news from uganda

Bro. Stephen Waako has sent us some more pictures from his ecclesia. (1) The baptism of Sis. Samantha Mugasi of Mbarara during the 2004 Bible School. Left Bro. Stephen and right Bro. Edrine from Jinga. Through belief and baptism one can gain salvation (Mark 16:16). Sis. Samantha needs a lot of encouragement as she stands firm to face the challenges in her new life. (2) Having supper at the Bible School, from left: Bre. Edrine (Jinga), Bro. Fredrick (from Busia), Bro. Swalik (from Kampala) and Bro. Denis (from Mbarara).

Photo: Sis Samantha’s Baptism

Photo: Supper at the Bible School, from left: Bro. Edrine (Jinga), Bro. Fredrick (from Busia), Bro. Swalik (from Kampala) and Bro. Denis (from Mbarara

Busia ecclesia is doing well while waiting for Jesus’ return to establish the Kingdom on this earth. I read Gospel News and find it very interesting because we are very far from each other and this is how we can meet.
Bro. Peter Wabwire

Since I joined Central fellowship I am moving well and am becoming strong in the faith. So far God has blessed me in my preaching as one of my students was baptised during the visit of Bro. John Mathias. I still have some students and two of them are almost ready for baptism, God willing. My ecclesia is still very young, with only two Brothers and one Sister, so we ask for your prayers that we may grow. I am married with five children, four girls and one boy and I stay in Iganga town.
Bro. Anthony Stephens Kisige

I am very pleased because I receive Gospel News regularly and it has enabled me to know more about the world. I hope you are OK and busy preaching God’s word. But we are very sad because our Sister Zesca Abbo, the wife of Bro. Anthony,died recently. May God give us all peace as we wait for Jesus to come back. Although this caused sorrow, I am very pleased to say that at Kigandalo ecclesia we are together in work, love and many other activities. God gave His only begotten Son, who poured out his life for our sins. Let brethren and sisters all over the world love one another, as God has loved us (John 13:34), as we work together and wait for Jesus to come back.
Bro. Godfrey Kidamba

Many thanks to you for your words of encouragement and your prayers for us in our difficulties, also your donations of Sunday School parcels and other adult lessons sent to us. May God bless you for these wonderful gifts. As a result of our combined prayers to God He has made 13,000 rebels go back home. We are hoping to return to our village by the end of this year 2004, God willing. Keep on praying for us. The following are the words of the apostle Paul, who laid down his life for Christ: “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing” (2 Tim. 4:6-8). Also read 1 Peter 1:3-9 to strengthen your faith. So there is no rest for us as Christians who are living in this sinful world. We need to fight for our faith every day of our lives in whatever problems or temptations we meet. For us to fight the good fight to the end, let us follow the example of Paul and of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro. Opio Bosco

Our world today is facing a lot of problems such as famine, wars, diseases. As Christadelphians, we should strive for a world free from all these evils. We should by all means put our trust in the Lord, who gives us life-sustaining spiritual food. Happy refreshment will be enjoyed by all who lovingly put their lives at the disposal of their Creator – “They will hunger no more, nor thirst anymore…because Jesus will be in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life” (Rev. 7:16,17; Isa. 25:6-9). Time is running very fast for this world. Let us strive for survival in this present world and then live on an earth that will be made a paradise.
Bro. Baluko Nicodemus

I am 32 years old and married with four sons and we live in a remote area. This year we had a long drought and all the crops dried up. By this time we have famine and I thank Bro. John Mathias for the CBM’s assistance in Uganda helping Brothers and Sisters.
Bro. Colin Bwire

Thank you for the copies of Bible Basics. Many people are yearning for the truth in this part of the country. It would be a  blessing to us if you could arrange for at least 16 more copies to be sent to us, especially for Kasese contacts. May God allow this.
Bro. Godwin Mugasi

Photo: The Sunday School children with Bro. Zaccaeus and Sis. Eunice Muntete at the home of Bro. Joshua Mushili


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