news from zimbabwe

Compassion was an outstanding feature of Christ’s unique personality. It was a sign of his greatness and not an indication of weakness, for it was at the centre of his life and teaching. The scripture tells us that "the common people heard him gladly” and they travelled great distances to hear him. The brief record that we have of what he said reveals the depth of his wisdom and the uniqueness of his revelation of God, yet the spirit in which these words were spoken touched not only the people's minds, but also won their hearts. They felt his love for them and they responded by offering their love to him. Because the eternal Christ is alive today, his compassion for men and women is as real today as it was when he walked in Galilee. As we read the gospel story and delight in the truth revealed, our hearts are warmed by the reality of his love for us. If we feel that life has failed us, or that we have failed and we are filled with despair and do not know where to turn for fresh inspiration and power, remember the compassion of Jesus. He is with us in our misery and encourages us, in the power of his love, to rise up and start afresh to rebuild our lives.
Bro. David Yelulani


Photo: Bro. David Yelulani with his Sunday School pupils

Jesus learned obedience from the school of suffering (Heb. 5:8). The greatest mystery of all is the mystery of suffering. In every age men have sought an answer, or a satisfactory explanation, for it. Some have attempted to deny the existence of suffering, but it has continued to be the experience of men and women. The fact that the Son of God knew the agony of mental and spiritual suffering in the Garden and upon the cross clearly shows that suffering is not a figment of the imagination, but an experience that must be faced with fortitude. The living Christ accepted his suffering; he did not avoid it. No one would be so foolish as to suggest that his suffering was caused by wrong and negative thinking. Suffering was a part of the society in which he lived, and because he was identified with humanity he suffered. No one willingly suffers nor can it be the will of God that anyone should suffer, but suffering is an integral part of the common life of mankind and it is when the Christian disciple becomes identified with the world in which he lives that he shares, to a lesser degree, the pain that Jesus experienced; it is a redemptive experience, for he sees the world as God sees it and yet experiences it as a man.
Bro. Dan Mponde

“From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt. 4:17). He also added these important words, “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3). This was to fulfil God’s universal call to sinners in Acts. 17:30. Jesus had said he had come to call sinners to repentance, but not the ‘righteous’ ones. He did not persuade them, but he taught them the truth with examples (parables) and signs (miracles) so that they could believe him. After convincing them about the truth in regard to God’s coming kingdom, many realised that their former beliefs were wrong; their conversion was really true, as some even died for his sake. But some still did not believe. So conversion is not just to attend so-called ‘church’ revivals held in halls or stadiums, or simply to study and answer a few selected questions, that is to say a simple change of opinion. Our religious conversion should manifest itself in a redirection of the will and the forming of a new pattern of behaviour in our every day lives. Repentance is not a fast move or action, but the angle through which we are turning and the direction in which we are left facing after total surrender from the things of this present wicked world (Matt. 3:8). If we all follow this move, we will not have the saying in our ecclesias, “They come and they go” (Joel 2:12-13).
Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana


Photo: Bro. Tanyepana


Religion and Life

Religion is not just a going to church
And praying a prayer in a pew.
Religion is living with Christ our Guide
In all that we think and do.

It’s taking our prayers to the business world,
To the kitchen sink or the school.
It’s living just knowing that God abides
In lives that allow Him to rule.

Oh, let our lives be lived in prayer,
In knowing God’s presence always.
That church may become a haven where we
Can refuel for the week-long days.

That in church we may feel the vibrant peace
That praying together brings.
That we may use in our workday lives
Thoughts heard on celestial wings.

Bro. Innocent Bandare

We are pleased that in Chegutu ecclesia all our hearts are filled with love. As a whole, we come to realise that the greatest damage caused by sin is broken fellowship with the Lord. Instead of sin we long to embrace righteousness because we know that the one who is privileged to dwell in the Lord’s presence is the one whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous (Ps. 15:1-2).
Bro. Tofara Gibson

I am dwelling in a remote area of Zumba in Kenzamba where clinics and transport are a problem. The place (Zumba) is 75km away from the town of Chinhoi. Zumba consists of three brethren and two sisters, namely, Bro. Obert Wiki and his wife, Bro. Moses Wiweka, Sis. Egness Banda and myself. We try to meet twice a month for the breaking of bread at Bro. Wiki’s homestead, but most of the time we have a poor attendance caused by the long distance between one another. I would like to thank all brothers and sisters world wide who are contributing to Gospel News, because it keeps us close to each other spiritually. I am enclosing a picture that is a bit old, but I thought you could publish it.
Bro. Emmanuel Akwaa Kondowe


Photo: (Standing Left to Right) Bro. Kennedy, Sis. Florence, Brothers Kondowe, John Willowise and Moses Wiweka. (Kneeling from right) Bro. Julius Pondo and a student.

