news from uganda

Sister Betrice  has been working with AGOA but is now planning to take up full-time education.

God sees every corner of the earth and knows all activities.  His eyes are  never shut, nothing is hidden from Him (Heb. 4:13).  He is ready, in justice, to forgive those who accept their mistakes and come to Him.  Rewards and judgments will be given on what we have done (John 5:29).  Let us try to be blameless.  God will not judge us on what others know but what He knows;  He is faithful and just to forgive (1 John 1:8,9), and Jesus is coming soon (Rev. 22:12).
Bro Remegio Kule

Some critics of the Bible claim that it contradicts itself.  Is this true?  No, it is not.  If we should ask these critics which parts of the Bible are contradictory they usually have no specific example in mind.  When examples are mentioned, they often turn out to be cases where different Bible writers tell the same story from different angles.  For example, on one occasion Jesus miraculously healed the manservant of a Roman army officer.  In the account by Matthew we read, "When he entered into Capernaum, an army officer came to him entreating him, and saying, Sir, my manservant is laid up in the house with paralysis, being terribly tormented” (Matt. 8:5,6).  Jesus then agreed to go and heal the man.  In Luke’s account we read, “When he (the army officer) heard about Jesus, he sent forth older men of the Jews to him to ask him to come and bring his slave safely through “ (Luke 7:3).  Once again, according to Luke’s account, Jesus agreed to go.  Is it a contradiction that one account says the army officer asked Jesus, and the other says that he sent older men of the Jews to represent him?  A reasonable person would not think so.  This is typical of what happens when two honest people tell of the same event.  To Matthew the important thing was that the army officer made the request of Jesus.  Luke merely added the detail that he did not ask him personally, but sent Jews to represent him.  This is similar to the way we often speak.  For example, we may say that the Mayor of a certain city built a new road.  Now, did the Mayor build the road himself, or was the road built by a contractor, using many workers and engineers?  Obviously   the latter was the case.  Nevertheless, it is not wrong to say that the Mayor built the road since he was the one who initiated the work.  Similarly in this instance, the army officer made a request of Jesus, but he did it through certain representatives.
Bro. Bernie Osenda    

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