news from kenya
Faith is not complete
without works. The faithful men mentioned in Hebrews 11 all believed
God. Abraham abandoned his native land to be a sojourner in an unknown
country. Abel offered in sacrifice the things God required. Noah
laboured and built the ‘saviour’ ark. Their deeds made them ‘rich’ in
God’s sight. Nicodemus had to learn and believe about baptism. We
all have to have faith and action too. Jesus cwas born as the only
begotten Son of God, the sacrificial lamb to take away sin. In
Golgotha the Lord said, “It is finished”. What was finished? His
whole life of sacrifice and then the sacrifice of himself when he was
crucified and his blood poured out. Faith and works go together.
Bro. Nelson Otieno
When I think of leadership, I always remember when the children of
Israel asked for a king who would go before them and fight their
battles, refusing God as their King. But God did not leave them,
although He let them have a king. Likewise nowadays, not only in
countries, but also in churches, there are still battles for
leadership. Leadership means nothing. True believers know what they
are after – everlasting life in God’s Kingdom; they do not fight for
leadership. An elder in an ecclesia is only there to help guide the
ecclesia. We believe in one Christ and we all want to be in God’s
Kingdom here on earth when the Lord Jesus returns.
Bro. David Kabaya
I thank you very much for the books. I and my wife, Gladys, have
enjoyed, and still enjoy, reading them and we are drawing topics to
teach in our Malondo ecclesia in order to share the knowledge with the
Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Bro. John W. Muyala
We are enlightened that Gospel News
is quite independent and this has cleared doubts amongst us who, like
other brethren, thought it might be replaced by the Bible Missionary.
May I inform you that some of the youth here are very willing to have
the Bible Correspondence Courses from UK.
Bro. Patrick Sawa
I am sorry to announce the falling asleep of our beloved Brother in Christ Benedict Miruka, who was buried on May 29th.
Very many Brethren and Sisters were able to attend the funeral and the
burial. From verse 1 of Romans ch. 6, our Brother Benedict rejected the continuance of living in sin where grace could not
abound. Verse 3 tells us that our Brother was baptised into Jesus’
death. He was buried with Jesus by baptism into death through water. That as Christ was raised up from death by
the glory of the Father, even so having come out of the water he had
also to walk in newness of life. Bro. Benedict is resting in the grave
awaiting the likeness of our Master’s resurrection on the day when he
will descend from heaven with a shout and the trump of God and with His
holy angels (1 Thess. 4). Our Brother leaves his Sister widow and seven children; we ask them to keep strong in the faith. We hope to meet our Brother in God’s Kingdom which will soon be established on earth.
Bro. Clement Fwamba Mateba
It is a great pleasure to me to thank all concerned with my baptism at our Givungi Ecclesia, for it has strengthened me spiritually. I have now realised the real meaning of
baptism (Rom. 6:3,4; 1 Peter 3:21). Since we claim to be followers of
Jesus Christ, he was himself baptised, Paul was baptised and the
converts to the early church were baptised. We have repented and God
has granted us forgiveness (Acts 2:38). And thus we are united with
Jesus Christ and will not be enslaved by sin. We will reign with Jesus
when he will come the same way in which he went to heaven (Acts 1:11)
and will set up a Kingdom that will stand for ever (Dan. 2:44). Thanks
a lot for sending me Bible Basics which is really assisting me in improving my Bible study. I do appreciate receiving Gospel News. Actually, I have come to realise the truth and the whole truth through reading Gospel News.
I’ve come to believe that Jesus Christ is going to come (Luke
24:29-31). As I meet with my fellow Brethren and Sisters and we devote
ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and prayers (Acts 3:42) we pray when Jesus Christ comes he will
find us ready.
Bro. Joseph Luseno
All in all I am fine and still struggling in this mortality, but fully
assured that it is going to be very soon and this mortality will put on
immortality, when Christ our Lord and King reappears with all his
majesty – Amen. May you soon come, Lord Jesus.
Bro. David Aphaxard
Numbers 13 and 14 are sad chapters if used as a sign post to our
walk towards the Kingdom of God. The events shown prove that the
Israelites were not ready for the great purpose that Yahweh had in
store for them. Truly it was so. Consider Psalm 81:11-14. The
Israelites were not hearing the voice of Yahweh as they walked towards
the promised land. God promised them the inheritance of the land, but
it was only depending on them listening to His voice, but as we read
through these chapters we note that the unfaithful were wanting to walk
by sight and not by faith. Deuteronomy 1:22 shows that the chosen of
God sent a deputation to Moses asking that spies should go first and
search the land, reporting on its condition and the strength of its
inhabitants. Though Yahweh agreed to this, it was not good. Compare 1
Sam. 8:6,22 with Hosea 13:11 – the Lord permitted what they wanted, but
not what He liked. Brothers and Sisters, as we are the body of the
Son of God, Jesus Christ, let us ignore sight-walking towards the
Kingdom and have total faith in God’s promises, casting all our care
upon him (Mark 11:22; Matt. 6:25), realising that God knows our needs
beforehand and will provide. Let Jesus dwell in our very hearts in all
our ways (Eph. 3:17).
