news from zimbabwe


It’s high time now that we must reflect on our true colours as Christadelphians. We are living in the last days, as shown by our Lord when he highlighted to us the signs which show his return (Matt.24:7).

The world we are living in is full of wickedness, as it was in the days of Noah. We are living in a world which is difficult to deal with, so we need to show the world that this is the beginning of poverty. Each and every believer, especially we Christadelphians, should not be astonished by this, because we know that Christ is about to return to earth to restore God’s Kingdom. We must be prepared for His return, although ‘no-one knows the day nor the hour, not even the angels or the Son, but God the Father only.’ (Matt.24:36)

Some time ago we were in darkness, when we were not baptised. Now we are the children of light through Jesus Christ. Let us walk as children of life – led by light, seeking things from above, not earthly things. As true Christians we must live a different life from unbelievers. Let’s be bold, not bearing our own witness but that of Christ and the Father. As Christadelphians we must live a life which is much closer and related to Christ. From the day we were baptised, we should have started to live a Christ-like life. We must not mix light with darkness, or spiritual things with worldly things. No matter how hard things may be, let’s strive hard, through prayer to have everlasting life.

Above all, let us all wear a coat of love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the love of Christ rule in our hearts, to which indeed we were called in the one body. May God bless us all so that we can enter his Kingdom and receive everlasting life.

Bro. Nesbert Mhonda


The glory of God must be revealed in all that we do as Christians. We cannot do the things which only God can do – we are His vessels and only perform what He wants us to.

Joseph said to Pharaoh, ‘I cannot do it.’ Gen.41:15-16 ‘Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream and no-one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.” “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” Joseph humbled himself for the glory of God to be revealed. We need to do likewise, so that God’s glory is shown in what we do in the ecclesia or in our everyday lives.

When we do our own will, rather than God’s, He will punish us. Numbers 20:7: ‘The Lord said to Moses, “take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water.” (V.10) Moses said to them, “Listen you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (V.12) But the Lord said to Moses, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honour me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”’ We must give glory first to God: He is the provider of everything.

Bro. Farai Phiri


I write this letter to acknowledge the receipt of the 12 New Testament books you sent for Zumba 7 Ecclesia, thank you so much for them; we Christadelphians are indeed blessed with many Scripture books. No-one will have any excuse to be ignorant of the good news. Each and every brother and sister and Sunday School child is equipped with the sword of the Spirit – the Word.

With the Word, each one of us can work out his or her own salvation. We must all help each other on the narrow path which leads to the Kingdom. Such is the everlasting gift God is extending to all mortal beings. This is the good time to live, as the message of the Kingdom of God has been preached to us.

I am spurred to persevere each and every day of my life. I am blessed with a wife who is committed to worship God with me. Our marriage and family are strengthened by praying, reading and singing hymns together. We pray to God each day so that nothing will separate us from the love of God and His dear Son, Jesus, who is our Saviour.

Bro. Obert Wiki

Sis Nhamo Wiki


We have a refugee camp in Chipinge called Tongogara which admitted refugees from the following countries: Burundi, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo, and these refugees are unified by one language, Swahili. In this camp there are four Christadelphians and several Bible students, and a large Sunday School. The baptised members were baptised in four different countries – Tanzania, Burundi, Mozambique and South Africa. The camp has 7,000 refugees, and every month 150 people are admitted. (I wonder how they managed to identify themselves as Christadelphians.)

On 20th March they came to Rimbi, where we met for our monthly rotational meetings, and arrangements were made for Sister Simangaliso of Maronga and me to visit the refugee camp. On 27th March, we visited the refugee camp, which is 1½ hours’ walk from Maronga. Thanks to the modern technology of mobile phones, as we were able to communicate, and make them aware of our coming, they sent two brothers and one student to meet us on the way. On arrival we went straight to the house of Bro. Mutambala Nondo, where they meet for the breaking of bread. As time was not on our side, we did our three daily reading portions in Swahili, and I gave the exhortation based on Luke 19; we then broke bread with the four Christadelphians.

After the memorial service we had a 45-minute discussion – we wanted to find out how they managed their lives in such a difficult time. Really, life in the camp is very difficult: they do not get clothes, only blankets on admission at the camp, and get mosquito nets when admitted to the camp’s clinic after a test for malaria. They wait for a person to get malaria before giving them a mosquito net for protection against it. There are so many problems at the camp.

Some time ago Bro. Marcus Heaster mistakenly sent me a box of Swahili Bible Basics and I gave it to them, with several Christadelphian magazines, including a CBM Zimbabwe Constitution which they said was required by the administrator for them to be allowed to meet in the camp as a church. The truth is, these brothers and a sister need our help and prayers.

