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I take this opportunity to ask you if you can send me five Bible Basics in english and seven of the French for preaching purposes. I have played the CD on the devil to my fellow teachers at school, which has enabled me to discuss this with them.

--Bro. Robert Mpundu Miwele

On the left Bro. Robert Miwele standing with fellow school teachers.


Sis. Esther Mbewe and her granddaughter


I hope this finds all well with you. Thank

you for the Bible new european Version. We are so excited to read the Gospel news and I do wish to continue to receive it.

--Bro. Ackim Sikabuli

From right to left ­ Bre. Titus Nakayola, Joft Siakannga, student Shalon Mudenda, Sis. Ronicah Sikabuli, two students, Mr. Obey Mudenda and Mr. S. Ruvie Sibulyobulyo and me, Ackim Sikabuli.

Back left to right ­ Sis. Annety Sikabuli, Saviour Sikabuli, Bro. Livess Sikabuli and student Mumba Sikabuli at DAFAN on Sunday morning.


We have gladly received the literature and Gospel news and would just love to have more Bible Basics. At the moment we have battery problems with the tV and so Cannot use the CV, but trust we can soon. We had a good Fraternal with an attendance of 79 plus 12 students.

--Bro Kanembe


The Real Devil is a book which teaches me the truth about God and satan. It is very interesting and encouraging and I can now explain it to my fellow brethren more deeply than ever before.

Thank you for the parcels sent to me containing nice books and leaflets, which are very interesting to me and all the members of the ecclesia. If you still have Bibles in stock please send us six more as Bible study is growing every week but there are few Bibles in comparison with the number of people. Please send more leaflets and Bible story books.

--Bro. Ostine Chisosa and family


Thank you for the beautiful designed Gospel news and especially for the CD on the Real Devil and lots of other publications. We could do with other CDs concerning the Word of God. If possible I would also like some French Bible

Basics for some French speaking contacts

--Bro Joshua Mushili


As regards Bibles, each member of the ecclesia has received a Bible, eight of them in all. Some members have not attended for a long time and they were not given copies. I gave a Bible Basics to a student. I heard his complaint when he stressed that it had taken a long time to be examined for baptism and therefore the need for his own copy of Bible Basics.

--Bro. Vincent M. Mwense


So many thanks for the latest edition of the G.n magazine as well as the enclosed DVD on the Real Devil. I truly appreciate. I know it will greatly help to explain more - I played it in the evening same day I received it and my siblings and friends were watching - just said, "'Surely the `Real Devil' is within us". Thereafter questions were asked, I tried to explain more with references. may God continue guiding you through his works, and please keep sending me Gospel news in hard copy as I have no assured access to internet for now.

--Bro Silas K. Chishimba.


I hope and trust that this letter finds you in good health and thank you for everything you have done for me and my fellow brothers and sisters in the mission. It has given me more courage, such that I could study deeper into the Bible. I am working so hard to get an advanced certificate in I.C.t. (Information and Communication technology).

--Bro. Stephen Siamabi


I am happy to report that at last I have found some work to do. Thank you very much for your

prayers and spiritual support. Life otherwise is hard in Africa and the world over if one is not working and has to take responsibility for looking after a family the way I do to my two sisters. At times the Lord is gracious that He does not leave us alone but does His best that through our suffering, He at least provides us with food, clothes and shelter. These we must be content with in life and be like the apostle Paul who learned the secret of being content in each and every situation, whether in need or in abundance, he goes on to say "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil.4:12-13).

I have sent some material for consideration for publication in Gospel news. I am deeply impressed by your remarks that you like all my articles. This in turn gives me much courage and zeal to send more. I shall continue sending them when I can.

The signs of Christ's return are seem everywhere. We are all aware of the troubles in Syria and how the present government brutalize and kill its own citizens. It has been said that Syria could at any time bring the middle east into terrible disaster. The middle east will be the base or the starting point of the last world war. We must not be afraid because all these things are written in the Bible and given for our learning. may God bless you daily.

In mazabuka recently I was very pleased to witness the baptism of Bro. George Creighton Samboko by Bro. Kelly in Kafue. Sometimes it is a slow process to bring Almighty God into the hearts of people but it is very rewarding for the Church as a whole when a new person begins to see the light. It is like when we stand in a garden in springtime searching bushes and trees to see if this year may be rich in berries and fruit. often the bushes and trees are full of blossoms in springtime, promising a plentiful harvest and then comes one night of frost and destroys most of it. So it is with our preaching, we talk to many people but we must do our best by looking after them and supporting them. to use the garden as an example again: we do not just plant the plants for food and leave them to their own devices, we look after them, to make sure they get enough nourishment, see that the soil is aired so that they get oxygen, we make sure that all weeds are removed, to make sure they get the goodness that the soil provides. to me personally a weed in the garden among the good plants is like sin in my life, it must be pulled up and destroyed, that is what we can do about weeds, but with the frost we cannot do anything.

I have good news to report, our journey to Kafue was a success and Kelly was able to baptise Creighton Samboko my contact whose tutor is Sister mirriam Denbak

I don't know why I have to affix a stamp this time on your pre-paid envelope as you can see. I have been posting them all along without stamps but I have now been asked to put stamps on each time I write. They said that the rules have changed and that pre-paid stamps are only accepted within the U.K. I do not understand this and it is a problem to us as many brothers and sisters cannot afford a stamp.

--Bro. Gideon Hankomone

The postage is a problem because

the sellers of stamps get a small commission on the value of the stamps sold, which is, in effect, their wages. With our pre-paid envelopes, which are legal and cover the world, they do not get any handling charge. Whilst they are wrong in not accepting our envelopes, I am reluctant to report them as any enquiry could result in friction between you and the posting agent. --MH

We endeavor to talk to people about the truth and `promote' our doctrine. In order to `advertise' ourselves in our area, I participated in a debate on `Death Penalty in Zambia', and addressed the Zambia episcopal Conference. my prepared speech was presented to the Committee on the Draft Constitution of Zambia and will be presented to the Provincial Sitting of the Committee before the second reading of the Draft Constitution. In all its presentations, my document was received with standing ovation and some people have requested for corresponding Bible verses ­ for I presented it as a mere speech.

most of the evangelical churches gave assent to the `Death Penalty'. I was surprised to see and hear the Catholic Church veto it vehemently.

--Bro. Timothy L. Mwale


Thank you for the CD you sent me about the real devil. I would like you to send me two copies of the book "The Real Devil" as one of the head teachers at a High School is very much interested to read this book. He borrowed it from me and did not want to give it back.

--Bro. Green Mumbelunga

All the natural and spiritual family are doing relatively fine, except for the usual third world related problems mainly associated with poor environmental management here, otherwise we are soldiering on. Thank you very much for your letter in which you clearly outlined the necessary scriptural quotations regarding David's throne and the subsequent coming of his promised descendant, Jesus Christ, to sit on it.

Indeed, the Lord Jesus was not a King at his first coming but his Kingship will be when he returns to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God.

I am equally delighted to receive a CD tape on the devil, which is a very heated debate here compounded by the Pentecostal movements who preach a literal devil and satan, responsible for the world's problems.

--Bro. Denis Kombe

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