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We had 30 attend the Youth Camp in December (Kabelo & Thokolo & also Noncebo). The photos prove that they had a whale of a time! They had 3 study sessions per day interspersed with lots of time for swimming & playing all sorts of sports/ games.

Bro Ron Cowie (East Torrens Aus) spoke on `Job - Coming forth as purged gold' to a hall filled with friends, youth & members of all our Gauteng ecclesia's. We had a wonderful evening of fellowship followed by, over an hour of fellowship over tea, coffee & cookies.


The year started with a bumper crop of new students at a fraternal/seminar led by Bro Ron Cowie; which included visitors from our Gauteng Ecclesias. Somehow 54 crammed into our little classroom, happily without any casualties! Bro Ron's excellent studies on Enoch and Lot, kept everyone riveted to their seats. Sunday continued with the ministrations of Bro Ron & Sis Lynn. To the delight of all...a great weekend to kick off 2013!

We rejoiced with the angels in heaven this month as we huddled under umbrellas and witnessed the Baptism of our new Sis Winnie Mokoena, amid gentle rain and in chilly waters. Sis Paddy had met Sis Winnie in Randburg, 18 months ago, at a choir concert in the retirement village where Sis Winnie works as a receptionist. Proof that a word in season can bring rejoicing in heaven. Our prayer is that she keeps strong in faith as she journeys with us to God's glorious

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