his loving care to those many brothers and sisters who came to my help like Bro. Andrew and Sis. Josie Walker, Bro. Alfred Mututwa, Bro. Frank and Sis. Dorothy Abel for their spiritual encouragement to me and Bro. Patrick Sakala.

Bro. Bargley Muleya

The Bargley family living in a bush camp after eviction.

Bro. Bargley Muleya at his new building plot


The New Testament are well liked by our students and as you advised have been given to our serious contacts. It is true the many pages of our beliefs will help to guide them to the Truth. Please send more copies in the future. I am sending you a photo of the Eye Clinic vehicle which the CBM UK donated to Kasama General Hospital here in the Northern Region.

This is a wonderful witness to the care of Christadelphians for mankind. Please also support our appeal for Bibles to all in the Truth and those looking into the Truth.

Bro. Joshua Mushili

Bro. Joshua Mushili and the CBM donated vehicle

Left, Bro. Billy Srmulwles, Bro. Joshua Mushili in red shirt and other members of Kasama.


I just wish to thank you for the nice little Bibles though we are in need of even more. I am enclosing a list of names of my fellow residents of Lukashya who have expressed interest in studying the Word of God on a correspondence basis. Sis. Christine is now not in good health and has been in and out of hospital several times so my finances have been overstretched.

Bro. Boniface Simpanzye


I have received a New Testament and a very thrilling book called ‘Wrested Scriptures’ and the leaflets ‘Bible Views on the News.’ Paul says, “Now I make known to you brothers, the gospel which I preached to you brothers, received wherein also you stand….” 1 Cor 15:1-5. As servants of Christ, we are standing a good chance of being steadfast for we are going to be saved as His followers. We may suffer hardships, even to bonds as a criminal, but the Word of God is not bound. Truly you are zealously preaching glad tidings. The publication you are doing is informing us to be in readiness for Christ’s return, Luke 12:35-40. The Word of God has been preached all over the world and everyone has heard about our Master, Christ Jesus and His Father, the Creator. No one shall say he has not heard the gospel, Rom.1:18-23. You know, other churches do not get these publications freely - impossible, instead they just buy them, but for us it’s a blessing from the Lord..

Sadly, I had a trip to Monsa two months ago to attend my nephew’s funeral. As we reached the station. I went for my bag and it was a bad moment when I discovered that it had been stolen with my belongings inside. I had even taken a Bible and the book ‘The Real Christ’. May I ask you if you could send me another copy please; it was a strong tool for preaching the Divine Word, but for the Bible, no problem, I will be using a Bemba version. It was sheer daylight robbery. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Bro. James Kambobe

I received my copy of ‘The Real Christ’ and it is very special and helpful to me while learning to preach the real gospel. May God bless you all who took time and effort to write this book to such an advanced level, analysing many sentences in the Bible to enable one to understand better. It has become my first book to touch after the open Bible for daily readings. It will take some time to claim having read it through several times. Meanwhile I am enjoying Biblical backgrounds about God’s Kingdom in the future when Jesus reigns as King of kings. It is time to prepare ourselves spiritually.

Bro. John Kasanda


My love to you all. I hope you are all well and still keep going, I am quite fine and enjoying the Lord’s work. I enjoyed giving a talk on 'Spiritual Blindness', as per reading of the day. But my Sunday is never complete as long as my Sunday School class is not on. The children closed schools for second term, some have gone on holidays, others were feeling sick while the other two had no transport to bring them to the meeting place. So it was hard to meet them and have a chat. I hope next time we shall meet, if it is the Lord's will. We hope to have our Fraternal meeting here in Kitwe, will give you updates. Keep praying for us. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Bro Silas Chishimba


I am very happy to inform you that I received the 12 New Testament, 3 books plus other items you sent. Thank you very much for the effort CAT is putting in to help us grow up spiritually. May God continue to give you good health and strength as you strive to do God’s work.

Bro Likando Lishebo.


The Bible is plain about the power of God and how we can sustain our hope in our everyday life as there could be times when we tend to think that our hope is declining in bearing the truth. Let us look to God alone as the one who can nourish our hope though we face many challenges; moreover be calm and God will be there for us. The sweet message, like milk and honey comes from Lamentations 3:22-36, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth ... but though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men, to crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth, to turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High.”

Brother and Sister, let us make sure that we labour for our own salvation without looking back like some are in a habit of doing. Let us fix our eyes and ears on the only voice of God, which is His Word, in order for us not to be deceived in any way.

I am happy that so many brothers and sisters are taking part in writing from all parts of the world, and who knows that our writings may have helped so many. Let us continue to encourage one another in this manner till the Lord comes.

The burdensome thing in one’s life is failing to confess their sins to God for forgiveness. God is willing to make us clean when we approach him with our whole being. However, we may not be confident enough to approach God because of some errors we have made, but he is waiting for us to confess them so that we can be pardoned and so think positively in life. If sometimes we think that we are not worthy to be accepted, then we are deceiving ourselves because God is wanting us to confess to Him in order to live at peace with him.