Bro. Moses Dhlakama

Comment. Yes my mistake, but the hand of providence seems to have been at work MH

Photo Bro Moses Dhlakama giving out literature

I have been moved to Chipinge Jersey, where the place is so close to the Mozambique border, we can walk for 200m from Jersey to the nearby Mozambique township (Mashashani) The border is a free border crossing, so that no-one will ask anything of an intruder since most people who work at our Estate come from Mozambique. I am now very close to Brothers and Sisters of Mozambique where Bro. Herbert Mahala resides. I had asked people how long I would spend walking to Kaiseni and the journey is almost 6 hours by foot. I am planning to visit him and all contacts in that area.

But what the people of Jersey did to me is not good. I was away at my home area where I had gone to meet my newborn baby girl, Florine, who was born on the 1st January 2011, when someone gained entry into my house by breaking my lock and taking everything, leaving my home empty. They even stole all my Bibles and my hymn book. So far I have not done anything, but God is the answer to all problems.

I have managed to have about four contacts who need to join the CBM. Enclosed is my photo, standing on the Eastern border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

Bro. Farai Makandeni

Bro. Farai Makandeni amongst the tea bushes along the border.


God is love; nobody has this kind of love. He sent Jesus to die and take away our sins, and in him we take refuge. As we know, through faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. Also it was because of his faith that Noah was warned of the flood.

It is the same for us; the Bible shows believers the way into the new world. By faith we shall enjoy everlasting life.

We have been thrilled to have Bro. Tafirenyika Mate back in fellowship with us. We find the literature you send us most helpful in our door-to-door preaching.

Bro. Ngoni Chikwata.


I am working as a chrome miner at Shuningwi. Brother, this work is very hard and high risk, with danger in many areas. But with God our times are easier.

Brother, how are you progressing with the New Testament Bible? We look forward to it. The world is now showing us that Christ is near. Look at the wars that are hitting the Arabs in Africa. That shows the end of time, as well as floods, earthquakes and hunger. Human problems are also very bad – each day we hear of crimes and killings in different areas. All these are signs of the last days.

We have many problems regarding my work. In the house we have no light, and we have about 15 people under one roof. We are suffering famine again. We were so glad from December to January when we had plenty of rain. But as from February it stopped. All crops have died before they reach the mature stage.

God has blessed me again with another baby girl on 18th April – now I am a father of two.

Brother, we are driving towards the edge of our time. Signs in the Middle East and now we see signs in Africa. The same tribes of Esau and Ishmael are causing world problems. We are now driving towards the gate of God’s Kingdom. Let us keep our eyes and minds open.

Bro. Dzingai Sumburera


Thank you for your letter, Gospel papers and the cash. We managed to purchase the wine, as we had been about three months without breaking bread. Our area is an isolated and under-developed place.

Also, maybe at the end of this month, cell phones will start to operate in our area, as the network has been installed and it will make it easier for us even to send messages through the internet.

Lastly, we only have Shona (local language) Bibles, but would prefer to have English Bibles, if it is possible.

Bro. Nice Yotamu

A Problem

It is a command that we should meet regularly, if possible, to remember the death and resurrection of Christ. I was saddened that your Ecclesia was unable to do so owing to shortage of funds to provide the wine. CAT was pleased to help you financially to purchase wine. We also hear from some that they do not have wine at the memorial service, and in some ecclesias in Africa, Pepsi or something else is used – we have heard that sometimes lemonade, spirits, water, etc. are being used as substitutes.

My inward feeling is that as wine is fermented grape juice, I think wine – or grape juice, the fruit of the vine, are the appropriate emblems to be used to remember the poured out blood of Jesus. Whilst wine can be expensive, grape juice seems easy to obtain and fits the symbol well.

I have to confess that I have attended a meeting where Pepsi was used, but it just does not seem to me right, and I would welcome others’ views on this matter. If one is unable to obtain an appropriate emblem, one could conduct the service as normal, then at the appropriate time, thank God for the opportunity of remembering Jesus sacrifice and suffering, and ask for a blessing on what you are thinking, and pray it will be acceptable in His sight.


I have enjoyed reading Gospel News through the year. It is good and interesting to hear what is happening around the world to our brethren and sisters, and have news of how they are carrying out preaching work – the glad tidings of God’s Kingdom to come. Surely, brothers and sisters, we must stand firm for welcoming our Master the Lord Jesus. He will be back soon; all the signs show it will be very soon. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

While we are waiting our Master’s return, please pray for us, as we, too, pray for you for God’s guidance. Until that day, may the Lord be with you in all your endeavours.

Bro. Fanuel Mawodzeka

Bro. Fanuel Mawodzeka on left (with glasses) and friends after a Bible discussion.


