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I have a problem concerning the breaking of bread, as I am still in isolation. I have tried so hard to broaden the spectrum of my preaching in the area, and have received overwhelming response. The problem is that we don't have a Christadelphian supply of doctrinal material nearby, and the only source that could be found is in Kitwe, some 26 Kilometres away from where I stay.

However, we are not far from the Lord's return, and, God willing, we shall soon be together in the coming kingdom.

--Bro. Willies Simbowe


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always praying for us, and the spiritual food I ­ and our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus in Kabompo district here in Zambia ­ have been receiving from the Lord through the Christadelphian Advancement Trust.

We are praying for you that you continue supporting us, wherever we may be, as you always have been doing, that we may proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all parts of areas where we stay, that the Lord may add many to

His household through our preaching, using the spiritual help we receive from you.

Though I am no longer the secretary for Kabompo Ecclesia, my preaching errands are going on well with the purpose of bringing many to the Lord, and be added to His household (existing ecclesia in Kabompo,) for I have realized that I have a calling from the Lord and a ministry in His service.

Many times I feel I should register the ministry so that my preaching errands could be legalized according to the laws of Zambia. What is your advice on this matter? When registered it would be `CHRISTADELPHIAN OUTREACH MINISTRY,' and its address given as P.O. Box 140062, KABOMPO, ZAMBIA.

My son Timothy graduated from Solwezi College of Education and is now a teacher, posted at Chikonkwelo Primary School, P.O. Box 140097, Kabompo, Zambia. He is a baptized brother and co-servant in the Lord and has the same mind as me in the Lord to spearhead the ministry once formed.

We are therefore asking you to send us again at least ten Bibles, and the higher quality DVD on `The Real Devil', more Bible Basics and also two copies of the `Real Christ,' plus two of the `Real Devil' books by post, as we still cannot afford a computer to put ourselves on the internet, which is our desire, to enhance the preaching work of the Gospel.

Our home plot No.198, Zangi Section, Kabompo town, will be the operational office of the ministry, God willing. I will retire from secular employment on May 1, 2014 and dedicate the rest of my life to preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, God willing.

We are thanking you in genuine anticipation.

--Bro. Reuben Musole Kaambeu

I am writing to inform you that I have been employed as a teacher, and would like to use the teaching skills in spreading the Word of God. My father and I would like to register the Christadelphian Outreach Ministry in Zambia so that the Word of truth and hope for the whole world is spread to many. We therefore would like your advice on this matter.

Please remain as you have been doing in assisting us with some books which support and help with the Christadelphian faith.

--Bro. Timothy Kaambeu


"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor outcry nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away."

(Rev 21:4), Life Without Suffering is a Trustworthy Promise

--Bro. Lotson Kayuni


Could you please send me Bible Basics in English and French which I will appreciate. Yes, brother, I don't have equipment for playing the CD on the Devil which you sent me, but I have a friend who played it for me: it is a very interesting CD - even my friend commented on it. Please also send me a DVD on the `Real Devil', discs in the 11 languages if possible ­ and books by Bro. Duncan. Brother, I am sorry this will be a burden for you, with the considerable postal increase. True, the work can only be achieved through the Lord's blessing and the generosity of the supporters. I do appreciate you sending me literature, and am always mentioning you in my prayers.

I am happy now to inform you that we have started meeting at Bro Sidney's home to break bread together to remember the death and resurrection of our redeemer.

When the Lord Jesus knew that he was living the last days of his life on earth, he took great pains to teach the disciples one thing. He used one little phrase over and again ­ it was `Abide in me' (John 15:4-7). He wanted his disciples to know that their place of safety was abiding or remaining in him. There, and there alone, was where they would be safe and protected. To abide simply means to remain, stay, continue, dwell: you don't have to

fight in order to abide, or to get under cover. All you have to do is to stay where God has put you. Where has God put you? In Christ - Stay there.

The armour of God (Eph.6:10-18). Rom. 13:12-14: `The night is nearly over: the day is almost here, so let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. Let us behave decently, as in the day time, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. But rather clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.'

--Bro. Greenwell Kunda


The picture below shows left Bro. Costa Kanembe then Bro. Ackim Sikabuli, discussing the prophetic dreams of the Bible

Sis Mary Kanembe with her Sunday School. She wishes to thank us for uplifting her spiritualy with literature. She needs more material for her 18 Sunday School children.


Thank you my Brother for sending me the DVD of `The Real Devil.' Yes, I would also like the high quality version. I also need two Bible Basics in English for the new students. I also kindly request a copy of the newly published Bible, and would request one for myself, as when they were sent to our Ecclesia I was away.

