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I am so pleased to get your letter full of encouragement in the Word of God and the Kingdom. I am sorry to inform you that I have already shifted to Dar es Salaam city and I am no longer in Unene so the above address is the latest one you may use. my brother, I am truly interested in receiving Gospel news so please send me more. I assure you that I am still an ambassador of our Lord Jesus Christ under an umbrella of the Christadelphian Church.

--Bro.Daimon Saimon Mbona

If the God whom we love is willing, I am planning to visit the central part of tanzania soon. my plan is to go and start Bible Classes in the Dodoma region as there are more than fifteen who wish to take Bible Study lessons in Kiswahili with preaching activities as well, as they are really interested. I have already got some Kiswahili Bible lessons from U.K. Please could you send me two copies of the whole Bible and the new testament as you sent me, but which I had to hand over to my daughter who lives a long way from me. one copy is for me and the other is for my wife as it is sometimes difficult to share together. Also I need a Kiswahili Bible Basics for the same purpose and 10 or more copies of the Bible Companion, and copies of the neV Bible.

--Bro. Ayubu Sazi Kilumbi


We are going well in our country, apart from the havoc of moslems trying to destroy our churches which you may have heard of, but with our Holy Father we always hope to win, although they wish to abolish our real faith all over the globe.

Would you please send me the book that deals with "moslems". We are almost surrounded by their believers who tend to destroy our Holy Book. It is time now to know their beliefs in depth to be able to hold a positive argument against them. Please do not hesitate to send then to me, so that we can gainsay their arguments. Warm greetings to all Christ's followers heartily awaiting the second coming of our Lord.

Please kindly help us by sending these soon. Warm greetings to all Christ's followers who keenly wait for the second coming of our messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

--Bro. Lambert K. Tambwe

Thank you very much for your kindness in sending us many books, which are giving us consolation.

With the events in the world today we can certainly look to the soon return of the Lord

Jesus Christ when we will all be together in the glorious kingdom of our Heavenly Father.

We always receive the C.I.L. papers from the UK. we congratulated Bro. David Welch of teignmouth, UK on his exhortation of 11th nov. 2012, this has touched many of us. Please give him that message as well and if it is possible, we would be happy to hear from him again.

--Bro. Daniel Sabuni


I write to acknowledge receipt of four neV Bibles with commentary and other literature. It is now three weeks since I had the parcel; however we were very busy studying the commentaries and so forgot even to say thank you!

These commentaries are really vital, they have made us enter into a deeper dimension of understanding God's word. I know that now I can teach and exhort my class with boldness because of being sure about what the Bible teaches as a custodian of the truth. The Bible is now self-explanatory according to our belief. many people have come to admire these Bibles.

Brother, since I had my stroke, my eyesight is poor, and doctors have advised me to have reading glasses. Can you please help?

--Bro. James Mwangoma

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