Religious Extremism & Creation
The French Interior Minister Manuel Valls at the National Assembly in Paris Nov27 2012 detailed the official policy of secularism, said "the government had a duty to combat religious extremism because it was `an offence to the republic' based on a negation of reason that puts dogma ahead of the law.
Giving examples of religious extremists, he mentioned creationists in the United States and the Muslim world, radical Islamists, ultra-traditionalist Catholics and ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to live separately from the modern world"
Increasingly Government legislation
is being made against Christian teaching, e.g. recent marriage laws, voting etc. This is just another sign of the times, Jesus said "And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake; but he that endues unto the end shall be saved" (Mark13:13) Paul exhorts us against "oppositions of science falsely so called" (1 Tim 6:20).