news from tanzania

There are many of us living in isolation and would dearly love the overseas visitors to come to our homes.  I appreciate they visit ecclesias and therefore see more Brothers and Sisters, but those of us who live away can feel left out.  I congratulate Bro. Simon Uswege on coming to visit me and we were very glad of his coming.  We need to do more to visit each other so that the bonds of fellowship may be strengthened.
Bro. David Nestory

We are on the very hard and heavy task of building our own ecclesial hall.

We thank Almighty God for His love in enabling members of Lugufu 1 ecclesia to organise a Bible seminar; this was in June and was attended by members of Lugufu 2 ecclesia and friends and we were strengthened in the Scriptures.  We discussed the following subjects:  (1)  The Basis of  the Christian gospel (Bro. Isidore E. Mwibeleta) (2)  Jesus Christ Son of God not God the Son (Bro. L. Buluma)  (3)  God and Death (Bro. Rehani Pascal) and  (4) How we can Inherit the Kingdom of God (Bro. A. Iyunga).   You may know that life in this refugee camp is very difficult as we face a severe shortage of food and other things.  But Jesus Christ said “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from God” (Matt. 4:4).  We need your prayers and support for our work.  We at Lugufu 1 have been blessed by the visits of Bre. John Owen and Alistair MacDonald (B’ham. UK), Benoit Mukendi (Arusha, Tanzania) and Samuel Alinot (Rutale, Kigoma, Tanzania).  Their words of exhortation strengthened us.  They visited the ecclesia of Lugufu 2 when one contact from our ecclesia, Mr. Ekyoci Esengya, was baptised and also a  lady from Lugufu 2 ecclesia.  May God bless them on their walk towards His Kingdom.
Bro. Isidore E. Mwibeleca

I am very sad to inform you that our dear Brother Andrew Michael fell asleep on March 21`at the age of 63.  Our Brother was baptised at Kigwa ecclesia.  We were delighted to welcome visitors from the UK.  We thank you for sending us Bible Basics;  Brethren and Sisters were very happy, especially those that use the Swahili language.  These will increase our knowledge.

Christ and Nicodemus, a well educated Jewish leader, discussed the important question of how a sinner can become a new man – born  “of water and of the spirit”.  This is the most serious question a person will ever face – a question of life and death.  I am thankful for Gospel News by which I am gaining knowledge from the views of Brethren and Sisters from all over the world, which helps me in the race towards the Kingdom.  I have learned from Paul that nothing can or will separate me from the love of God which is manifested in Christ our Lord.  I would like to thank Brothers and Sisters from New Zealand for sending me a bookmark which shows the joy and love of the angels in heaven  on the occasion of my baptism, which encouraged me a lot..  I need more help spiritually to win the race.
Bro. Alick J. Noah

I am very sorry to inform you that the P.O. box I use to receive Gospel News was closed because the owner was not in the country.  When he returned he opened the box and there was a big consignment of Gospel News and your letter.
Sis. Atupakisye Jabir


The world we live in is structured around the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).  “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4).   In African countries a number of people depend on witches.  The Bible says that God is the source of all power and from Him comes good and evil.  God does not force us to obey Him but has given us the choice of death or life, blessing or curse.   God depends on us to work with Him to save people who are still following false teaching.  If we do that without fear, we shall succeed and be rewarded at the second coming of Christ to the earth.  All of us must deeply pray life-long for others and teach, person to person, the true gospel and invite our friends to our meetings.  Every Christadelphian must have his/her goals in missionary work; without a goal we will never succeed.
Bro. Robert Mwaseba

The boy, David J. Rufano, fell asleep on April  18 at Bugando Hospital.  He was 11 years old and was not baptised due to his age, but he was a member of Usagara Sunday School.  He was in a bus accident on his way to the ecclesia.  He was my second child.
Bro. Jactor Rufano

Comment:  Bro. Jactor, we are distressed to hear of this tragedy, and all readers will remember you and your family in their prayers.

I would like you to report the loss of Brethren and Sisters from our Lugufu ecclesia;  this is due to them being resettled in the USA by the UNHCR, they were all accompanied by their families.  We pray the Lord will care for them in their new settlements and beseech the Brethren in the areas to welcome them and encourage them to continue with the task of preaching.  May we meet together in the Kingdom of our Lord.
Bro. Bernard Wabene Ikola

I have enjoyed Gospel News because it exhorts me and makes me feel the brotherhood’s love for the truth world wide as members of God’s household.  There is a very urgent need for us to keep on preaching the gospel message to all the human race.  The gospel provides us with the message of immortality, which we are looking forward to receiving from Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Bro. Shadrack Ngambi


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