
Br Thompson (Yeoville) exhorted us this month on fearing and respecting the Lord from Dan 5.Our ecclesial lunch, was followed by the concert and prize giving. Visitors from Kempton Park, Yeoville & Soweto Ecc came through to help make the day a memorable one.
Br. Travis & SIs Salome Lekhoane joined the others from our Gauteng family in going to the Summer School. Two of our Sunday School children & a member of our youth went to the Gauteng youth camp. Br Travis' company has asked him to relocate to Durban & God Willing he will be doing this on 1 Feb, transferring to the Pinetown Ecclesia. Johannesburg ecclesia will be voting in a new committee at the half-yearly meeting on 20 Jan. Farewell dear brother, like the swallows who fly south for the winter, we know we will be seeing more of you this side of the kingdom. Great truths about growing old: It's frustrating when you know all the answers , but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.