It is so interesting to hear from brothers and sisters all over the world of what they are experiencing in life. I also would like to thank God for the work you are doing. It is not so easy to do. We also give thanks for the work done in printing the New Testament: may our Heavenly Father bless those who take time helping to spread the gospel world-wide.

Lastly I would like to thank God for being our Shepherd in the past, and pray He will ever guide us. We pray for more love and care for each other – love for one another and love for God.

Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up, and its faith, hope and patience never fail. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. This is my message for us all to practise, until he comes whose right it is – Jesus Christ.

Bro. Israel Mutunduwe

Thank you for your interesting and comforting letters. Whenever I receive your letters on reading them I always feel as if I am talking to you personally, or seeing you face to face.

You sent me the book, ‘The Real Christ,’ and the next book you sent is, ‘The Real Devil.’ These books are very different from any I have read in my life and are most interesting.

Regarding meeting with brethren and sisters, it’s still hard for me as they have changed their times of meeting: we used to meet from 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., which I used to cope with, but nowadays they meet from about 8.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. which is not easy for me, as my area is far away 33km.

Bro. Maxwell Mlakah

Jesus Christ earnestly and sincerely asked us to be like Him. He is asking us to embrace everyone, the rich, the poor, believers and unbelievers. Let’s serve one another and stop thinking only about ourselves.

True fulfilment comes not through ego satisfaction, but through service to others. I hold that each person has an obligation to alleviate the pain of other people. We should protect the rights of all people, for we are alike in the eyes of the Lord, no matter what colour we are, or what language we speak. Be righteous to every person and do not judge – protect the rights of the poor and needy.

Jesus Christ, the most outstanding personality of all time, came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. He was completely innocent and offered Himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including His enemies, and became the way of escape from sin and death. It was a perfect act. Believers should strive to follow their Lord.

O Lord, help us to do the hard right, rather than the easy wrong...

I would like to thank you for the New Testament Bible – I am pleased to have it. It has been a long time without my writing to you due to the fact that I have not had a stable place to live, but now I hope God will provide. I wish to spread the ‘good news’ in Belvedere now, where many Muslims live: I wish to tell them about Jesus Christ, for they do not preach about Him.

It is written that in the last days there shall be conflict amongst the nations, kings will rise against kings, and rulers against each other, but we as believers should fear not.

Bro. Calvin Chitano


Let mothers come to Jesus with their perplexities, they will find grace sufficient to aid them in the management of their children. The gates are open for every mother who would lay her burdens at the Saviour’s feet. He who said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not,” still invites the Mothers and lead their little ones to be blessed by Him. Even the babe in its mother’s arms may dwell as under the shadow of the Almighty through the faith of its praying mother.

If we will live in communion with God, we can mould our little ones, even from their earliest moments. Fathers and mothers should look upon their children as younger members of God’s family, committed to them to educate for the Kingdom. The lessons that we ourselves learn from Christ we should teach our children, as the young minds can receive them, little by little opening to them the beauty of God’s principles. Thus the Christian home becomes a school, where the parents serve as first teachers, while Christ himself is the chief instructor.

Christ is speaking to all who are weary and heavy laden. All are weighed down with burdens that only Christ can remove. ‘The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.’ (Isa.53:6) The burdens of care and sorrow also He will bear. He invites us to cast all our care upon Him. Are you tempted? He will deliver. Are you weak? He will strengthen. Are you ignorant? He will enlighten. Are you wounded? He will heal. ‘He healeth the broken-hearted, and bindeth up their wounds.’ (Ps.147:4) ‘Come unto me,’ is His invitation. ‘Take my yoke upon you,’ Jesus says. The yoke is an instrument of service as long as life shall last. ‘My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’ He bids all to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.’ In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief. We are to enter the school of Christ to learn from Him meekness and lowliness. Everyone who confesses by sharing Jesus’ sacrifice for the lost shall be confessed as a sharer in the glory and joy of the redeemed.

Bro. Melusi Ndlovu


God’s Name and His purpose – what exactly is God’s purpose? When God created the earth, the Bible tells us that God did not create it in vain, but He created it to be inhabited. God’s purpose is with the earth, for we read, ‘the heavens, even the heavens, are the Lord’s, but the earth hath He given to the children of men.’ (Psalm 115:16)

But the intention of the Almighty was not to populate the earth with a creation that reflected wickedness, violence and immorality; rather God desired a creation that reflected the same conditions evident in His dwellingplace.

