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We have managed to baptize four people in our ecclesia so we have now increased in number. I pray that during my holiday I will be preaching to people for baptism, using the material which you have given me and that of my tutor (Bro Colin Jannaway).

--Bro. Wangoni Rogers


I went to my home district and on the return to

Kampala we had a car accident. By God's grace nobody died but had serious injuries and we are all o.k. although I still get pain in my right shoulder joint. I want to thank you and the members of the trust for the good work you are doing. may God continue to bless you as we wait for the return of our Lord and master on earth as a true Ruler. I also want to thank you sincerely for Bible Basics and neV Bible. Please kindly avail me of a small pocket Bible.

--Bro. O. Ogenga


There are four of our pupils, two brothers and two sisters that need Bibles.

--Bro. Peter Ouma

Bro. Peter Ouma


I would like to inform you that it has been a long time since I wrote as I was seriously sick from September 2011 to 2012. I was taken to nairobi, Kenyatta Hospital for treatment and now seem to be recovering.

After receiving the Bibles I distributed them to

all preaching centers. I currently have eleven preaching contacts plus Butiru ecclesia itself, which has born all these centers. to each place I gave 1 Bible and 2 new testament Bibles.

According to the growth of God's work here I shall request you to continue adding me more Bibles so that members from these centers can have the chance of getting Bibles. Thank you for the Bible Companion booklets you sent to me and to brothers and sisters. These booklets are really needed by people as they help them in revising the Bible without repetition.

I would also like to remind you about the request I made to you concerning my new testament Bible in my own language to be printed in many copies for my people who really need to read the Word of God in their own language. I have an old new testament in Lugisu language which I need more copies of.

I have started a nursery and Primary School in the ecclesial building so that children can be taught the truth and grow up with it.

--Bro. Boyeyi Boniface Masalala

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