Bro Samwel Masawa
Thank you for your letter together with the booklet of model questions
and answers re. baptism which I have found very useful guidelines. I
have now received material from the ALS - many thanks. I am now making
good use of this and would appreciate any further supply. I am waiting
for the Bible Basics in Kiswahili. I have a student who doesn’t
speak nor understand English but can speak Kiswahili fluently. I also
have a group of seven children aged between 3 and 14, but lack Sunday
School material. It would be of much benefit if you could send me
suitable material for them.
Bro. Gibson A. Azare
It is apostolic exhortation to “behold, the goodness and severity of
God”. Both these sides of the Divine character have to be recognised
before we get a wholesome and scriptural view of Him with whom we have
to do. Both are amply illustrated in the historic doings of God with His people Israel. It is with the
latter illustration we are now thinking about. Isaiah 58 brings before
us the severe side of God’s character and at the same time reminds us
of some important lessons we are liable to forget, and upon the
remembering and carrying out of them will depend our ultimate
individual acceptance with Him. The prophet is commanded to "Cry
aloud, spare not: lift up the voice like a trumpet and show my people
their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins”. The prophet
was not sent to the surrounding heathen, to tell them of their sins,
but to Israel, God's own people. Sin is by no means confined to those
who know not God. The need for condemning sin exists as much, and in a
certain sense more, within the house of God than in the outer darkness.
Sis. Lydia Fuchaka
Our Brethren at Luuya ask if the 25th day of the 12th
month is mentioned in the Bible. At first sight we read this as
December 25, and the answer, of course, would have been no, because the
names of the months in the Bible are in Hebrew and different to the
English months, as the chart shows. There is no command to celebrate
Jesus’ birthday on December 25th. The mention of shepherds tending their flocks indicates that Christ’s birth could well have been in the spring. December 25th
was the time of a pagan festival, which was adopted to celebrate the
birth of Christ. The question still remains: Is the five and
twentieth day of the twelfth month mentioned in the Bible? We are indebted to Bro. George Wabwile and Bro. Wycliffe Wasike of Kenya for bringing this verse to our attention.
The answer to this question is at the bottom of the Kenyan News.
Looking at it from a personal point of view, the qualification required
to enter the Kingdom of God is a very simple one – love. Yet, think of
Jacob’s sons, they hated Joseph (Gen. 37:8. But was it wise of Joseph to explain his dreams to them?
And what about his father’s view? (Gen. 37:11. We also think of David
(1 Sam. 17:28); his brothers hated him, but he was chosen by God.
Jesus also was hated of his people, because of the things he did and
said (Matt. 27:1-2). However, God loves everybody (John 3:16) and we
must do the same.
Bro. Benedict Masai
I am happy to tell you that faith is real. Earlier this year we went
to Sindo beach where we witnessed the baptisms of three new Brothers
(1) Jactone Okime (2) Elkana Othoo (3) Othoo Michael Orie. Let us stay close to God, that is the way to find the Kingdom.
Bro. Jared Oketch
in the Name of Jesus Christ. I am happy being a young Sister in the
truth. I am interested in meeting and sharing this wonderful hope with
others. Please can you send some magazines about how a young Sister
can grow in the truth.
Sis. Patricia L. Maing
I cried when I read from your letter that in New Zealand three children
had three days’ fasting because they wanted to feel what true hunger
was like. I cannot imagine people going without food for days despite
having well stocked refrigerators. This is a challenge to we people in
Africa, in poor countries, who may depend on support from our western
Brothers. Time has come to say no, and also provide from our pocket
for the spread of the gospel, remembering the poor widow who
threw two coins into the treasury box. Jesus commented that she had
given more than anyone else. For ourselves, we were blessed with three
kids, but unfortuntely one fell asleep after birth. We received some
mosquito nets, 15 in number, and distributed them amongst ourselves.
We were so happy to have them as we live in mosquito-infested areas and
malaria drugs are very expensive. I received the booklet ‘Withdrawal
of the gifts of the Holy Spirit’; what a nice debate it was. After
receiving it we went through it with our Brothers and Sisters; it
arrived at the right time, since we were planning a Bible study and
invited our Bible students surrounding Nakuru. Any other booklets
which will help us will be gratefully received. I am an artist and I
move from one market to another selling Mosaic pictures carrying some
verses from the Bible. Whenever I share the word of God with someone,
it sometimes seems odd when I explain that tomb, hades, hell etc. mean
the same – grave. By reading my Bible regularly I stay well informed
and my journey towards the Kingdom of God becomes easier.
