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The Bible is the only book which shows us the Word of God, 2 Tim.3:16-17. "All Scripture is God breathed and useful for righteousness." These words give me strength to preach his Word to his people, so that through the message many people may be saved at the last day of judgement. In our ecclesia we are ten brothers and sisters, six contacts and 30 Sunday School children.

--Bro. Robert Wanyama

Busia Ecclesia and Sunday School.


I have received the CD you sent with great thanks. May God bless you and continue to bless us with more CDs.

--Bro. Odur Paskweli


Thank you very much for sending me and others the Gospel News and DVDs, we are so grateful. Thank you, too, and others for the great work CAT does of preaching God's Word worldwide.

--Sis. Annet Namagga


Thank you for your letter, Gospel News and DVD-CD which are very encouraging and useful. I don't have a gadget on which to play it so I use my friend's and this makes very good discussion! Please send or us more of this kind of thing.

--Bro. Godfrey Egessa

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