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Bro George Kachmar is regularly out on the streets around the Hamilton old bus station in Ontario offering counselling, NEV Bibles, Bible Basics etc. to the homeless. Please get involved, pray for Bro George and support him if you can.

Bro Jim Barton reports as follows: “It's so exciting that the NEV Bibles are getting so much distribution, the word of God getting into real hands! Anne and I walked up and down Princess Street in Kingston, Ontario on a sunny summer afternoon, to preach with an offer of ‘Free Bibles’. The Bibles were New Testament NEVs (New European Versions) that include a commentary to aid understanding. Also tucked into the Bibles were inserts explaining to the recipient the value and power of this book to change their life forever and explain the need to be forgiven their sins through baptism into Jesus Christ. The insert also included contact information and a New Testament reading schedule, based on the Bible Reading Companion we use everyday, to help ease them into a reading routine. I wore a high-visibility vest and cap that clearly stated ‘Free Bibles’ on both. This seems to help our approach as it comes across as a clearly organized and professional effort to offer something of value for free. I stayed on public walkways and kept on the move so as not to upset any business owners or their customers.

The cross section of people was quite interesting as we met everyone from tourists, shoppers, business executive-types and some beggars. I brought along a bag holding 20 Bibles. Not surprisingly, most people politely refused the Bibles. None were hostile about it and a number of them declined because they told us how they already had one or more Bibles at home. In the hour long walkabout, we gave away all 20 Bibles after asking an estimated 200 people if they would like one. So I’m guesstimating a reception rate of about 1 in 10. Sometimes you get a dry spell where it seems no one is very interested, then suddenly 2-3 go quickly in sequence. The best reception came from the people sitting on the sidewalk begging some coins from passers-by. Surely those with the last hope in this world are more inclined to grasp the hope of the world to come in Christ’s Kingdom.”

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