view as web pdf NEWS FROM TANZANIA


I do appreciate it when I receive your news concerning Israel and the world today. The eyes of the world are again on Israel and her enemies, and we rejoice in the fact that all these signs are heralding the soon return of the Lord Jesus to the earth and establishing the kingdom of God.

Some brothers and sisters are ready to return to our homeland but find life very difficult after 16 years in the camp without anything, they ask for any support for them.

--Bro Daniel Sabuni

We are very happy that our Brother Gidion Moses Komanya, my first son, who was not in fellowship for five years, is now back. We are sure angels sing, praising the Lord with us. So we ask all brothers and sisters worldwide to pray for him that he will not go out of our ways again.

--Bro Moses Komanya

We are OK here in Tanzania, although we have our problems. There is food shortage as our crops are drying with the sun. The food in the market is at a very high price. This is one of many signals for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here in Tanzania, we are doing well with our activities in preaching the gospel.

--Bro Joseph Kaliyaya


Thank you for the parcel you sent me. It is more valuable than ever. I am enjoying it while expanding my Bible knowledge. This includes a teaching textbook.

We are in a very critical situation in our country Tanzania. Moslems are now cutting the throats of Christians, leaving them for dead, and demolishing Christians' Praying Hall "Churches". I really fail to understand this, especially when I think of our past history. We are totally upset by these faithless people. We continue praying so that the Almighty may save us from these incidents.

Continue sending me soul-building and reinforcing materials.

--Bro Lambert K Tambwe We have recently received: nine copies of Bible Basics in French, two copies of Introducing Bible Basics, one copy of Bible Basics in English, a book on James and other copies, some Bible educative papers, tracts and pamphlets. Reading these allows us to acknowledge the exact truth which the Holy Bible teaches, while also showing us vividly how to conquer sin ­ the great enemy. Hence we have the hope of inheriting

everlasting life on earth when our Saviour returns.

--Bro Mukandama-Simalenge Jerome


Every year that passes brings us closer to the return of our Master. How wonderful! Thank you for the books you sent. Six copies of the Holy Bible are very helpful but I am afraid we still need seven more copies for everyone to have their own copy. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the Gospel News and other material.

--Bro Raphael Mkeya

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