news from zambia

Here in Kasama we have 68 full-time students, four of whom are ready to be baptised into Jesus’ name.
Bro. Joshua Mushili

As you know, it is not easy to fit a rusted piece of spare part to machinery; even so it is difficult for mankind to understand God’s word at once, it needs serious preaching to drive the rust out of man’s heart. I was like a piece of rusted iron. However, when I came into contact with the Christadelphians the rust melted and I felt clean. Zambia, as you know, is a peaceful Christian country, without war threats; the only war being fought now is against poverty, like any other African nation, and this does not worry us much.

We feel God’s presence whenever we are breaking bread. People from all walks of life gather around us to hear our exhortations and sometimes they join us for Bible studies and exclaim that our understanding of the Bible is excellent and different from other religious groups. A lot of people have heard about the Christadelphians and their faith and belief. They demand that the scripts be printed in their native tongues so that they fully understand the Bible studies, and many more scripts for the benefit of mankind the world over. We pass our heartfelt greetings to you all and are also pleased to always put you in our prayers as we walk along the narrow path to the Kingdom of our Lord, even Jesus Christ.
Bro. Willies Simbowe


Photo: Bro. Nelson Bwalya baptizing Bro. Willies Simbowe

Gospel News
is very helpful to me. I will not be coming to England, America, India etc., but by Gospel News I will reach these places! My mind reaches heavenly things through thinking deeply on God’s word. You know, sometimes I fear writing mistakes, because I’m not well educated. In Zambia we have a saying, ‘A child is an axe, it chops you (cuts you), then you hang it on your shoulder, but you should not throw it away’. Yes, I make mistakes, but keep sending me Gospel News.
Bro. Costa Mwape

I am happy to say that in these last days more and more people in Zambia are seeking to learn the truth and several baptisms have resulted. “Let there be light, and there was light”. Light speaks of the glory, majesty and power of God; without God, without light, no life. On to Exodus and the burning bush and other manifestations of light. We think of Moses in the mount; the mount of transfiguration; Paul on the way to Damascus. When Israel were to be redeemed from the darkness of Egypt, what happened? God spoke with Moses at the burning bush, from the light, the Shekinah glory, which shone in that bush, and Moses received the commission that he was to lead His people Israel. We are brought to a knowledge of the truth by the light of the gospel, “For God, who commanded the light to shine our of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). Jesus was the true Light that came into the world and we take his message throughout the world today.
Bro. John Chulu

I count my efforts with my pupils as a blessing, and it’s my privilege to thank God for all my many blessings. I have sent five pupils for Grade 1 this year and the number has increased to 46 due to efforts made to integrate Sunday School lessons in the syllabus. These children surely do not just need physical strengthening, but also spiritual awakening as they interact in their education. I can assure you that now both children and their parents understand the reason for Sunday School despite different church backgrounds. The children now know some ‘memory verses’ from the Bible, which is wonderful (Prov. 22:6). I would like to thank you for your letters, also the booklet about the Holy Spirit debate which was very educative and helpful. It is just sad to learn of our beloved Bro. Faris of Kandahar, Afghanistan, being murdered.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba

I thank our heavenly Father for the support you give me in sending me books for spiritual food. Despite not having a job the Lord always helps me, and I pray that one day He will help me to find work, as nothing is too hard for Him. I always thank my God as I remember you all in my prayers, because I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all brothers and sisters around the world and I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brothers, have refreshed the hearts of the brothers and sisters through your work. I am a regular reader of Gospel News and encourage you never to grow tired with the great job you are doing. Yours is indeed, the Lord'’s work, and no one will reward you but God Himself, as the Bible says, “Do not be weary in doing good; the Lord is not slack concerning His promise; He will not forget your work and love” (Heb. 6:10), so please keep it up.
Bro. Harris N. Mulonsesha

Photo: Brothers. Harris, James Mwanza, Michael Chileshe and John Palmer


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