The Psalmist tells us that ‘the heavens declare the glory of God’ (Psalm 19:1) and in keeping with His purpose, God created an environment and introduced laws by which men and women could develop characters which would reflect that glory on earth. But sin entered into the world, and the consequences are evident all around us today. However, God is a God who changes not and His word is sure and steadfast; consequently God’s original intention has never changed.

God has declared emphatically, ‘But as truly as I live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord’ (Num 14:21). One day, therefore, and very soon, the earth will reflect the glory that exists in heaven. This is the simple teaching of the Lord’s prayer:-

‘Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven’ (Matt 6:9-10).

Sis. Rangi Mauzhent

I am one of the keenest book readers at Chishumba Ecclesia, and enjoy reading books like ‘the Real Christ,’ which you sent me. We have three preaching sessions every month with 40-49 people attending, and we wish to share the ‘good news.’ Could you possibly send me ‘Wrested Scriptures’? We have eight other students who need Bible Basics and other brothers and sisters who need to read Gospel News. ‘The Real Christ’ is the book that gives the full definition of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit and is easy to understand. It shows the difference between Bible teaching and the preaching of other churches, and you can see easily how much they are lost.

So please try to send us further Bible books to improve Chishumba Ecclesia and help us to improve our standards of preaching in our area. There are many churches here who are preaching a wrong gospel, but through our Ecclesia they should learn the truth from us. So we need to have a good knowledge of God’s Word and spread the Truth to them. Good research and the reading of other books about the Bible will help us to achieve this. So in God we trust, and seek your help also.

Bro. Misheck Hondoma

I am praying and preaching: my purpose is that all brothers, sisters and students may be encouraged in heart and united in love. I pray they may have full understanding in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely the sufferings of Christ. ‘Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

I would love a Bible planner.

Bro. Stanford Kuuzha


We are living in a crucial time, where many people and all nations are seeking to remove Christ from the face of this earth, and remove any mention of the true God. God reminds us that there is a moment in time when Jesus Christ will return. Let us hold fast to our faith till his coming. We have all the indicators of how to recognize Christ’s return in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 v.4 it says, “Watch out that no-one deceives you.”

Bre. Sylvester, Patrick and Ignatious Chakaipa


Let me thank the CAT for the Gospel News and all those who assist in making it all it is. This is one of the best ways whereby we as Christadelphians of various countries share the good news of the Bible and the salvation which is soon to come.

Please remind everyone that God loved us so much that He offered His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, and that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. “Behold I stand at the door and knock. Whoever hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me” (Rev.3:20). John 5:24 solidly assures us: “He who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life.” So there now, brothers and sisters, it’s not too late – remember one of those two robbers who were crucified together with Christ. The robber was saved at the last minute, when he repented and pointed out that Jesus was not guilty of any crime, and so asked Him to remember him when he came into His kingdom. Jesus definitely assured him that he would be in paradise together with Jesus (Luke 23:40-43).

Jesus is coming, and soon, so let’s be prepared to meet him. ‘Behold I come as a thief.’ So let’s not be caught on the wrong side of the law.

Bro. Servious Makondo

I would like to say a very big thank you to God for letting us be alive in 2011. Thank God for that, it is because of His mercy, because He loves us and the world, and that’s why He gave us His only Son, Jesus, who later died for us to be what we are – redeemed. I am very proud of it.

Anyway, brother, how are we doing for God? Think how He gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to write, minds to think, feet to walk, mouths to talk, stomachs to store our food –He gave us everything. But are we doing what He wants us to do? Are we using these gifts to commit crimes, or to praise Him who is our God. I am so worried about people who are not using these gifts for God’s purpose. Let us be found ready and working for God.

Thank you very much for Basic Bible Principles ‘Marriage – Only in the Lord.’ What a good topic, one about which I was having a major discussion with church mates and nearby churches. They wanted to have more leaflets, if you have them. Also I have only a Shona Bible and not everyone speaks it, which gives me a problem when preaching.

Bro. Mobie Siziba


First, I would like to thank God for raising me up from my serious illness which I once had, though I am not in good health even yet. I am always happy to read and see that world-wide articles are multiplied, which shows the Word is going deep in brothers’ and sisters’ hearts. This helps us to be capable of preaching the Word seriously and achieves our goals to let others know the Truth and so repent, for the Kingdom is just round the corner. Now it is time to get busy in revising our thinking and our notes, as we know well the commandments.

May preaching be done true to Scripture without going into unspiritual teachings. I also need to remind brothers and sisters that God is the one true God and Jesus is our King, and there is much good prepared for those who believe in Him and his Father. If all items we write and read are deeply committed to the Gospel, we are knocking at the Kingdom’s door, and it will be opened for us with Jesus’ welcome.

Bro. Mesheck Shoko

Bro. Shoko, when working in a citrus fruit dept.

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