Nepal - The Paul Lidyard Trust
Brother Paul was a missionary to Nepal during the 1990s and had a great love for the brethren and sisters in Kathmandu. He fell asleep in Christ, sure of the hope of resurrection, in 1999. He belonged to the Cardiff (Museum Place) ecclesia.
During the time after his death his family desired to build an ecclesial home in Kathmandu which would serve many purposes: to provide a meeting place for fellowship; to provide shelter for needy brethren and sisters and a flat for any visiting Nepal to stay.
By the kindness and love of many in the UK this task was achieved and the house is now open and full of the Truth. Any who visit Nepal are welcome to stay in the house and should make contact with Bro. Satyadeep Katiwada - <> or myself <>
The ecclesial home has become a reality for many reasons: the love for our Brother Paul; the determination of his family to make it happen and the love and commitment of many throughout the UK who contributed to the building of the home.
In viewing the building being constructed there were memories of the book of Ezra. There, too, the question was asked, “What are the names of the men that make this building?” (ch. 5:4) and the answer was clear, they are “servants of the God of heaven and earth” (v. 11). So the building prospered, for the eye of the Lord God was upon it (v. 5).
The house became a reality because many gave freely to the work – even those who were not of a Christian persuasion, a modern-day Cyrus. All who worked on it were “strengthened as the hand of the LORD my God was upon (us)”.
We are also exhorted by the example of Ezra. He prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, to do it and to teach it. This is why the house was built – that the word of God might be heard in the Kathmandu valley and that the people of Nepal might give praise to the God of heaven.
Photo: The ‘ecclesial home’ in Nepal
Bro. Peter Fry (UK)