Thank you so much for sending me Gospel News and the letter of encouragement. Here we meet on Sundays to break bread with Bro. Moses Ajiweka, Sis. Yelulani and my wife, Sis. Joyce Wiki. We are looking forward to Bro. David Yelulani from Banket so that we can institute an ecclesia. There are many contacts here who are willing to learn the truth. We would be very happy to see our photo in Gospel News, which was taken just after breaking of bread at Zumba village where we hope to establish our ecclesia.
Bro. Obert Wiki


Photo: Back row: Brothers David Yelulani, Obert Wiki and Mr. Daimon (a student). Second row from back, from left: Mrs Daimon (a student), Sis. Yelulani, Sis. Joyce Wiki and Mrs. Manyanja (a student) and in front Cain Yelulani.

Greetings in our Master’s name for whom we are all patiently waiting to bring peace to this violent and evil world. A few months back I received a message from my family that my sister’s child had died and that my mother was very sick, so I rushed to them. By now mother is much improved. Thank you very much for your encouragement. May our Almighty God bless you and be with you always. By His grace may we be together in the coming Kingdom which we are waiting for.
Bro. Alfred Bwalya

A really big ‘Thank you’ for sending some Bible Basics, which help me when I am preaching. I am in isolation. If you can find an old or used KJV Bible, please help me with it; this will help me during debates with others who are interested in the Bible. My fellow Brothers, let us remember Jesus’ words and go into the world and preach, and those who believe baptise. Jesus did not tell us to preach money to the people, but the word.
Bro. Dzingai Sumburera

Dear Sir, Well, I am a new reader who has been receiving messages from all round the world through Gospel News, which you send to my brother, Everisto. In the past I had no intention of reading the Magazine, but now I believe they have awakened me. I am learning a lot and feel sure I will proceed and be baptised. I am 24 years old and single. I am glad that I have got to know God through my own reading. I really want to thank God, for He appears to come to my rescue every minute of my life. I have just found myself brought out of difficulties without even kneeling down for a prayer, without even a loud cry. I have never dropped tears for Him to help me. I came out of serious accidents without even saying ‘Thank you’ to Him. I believe it is high time I take a look at how my sins can be washed away, repent and get baptised. Your reader
Obvious Dandara

The truth has shown us the way to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I used to run away when my brother said to me, ‘Jimmy, are you coming to church with me?’ He kept on telling me how God could help me. Now in our family we are four members of the ecclesia and others are doing the 40-lesson course.
Bro. James Zvitete


I feel guilty because we are still sinning and we are in the last days before entering the Promised land. The worst temptation is money; the money we get as workers is just for buying food, nothing else. Those who do not believe in God are complaining every day. Jesus said we must not worry. Psalm 121:2 says, “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”. Jesus said he is the way; if we know the way we are not lost. We must shine from inside as well as outside. Thank you very much for Gospel News. ‘God, please let me continually grow closer to You in worship. You are holy and everlasting. May your Name be glorified by my life. Please help me to worship in spirit and in truth.”
Sis. Alice Mlambo

I am very pleased to receive Gospel News where I meet brothers and sisters giving their views on how they run their ecclesias etc. so I learn much from GN. I was baptised in 2000 after doing the Course and everything changed my life. We should pray for the Truth to spread. My wife gave birth to two children – twins- they are now one year old. Please pray for them to grow up in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.
Bro. T. Mate

We are now very busy ploughing, sowing and weeding grass in the fields. This year my crops are good, especially maize, our staple food; I hope to harvest five or six tonnes. I am preparing for the children to get back to school where they need school fees, so I am hoping to sell crops before they return. Zimbabwe is not in the Commonwealth, so we are living in very bad conditions, especially we small-scale farmers. Sometimes we are not able to buy soap or paraffin, so we use grass for light which is a risk to our property. In bathing we use only water for some weeks. When we sell our crops the situation will be better. Prices are still high, and we don’t know the future. Longing for the coming of our Master to the vineyard.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha


Photo: Sunday School children during the visit of Bro. Swain’s company. Sis. Eddie is holding my last daughter, Maacah. The children acted Rahab and the spies and the fall of Jericho.

In reading Titus ch. 2, I was thrilled to read the topic used by the apostle Paul when instructing Titus about teaching various groups: The older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled and sound in faith, in love and endurance. The older women to be reverent in the way they live, not slanderers, but to teach what is good, then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind and subject to their husbands, so that no one will criticise God’s word. Regarding young men, give them examples by doing what is good. In your teaching show seriousness, integrity and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say. Workers should be subject to their heads, should be trustworthy and honest to show that God our Saviour is excellent. Masters should also respect their workers.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere


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