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I give thanks to the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.

With a warm heart I send much thanks to you for your kindness to me, both spiritual and physical and I thank God so much, who through His infinite mercy, helped me to know the truth and made me free after many years of following and teaching the wrong things. The things which were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ, yes, I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ (eternal life). Therefore beloved kindly receive my warm greeting for helping everyone in my household. may His mercies always abide.

our house to house preaching (sharing of leaflets and the Radio programmes of Aba ecclesia) is yielding fruit and many people are now asking where we fellowship and some of them are now more interested to know the truth. This has led me to look for a rental place and I have found an uncompleted building which needs roofing and flooring, so I am appealing for help to make the place fit for use and your prayers for God to perfect His work here are much needed. Finally beloved, the world is moving to a thrilling end of the game, Bible prophecy and signs are being fulfilled right before us. There is suffering in nigeria, the government is falling, killings everywhere, people work for no reward of their labour, there is sickness and many are dying. In fact, I am seeing the Day of the Lord fast approaching. The church people now give glory to men, not God. The magicians in Pharoah's house are now in the christian churches, deceiving and being deceived. I am hearing the Lord saying again, "Whatsoever you do, hold it fast, for the night is coming when no one will be able to work." In fact we need always to be alert and watchful. (Luke 12:35-40).

--Bro. Uka Egwu


You have made a significant contribution to my understanding and I am most grateful to you for your tangible support. only the Lord can repay your labour and expense of love. I appreciate this from my heart and I am looking forward to remaining in regular correspondence with you.

Kindly keep praying for all our brothers and sisters here who might be victims of bomb explosion and violence by the Boko Haram sect. These are really dangerous times in nigeria.

--Bro Timothy Temilola


I received your surprise parcel and letter in the early hour of 7.15 a.m. with joy. It is like someone dreaming they are receiving a gift, but because for Christ's sake it happens. may our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you for such love. Also thank you for the new testament Bible and the "Wrested Scriptures", which are very useful to us. I was baptized in 1990 by Bro. Stephen Sykes and the late Brother H. Jenkins.

I am thankful to my God that during my period of isolation I was able to convert two people to Christ, who are fellowshipping with us now. Lots of people study with me in my home and I will introduce them to you for correspondence courses. my wife greets you. She has also been baptized. God willing I shall soon have my Post office Box no. I need you to send me the Christadelphians and some Sunday School materials and some other important literature which can help me answer some questions. our ecclesia is progressing in mbaise.

--Bro. Adolphe Effiong

I received "Bible Basics" and some pamphlets and was truly happy to hear from you. I have shared the books with our baptized members who are at home doing the memorial service together on Sundays, Bible study on Wednesdays and Saturday's lecture. I need to have another copy of "Wrested Scriptures", "The Real Devil" and "The Real Christ" as the ones you sent to me have been taken over the brothers and sisters of mbaise for their reading. In mbaise ecclesia, there are four newly baptized who need Bibles.

--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe

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