Kempton Park & Surrounds

With the blessing of Birgit and Gernot baptisms, our little ecclesia in Kempton is growing again. With them come three junior school children. Birgit is a busy musician who plays the harp, cello and violin
Great truths CHILDREN have learned:
No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
Our guardian angels have been busy in our ecclesia this month Sis Trudy crashed into an ambulance at the beginning of the month, by the grace of God she and Georgia-Lynn were not injured, her car was "written off". This happened the day after Br. Lucas had a nasty accident, when a drunk driver cut right in front of him from the right-hand lane. We thank God that apart from a minor ankle injury no one was seriously injured.
Adieu has hosted another spate of volunteers this month: - Bre. Matt Drabenstott, Matt Bilello, James Caudrey, Sis Natalie Ferguson, Rachel Johnson & Lauren Ghent. They have all done great work here helping with the preaching & outreach work. One Sunday Br. Matt Drabenstott, joined the "hat-trick club" by giving three exhortations - @ KMP, Aphiwe & finally @ Congolese ecclesia. He is the third brother to have done the "hat trick" Sunday :-)
Gauteng Youth Camp was a great success:" For me these last 4 days the Youth Camp - have really been a "kingdom glimpse". We had 37 kids between the ages of 8 & 18 attend, with Br.Matt
Drabenstott & Sis Lauren Ghent helping out with the lessons, and "aunty Leona" spoiling them with quality cooking and special treats in the kitchen.
We had a jam-packed week planned for them 3 classes every day; with Bre Matt & Michael leading the oldest group in a variety of studies, Lauren exploring the prophet Elijah with the middle group & myself exploring ways to "preach without using words" with the youngest kids. To set the tone for each day every morning started with a short devotional message before breakfast.
In the afternoons we had some friendly competition & lots of laughter completing an obstacle course, competing in a volleyball tournament, finding all sorts of objects in our biblical treasure hunt, and on those days that the weather permitted, enjoying some time in the pool.
Darkness falling didn't slow the pace we spent the first evening playing all sorts of games (nothing beats fun & laughter for breaking the ice!), and the second evening was dedicated to praising God through singing and reading passages of praise from the Bible. Our last evening included a talent show, a quiz relating to the lessons of the last few days, and ended with a slide show of pictures taken during the camp.... This camp really gave us all a little taste of what it will be like when "all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD."Lilandi.
Six of us were privileged to help "Network of Caring" assemble 35 wheelchairs that will God Willing be given to needy people later this month. We spent 2 hrs & had fun working with other people who, also, want to make a difference. The wheelchairs are really nifty and robust and have already changed lives in the world in recent years.
If you want to start the year On Fire for the Lord then do yourself a favour and check out the Ignite2020 & COP Trust face book pages as there are LOTS of photos of all the many activities that took place during December. The Internet addresses for these pages are and
Edited by Sister Paddy Campbell, South Africa. caribbean outreach Magazine
Editor Brother David Andrews
The following are a few extracts from this new quarterly magazine
Open-Air Meetings
We were happy to conduct yet another series of open-air meetings the third for this year, on the drive-way of Bro & Sis Harilall of Eccles. By God's grace the rains held up and allowed the support of many Brethren and Sisters.
Cottage Meetings
During the last quarter, three such meetings were held at the home of Bro Rasheed Khan and Sis/wife Mohanie, at Glasgow Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice. All were well attended and included a few zealous 7th Day Adventists who were quite surprised to learn why keeping the 7th day Sabbath is no longer obligatory for our salvation. We look forward to continuing these sessions in the new year, God willing.
Ruimveldt Children's Aid Centre
This is a charitable organization designed to help underprivileged children in a very depressed part of the city of Georgetown. It has much potential as a preaching channel, not only through its functioning Sunday School which has about 60 students, but as a corridor for the gospel to reach their parents as well.
Though legally speaking, it is a private Charity, in reality it has always been primarily a Christadelphian concern. It originated as a brainchild of a Christadelphian Sis Jean Martin, a Guyanese who has been residing in the UK for several decades now, and who by the grace of God, undertook this mighty challenge around the year 1991
The Centre is operated as an afternoon learning exercise where each child, in addition to tuition in basic academic subjects, receives a free meal each day. Religious teaching and focus is paramount in its objectives and this is ably piloted by veteran Sis Maudlyn December, through drama and other avenues. Surely, this enterprise is worthy of our generous support!

Sisters Maudlyn (L) & Lorna Murray at the Ruimveldt Children's Aid Centre
BILL BOARD of special events - 2013
Some main events on the horizon are:
Bible School
It is New Amsterdam's turn to host our Bible School 2013 booked for the Easter week-end: Fri 29-Mar to Mon 1-Apr
Our main speaker will be Bro Ted Sleeper of California, USA.
Bro Ted and Sis/wife Dolores are both well known to Guyana, having labored here tirelessly for a number of years during the 1970s and continue to so do as our CBMC link in this portion of our Lord's vineyard. We do look forward with eagerness to their upcoming ministrations.
Youth Camp
The Guyana Youth Camp is set to be held at our camp site at Plegt Anker, Berbice River, from 10-17 August 2013.
Youth Circles and all young people are hereby encouraged to plan well ahead for this grand event. It is not too early to start preparing for those Bible skits, debates etc. so that you can "hit the ground running"!

Plegt Anker Camp Building front view; Presently under renovation

Plegt Anker Camp Building side view; Presently under renovation
Fraternal Gathering G/town
The Georgetown Ecclesia will be hosting their Annual Fraternal Gathering over the CARICOM week-end: 30 June Mon 2 July.
Truth Corps
Those who attended the Tobago Bible School 2012 would have enjoyed the privilege of meeting the several young and energetic members of the Truth Corps so ably guided by Sis Myra Lucke and Bro Brad Butts.
This is a group of eager adventurers, excited over the Word of God, who willingly surrender a portion of their personal routine to share their knowledge with many far and wide.
Here is an exclusive opportunity for young Brethren/Sisters to meet and work along with them for a week or two. They are coming to Guyana and are booked for Berbice and Demerara for the 1st and 2nd week in July, respectively. There will be much to do, but much more to learn and share as well.

Bro Brad Butts with Truth Corps in Tobago - 2012

Sisters Lorraine (L) and Glancy with Atiya after her graduation
Whether you reside in the UK, Canada, or the USA, Sis Lorraine Mitchell (beloved Sis/ wife of the late Bro Hugo) is synonymous with the Brotherhood all the way back to the early 1950s when she was just a little `peach' (Hugo's favourite term) working at the Timehri Airport then known as Atkinson Field.
How many of us are aware that the commencement of the CBM in the early days was largely due to the influence and push of Sis Lorraine on our English Brethren such as Harry Whittaker et al ...while she was holidaying in the UK?!
Then followed the mighty Bible Campaign in 1955 conducted by Bro Harry along with Bro Alan Hayward of the UK, at the Georgetown Town Hall which saw over 14 children of Adam put on the Saving Name -within 3 months of hearing the gospel! What an outstanding witness!
Yes, Aunty Lorriane hit the 90th milestone last October 29th. We all pray her God's richest blessings. Perhaps it is the Father's will that she stays to comfort us unto the coming of our Messiah and Lord... her unsuppressed desire and expectation.
It was a day of great rejoicing at the Mocha Ecclesia on Sunday 23-Dec-12 when they celebrated the baptism of Ms. Waveney Iniss, sister of Sister Marilyn Babb of the Mocha Ecclesia.We share in their joy and wish her God's constant care as we journey together to His coming Kingdom.
--Bro David Andrews