news from tanzania

I have begun preaching the word of God in Bariadi and since I began some 62 people have listened and I need literature for them. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned (Mark 16:15-16).Bro. Joseph Isamba

Photo: The Ecclesia at Idutywa

Thanks for your letter. I receive Gospel News for which I say thank you so much, as it keeps me awake as to how the truth is progressing around the world, including my born place at Roo Masama Hai, as reported in GN Jan/Feb, 2004 issue. I give my thanks to all who put their efforts into making this possible. My wife, Sis. Flora, children and I would be pleased to meet, welcome and talk to any who, being a Brother or Sister from any corner of the world, could visit and stay with us, for talks on “the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:6). Christadelphian Truth of the Bible is not yet known around Tanzania. People seem satisfied with what is taught by their clergymen and therefore ‘Truth’ teaching to them is just another Messianic teaching. So let Brethren and Sisters come for the preaching of Truth around my born place, Roo Masama Hai and elsewhere around Tanzania. Preaching the truth should be organised by means of a ‘task force’ who could come and stay with local brethren and sisters. There are a lot of reasons that make brethren and sisters (including myself) unable to preach the truth effectively, so more sharing of efforts is needed for preaching around Tanzania.
Bro. Abia Zmakere

Brothers and Sisters, wherever you are, may God bless you because of your prayers. I thank God for giving us the knowledge of the gospel. The picture I am enclosing shows that the name ‘God’ is the greatest of all. Two of those in the picture are awaiting baptism next year; one of them is selling parafin after Sunday School. Bicycle is our transport here.
Bro. Samson E. Mwangonda



Photo: Bro. Samson with friends who hope to be baptised

I was pleased to receive Bible Basics in French, Glad Tidings, the bookmark from New Zealand and some exhortation papers – thanks for all. In waiting for the return of our Lord to the earth to establish the Kingdom, I pray that all brethren and sisters in the world will share in that Kingdom.
Bro. Habonimana Isaac

We started a Sunday School group and now have 25 children. We need some materials and the process to follow. How can we conduct the services as done by Christadelphian ecclesias? I also plan to teach the children English as a way to bring more of them to Jesus. I need your prayers so that, if God wills, my plan may be accomplished. May the Lord bless you all.
Bro. Obedi J. Kibasomba

We thank God that 12 of our refugee members and their families have had their resettlement requests granted and are now in the USA and we commend them to the brethren there. We again say, Goodbye, and God bless you all
Bro. Imani Shabani


I am the secretary of Tenende ecclesia and would wish copies of Gospel News to be sent to me.
Bro. Gabriel Mwakasapi

Excuse my late answer. I think you may know that I don’t know English. I have to find a person to read your letter and write one to you for me. My request is that I need to learn English, but the problem is fees. If there is any one who can help me to learn English I will thank them a lot.
Bro. Mathias Nyelele



Photo: Bro. Nyelele

It is true that each of our letters may be the last, because the return of the Lord Jesus is near (1 Peter 4:7). I read in newspapers and see from television the state of the world, and yet I see only part of the picture because I know that the world is entering its last days before the return of Jesus (Matt. 24:26-42). Meanwhile I am enjoying Elpis Israel.
Bro. Shadrack Ngambi


Photo : some of our Uvinza members receiving food at the food distribution centre

I am living in the Lugufu Refugee Camp from Congo – I am Congolese. I was baptised in August 2003. I belong to the Lugufu ecclesia. I am pleased to read Gospel News, which you send to Bro. Imani Shabani. It increases my faith when I read the news from the brethren and sisters world wide. I learnt the 40-lesson Bible Course under the tutorship of Bro. Mike Harris of UK, whose extended and continued help in my search for the truth I greatly appreciate. I also thank Sis. Jo Cottrell of UK who sends me the French lessons for my children. May God bless all in their work.
Bro. Amnobe Iyungu

Photo: Bro. Amnobe with his children: Mmunga, Fidele and Asukulu

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