Best Way To Preach
The best way of sharing Christian faith is through relationship, according to new research from the Evangelical Alliance. Its survey showed that 81 per cent of Christians have seen `friendship evangelism' work effectively.
The survey, `Confidently sharing the gospel' set out to find out whether Christians in Britain are still evangelising in the 21st century, but found changing patterns in the way that Christians speak about their faith.
It also revealed that today's Christians are unlikely to be found preaching in the open-air, with only nine per cent feeling that street preaching is an effective way to talk about Jesus. Eighty per cent find the intimacy of a group of friends is a safer and more effective place to share their beliefs.
Krish Kandiah, director of churches in mission at the Evangelical Alliance, said: "It's no surprise that the good news about Jesus is best communicated in friendly conversation. Jesus modelled confident graciousness to his Church. He was not afraid to explain the gospel, but he did it in a winsome, engaging way. Let's continue to walk in his footsteps."
Other results from the survey:
48 per cent feel too scared to talk about their faith to non-Christians
57 per cent believe it is their actions that will point people to Jesus, rather than their words.
75 per cent have seen people come to faith through courses
87 per cent believe the poor public image of the Church and its leaders hinders evangelism
Resettlement Of Our Refugee Brethren
The Horrible Devastation Of Displacement
Sis Esther Worrell, (Canada)
About a week ago, I'd been looking at the disaster that befell those Americans hit by the storm called Sandy. It was horrible, particularly hearing the expression of despair of those who had lost all they had, and grievous to hear of the loss of loved ones from others. As I looked at the debris hopeless remains of destroyed homes all around, and thought of the number of families suddenly displaced and grouped into shelters, I tried to imagine what this sudden devastating transition would be like the privations that had to be endured so suddenly. Many of us would be thinking this way too, as so close to us now, we are struck by its stark reality. Then, inevitably my thoughts shifted to our own brethren living in refugee camps many of them for years in this situation, and feel strongly that we should be more proactive in doing something substantial for our brethren.
Action Rather Than Inactivity, Starting Gradually: Obviously we cannot undertake the program of resettlement at one go, as there are so many aspects involved, even situations that we may not even think about, but which will open up as we get into the program. Rather than remaining inactive, we can start with a group or committee consisting of brethren who feel strongly about the distressing plight of our brethren, and like Nehemiah who was so greatly moved about the condition of Jerusalem, begin our program with prayer and proceed with action.
Advantages Available to Us: Our immediate and great advantage is prayer where we can intercede for Our Heavenly Father's help, his power and blessing. From thereon we could enlist the assistance of willing and compassionate brethren and sisters, using the sources of information that are accessible, for example brethren who frequently contact refugee brethren in their visits to the camps, also many refugee brethren themselves who may have useful pointers, in addition to necessary skills which may be required from time to time. Involving them as much as we could in an active way would be encouraging to them, giving them a sense of responsibility in their own affairs. Then there are UNCHR staff who may provide helpful suggestions and advice on our project which they may consider as some relief to them in our effort to get some people off of their hands. With this and other useful information acquired on the internet, brethren could get together and pool their ideas and information. The committee or group should be under the umbrella of an experienced group who organize and operate programmes involving various preaching and pastoral activities, in order to receive guidance from these experienced brethren. These are plans that could be started along with collection of funds for this project. This fact-finding and research activity could be the beginning and foundation of our ongoing programme of resettlement of our refugee brethren. This is where we begin our action. The book of Proverbs offers some advice on preparation process for building - 27 "Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house."
Start Small And Move On Gradually, Acquiring Expertise With On-going Experience: As we all know, this is how we develop in any undertaking. With prayer, diligence and zeal we will move on with Our Heavenly Father's help and blessing. This beginning activity is within our grasp and capability. It is my constant prayer that those servants whom I believe Our Heavenly has already appointed for this mission, will arise and start this rewarding work.