Bro. Peter Thuo Kariuki
We see Jesus, walking along the dusty roads, standing where people
stood; stopped for a weeping woman, a blind person, for a wealthy
loner, a beggar etc. He restored them with compassion and left them
rejoicing, forgiven and with new sight. But he never healed easily,
mark that carefully – “Power went out of me”, he said when the
suffering woman touched him. The Healer never healed without pain. In
Bethany, tears were streaming down the face of our Saviour as he stood
with Martha and Mary and called Lazarus from the grave. Most costly of
all was the cross of Jesus; that is where we see the highest form of love.
The glory of Jesus shines from the depth of the bitterness, the
suffering, the injustice, misery and loneliness of the cross. But
there our transformation began, because the cross demonstrated in
shining letters, ‘This is how much God loves’. The cross carried that
love to the point of death, and through it into resurrection. As Jesus
showed his love to us, let us also display this word love on our backs – Ruoth opaki.
Bro. Leonard Mboya Lar
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen, for by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith
we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that
things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” When
we meet at the Lord’s table to remember his sacrifice we should
remember the example of the faith of those of old times, some of whom
are mentioned in Hebrews ch. 11. Abraham and Sarah had a child when
they were old. Faith is often tried, and we have an example of this
when Abraham was told to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Moses
kept the Passover and the Israelites passed over the Red Sea as by dry
land. Even the walls of Jericho
fell down after seven days – by faith. When we come to the time of
Jesus we see that women received their dead raised to life. Jesus bore
the agony of the cross – this was the supreme example of faith. For those
Brothers and Sisters who may feel lonely, being perhaps one or two in
number, if we have faith in the work of the gospel, God will add more
and more Brothers and Sisters to the fellowship of Christ. So let us
love each other and have faith “for without faith it is impossible to
please Him” (Heb. 11 6).
Bro. Alex K. Mwaniki
I am worried that the *snap I sent of the ecclesia has not yet been
published. I met with our Bro. Philip Lawrence and his wife, Sis.
Kate, in April at Migori. In South Nyanza we have six ecclesias, but
due to time, Bro. Lawrence combined Okumbo and Kababu at one place.
Through God’s mercy two Sisters were baptised. I hope, trust and
believe that one day Brothers from UK will visit Okumbo ecclesia.
Please send Jan/Feb Gospel News which I did not receive.
Bro. John Kine
*Sorry for the delay John.
My new working station is at Siaya, about 250km from Migory; its far
away, a different environment and hot weather conditions. I miss my
Brothers in Migori. I send my greetings to people in Uzbekistan,
Tashkent and Bro. Oleg and encourage him to stand firm in the Lord who
will protect him all through his mission. God bless you all.
Bro. Kennedy Kirinya
Thank you for your letters that I’ve been receiving. The teachings
they contain are very good and inspiring. I’ve been able to know the
feared beasts, of Daniel and Revelation, the current world situation
and that the Lord is coming soon in a cloud, with power and great
glory, bringing with him justice, righteousness and order and subduing
all evil. What a wonderful day it will be when we will rejoice with
our dear Lord! We are a group of people in our faith. The Migori
ecclesia is very far from here, so we decided to site a building near
us to enable us all to attend Sunday services.
Bro. Peter Omoga
The Bible tells us that many people will be judged when Jesus returns.
Paul says that Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead (2 Tim.
4:1). Responsible people are those who know about God, whether they
have rejected him or obeyed Him. All those shall stand before the
judgment seat of Christ and each will give an account of him/herself to
Christ (Rom. 14:10,12) Not all responsible people will be saved (see
Luke 13:28). People who have never known about God will not be raised
for judgment because they are not responsible to Him. Daniel tells us
that many (not all) of those who sleep in the dust shall awake,
some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting destruction (Dan.
12:2). Faithful believers can look forward to this wonderful
blessing. God is going to send Jesus Christ to bring peace to the
world. After resurrection and judgment those who are saved will enter
the Kingdom of God as priests to preach the word of God to all
nations. If we serve God now we will belong to Him in the day when
“there shall be no more death” (Rev. 21:4). May God bless all who do
the will of God.
Sis. Nancy Nasimiyu
Because Jesus said the gospel should be preached to every creature, we
should encourage people to devote themselves to the work of the Lord,
especially by translating the gospel into native languages (Matt.
28:19-20). A good follower of Christ should not mock or neglect any
translation of the word of God, instead he should do the corrections to
make the translation suitable for the benefit of coming generations.
Let us unite world wide to assist in every way in translating the
gospel into the native languages of the world.
Bro. Isaac Kapa
Calendar in Ancient Israel
Answer: The 25th day of the twelth month is refered to in Jeremiah 52:31.