news from malawi

There are a lot of people in my ecclesia who would like to receive Gospel News, but unfortunately they do not have proper addresses.  If you could add some copies and send to me I will deliver to Brothers and Sisters.
Bro. Brian Kachereh

Thank you very much for sending me the entire book dealing with Revelation, following my past question from Revelation ch. 13.  I beg you to continue sending me gospel material as the Kingdom of God is around the corner.
Bro. R.K. Mapsera

As I am not working I am at my wife’s village.  I am very privileged to visit our old and new Brothers and Sisters in the country.  We endure happily all the difficulties because of our Lord Jesus; we always pray for the moment for him to come.  Thanks to God who showed us the truth.  There is a friend here who is a Moslem and he is interested to have Bible Basics for Moslems.  In Malawi there is freedom of worship; we do not have such things as ‘Moslem communities’ (Mark 8:35).  I am very busy, especially this week: I am sending some duplicated books to Brothers and Sisters in various parts, in and outside Malawi.  I have already sent the ‘Testimony’ magazine to Brothers in Malawi and the book, ‘Back to the Bible’ to a friend.
Bro. Emmanuel Chitalo

Thanks a lot for publishing my exhortation in  Gospel News July/August Issue. Let me take this opportunity to let you know of the baptisms of four people in Salima-Malawi. In my last letter I mentioned they were  expected to have taken place in July but they took place on the 1st of August, 2004. Brother Austen Frank Nyirenda, Sisters Emily Mayimba, Gladys and Eunice Mphambo are the four. There are three more people who are on their way to baptism very soon, God willing. We thank God for His work and calling.
Emmanuel Gerald Mphambo

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