When we are still on earth we need to encourage one another. No man is stronger than another, because so many men of God in the past failed. Peter the disciple thought he was strong, but in spite of that he denied his Lord. To overcome our failings, we need to pray every day to God to renew our strength. Our days are very short ­ we need to be communicating with our Father all the time.

Brethren and Sisters, let us not stop spreading the seed of God's Truth. The teachings of our King, Jesus Christ, are that we are to be of service to one another and to the wider world as we work and wait for the Lord's return.

--Bro. Charles M. Daka


`I exhort that supplications, prayers... and giving of thanks be made for all men ...for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.' (1Tim 2:1-4)

God's desire is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. The reason for bringing salvation to all men is not only for them to receive it and escape death, but also to come into an intimate knowledge of fellowship or one-ness with the truth: that is when you really start living. For example, 1 Peter 1:23 says, `being born again not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.' This means you are born of the word; you are the word in flesh, your life as a Christian is the manifestation of the word. God wants you to come to the knowledge of the truth. Romans 8:28 says, `And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.'

--Bro. Maxwell Choongo


Thank you very much for the DVD ­ it gives a very clear picture of its lesson, is so powerful, and I like it.

--Bro. Herbert Tigerepasi

Bro. Herbert and Sister June Tigerepasi

It's my pleasure to send you this letter in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I am humbled to communicate with you now, hoping that this letter will find you in good health and your family at large: also pass my greetings to the Ecclesia there.

I am asking if you could send me books entitled `Letter to the Ephesians,' and `Letter to the Hebrews.' These books will enrich my study in the Word of God so that my spiritual life may be strong despite the opposition I face. I am overcoming this and no-one will move me or disturb me from the things pertaining to the Kingdom to come. (My email address is

I want to thank you for all you are doing for me in order to continue with this belief which has made me different from my fellow youths in the neighbourhood. You see nowadays, here in Zambia few young men who could stand to lead a decent life because of peer pressure and other vices, such as beer drinking, smoking and an immoral lifestyle, which have destroyed my society. So I thank you for the confidence you give me by sending the literature you do, as they have helped me tremendously in my spiritual life.

--Bro. Stephen Siamabi

COMMENT: Maybe someone can send you the books you desire. There is a good exposition of both these books on the disc sent to you last month. Turn to New Testament Commentary Vol.2 and scroll down to the books you request. --MH

Bro. Stephen Siamabi inside the Ecclesial hall.


One thing is certain, all mankind is searching for peace and security. We Christians are on the right track, but non-believers seek to find this in ever more exotic gadgetry without finding it. For us, regardless of where we live in the world, it is more important than ever not to take our eyes off our Lord, not to be nervous about our situations, but patiently wait for our Lord's return. "All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of our God for ever and ever." (Micah 4:5)

We as a community keep saying, `Come, Lord Jesus.' It won't be long before our Lord Jesus returns. I was baptized in 2006 when I was 23. `It won't be long now' is on every Christadelphian's lips ­ how long is `long'? Well, it will be soon!

Though we should focus on the land of Israel, in the city of Jerusalem we can see that Jews are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, the holiest place: this is quite astonishing and one wonders, why not? We don't know all the details going on in politics. What is keeping them back? It simply means to us that Israel's time is not yet ready, but very soon Jesus will return to establish God's Kingdom and put things in order.

The words I have said above have substance, they are not just words and hope, they are words from above, I believe. Let us continue to live by faith in the Son of God until he returns, and may He bless each one of us wherever in the world we may be, who long for His appearing ­ for we are all God's people.

There has been much going on concerning the signs of the times, recently we have seen the dramatic news of the resignation of Pope,Benedict xvi telling the world that he is stepping down as head of the Catholic Church. Just after his announcement, lightening struck the vatican, perhaps it is was a Divine warning of problems to come.

We all wait for the time of Zion's glorious day when the resurrection of the sleeping saints will take place with the returning of the Messiah to establish God's kingdom.

--Bro Gideon Hankomone,


You may wish to know that I was your Bible student from 1987-1990, August 18th when Bro. Graham Mitchell baptized me. During this period all the magazines sent to me have been passed on to other fellow Bible students.

--Bro. Dennis C. Kombe


I have received Gospel News and the DVD and I am anxious to take it to someone who will play it for me. My main reason for writing this letter is to request one New European Version Bible, (as we have only one Bible between us); the book entitled `Wrested Scripture,' and the book `Principles of Marriage.'

--Bro. Cephas Kalungah

Bro. Cephas Kalungah

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