news from nigeria

I was exceedingly happy when I received a booket titled A womens Place? The book is very exciting, to those that believes the truth.  As i was reading the book, I remember a magazine given to me by Bro Goddy Nwosu. It was a debate between Bro Duncan and Rev. Henry. Please Bro. I would like you to send to my sister wife a copy of the Igbo Bible Basics, for she likes to read Igbo version of the Bible.
Bro Golden Onuoha

Comment:  We still have stocks of the Igbo Bible Basics and are happy to send  copies to anyone who can use them for preaching purposes.

The new Ikwueke Oboro ecclesia was carved out from Okwe Oboro ecclesia after we had waited patiently for 13 good years. we travel there every Wednesday and Sunday from a distance of 80km, rain or shine.  We labour together in the Master’s vineyard.  Now we ask Brethren and Sisters in Christ to pray for us that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified.  This little effort of ours is the way God has revealed Himself to us, with the opportunity to show brotherly love.  We ask for help in building the ecclesia while we wait for our Master’s return.
Bro. Friday Enyiogu

We have left Okwe for a new ecclesia at Ikwueke Oboro;  this is because we trekked almost 5km and made it impossible to attend Memorial services regularly.  I am requesting teaching materials to enable me to carry out teaching properly.
Bro. F.E. Umesi

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