Let us go through the selected passage which I think will help us to make the right confession. Psalm 32:3-4, “When I kept silence my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. For this shall everyone that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle lest they come near unto thee. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.” 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

In conclusion: what a wonderful assurance is given to us if we only confess our sins. So let us labour to enter into God’s Kingdom by making right confession to God, through Jesus Christ our mediator.

Bro. Stephen Siamabi


Thank you sincerely for your kind letter and for the wonderful exhortation and encouragement it contained. The events of the past weeks and months have surely reminded us that the Creator continues to work in the kingdoms of men. This should make us examine our own lives and if needed to repent and fall down before him in prayer and supplications.

I wrote an e-mail recently asking if you can arrange a Bible for me as I lost the one I had and am borrowing the one I now use. Thank you so much for the dictionary, I will make sure I put it into good use and it will help me search the meanings of words. There was a riot in Mazabuka from 3rd – 6th March, following the death of two people watching a football match in a bar in Stage two township. The police threw tear gas into a hall where people were watching the Manchester United versus Chelsea game. The following day people demonstrated that they were unhappy about the way the police handled the matter. The deaths rose from two to seven.

The world as we see it is in a mess. There have been many problems here and there around the world, some man-made and others natural disasters. As we consider the worldwide problems, it is a sound reminder to us that Jesus’ return is near, so let us pray for the establishment of the Kingdom here on earth. The Laodiceans deserted God and were neither hot nor cold and will therefore be spat out. Our Lord Jesus also says in Rev. 3:20 that He is standing at the door and this really means to us that his return is near. So my brotherly advice is that we keep on watching the events in the Middle East; we have nothing to fear if we remain faithful.

Bro. Gideon Hankomone


The Lord draws nigh. Men may abuse and defraud us but the Lord will see that justice is done and He can do it far better than anyone else. The apostle James counsels us, ”Grudge not one against the other, brethren, lest ye be condemned. Behold the judge stands before the door”(James 5:9). Let one who is tempted to grudge beware lest he be condemned himself by unwise actions. The Judge is so near that he is even “before the door”. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? See Gen. 18:25.

This gospel of the Kingdom is not political neither is it a form of colonialism. It is the sign of the coming of Jesus Christ to set up his everlasting Kingdom of justice and happiness. It is a message of hope and goodwill for all and it is a message that makes sense – the only reasonable solution to the world’s problems. The message goes out unto all nations; no one can keep it out for it is sent by God Himself. No one can stop the onward progress of the message for it is meant to come to the attention of every living soul on earth. The very fact that the Son of God died upon the cross for men makes it necessary that the message reaches all men no matter how fiercely they may try to oppose it.

Let us prepare ourselves to have this wonderful message. Where can we get help? “Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-3. Let us awake, the time is very close.

Bro. David Monta

From left – a Sunday School teacher standing with a New Testament, Bro. David Monta holding a briefcase, Sis. Royda M. Kofwimbi, right Bro. D.Chisenga committee member, together with some Sunday School children.


I believe there are calls for us to reach out to the needy, the poor, the weak and the downtrodden in society because Jesus came for them. I have received the New Testaments and have given them to the needy. If possible I need the complete Bible for myself and my wife.

Bro. William Sakala


I am here acknowledging that we received a parcel in March which contained 10 New Testament Bibles and one book, ‘The Real Christ’, which is highly interesting and informative. As an ecclesia we do appreciate this wonderful gift. Again, please send me any booklet which can continue guiding me while on the way towards God’s Kingdom. Please continue the good work.

Bro. Evans Mwansa


The farming season has been good throughout this year. In Pemba, God Willing, even the harvest of the little we planted will be good, especially if the rains do not go beyond normal. As we continue to praise His name, to be good all the time means we also show to others our good works. Knowing the Truth, we should not be ashamed of our stand as believers. We know we were once sinners but now share in Jesus’ suffering for our sins, Rom.8:17-18.

Just as we have been justified through faith we have peace with God. Rom.5:1-2, as we now should stand in him, Ps.16:11, our ways become perfect.

We are therefore supposed to tell others, like Paul is saying, Rom.1:10-17, longing to visit others in His Name.

Thus we need to testify in front of others, we need to be careful however what we say, Eph.4:29, so that we can help to build up others in the same way as we, too, were brought to the Faith.

Testifying to others what has really happened to us in life may help bring others nearer to God, for suffering will end, Rom.8:18, and pass away!

Preparedness to tell and confess on your own. We have all done this when we came into the truth, believing that Jesus died for our salvation. Show others, then, your real stand, Rom.10:9-13. You will do wonders. Acts 1:8.

Standing your ground in every way; at church, place of work, meetings and prayer groups will make others like and understand you better, then closer to God. You will therefore be working to His glory, standing firm, 2 Cor.1:21-22.

Bro. Wilfred Chibomba

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