Obeying The Commandments Of God
The Bible tells us from Genesis to Revelation that God is a serious God and that He means what He says. Obedience to the commandments of God brings life and disobedience results in death.
A good example of this is found in the Old Testament in Genesis 6, Noah preached to the wicked during his generation. The people had a choice whether to believe in Noah message repent and be saved or ignore it and perish, they ignored the commandment of God so during the flood period they perished. God does not change his mind towards us. We can also see that Noah also had a choice, he could build an ark of God be saved or reject The commandments of God and perish, but he did exactly what God commanded him to do Genesis 6:22.
The message to us is that if we ignore the commandments of God on baptism then we choose death rather than life.
The Jailer at Phillipi, asked Paul and Silas, Sirs,what must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30, the answer was believe in the Name of Jesus Christ and be baptised. Jesus himself though sinless was baptised. It is right for us to do what God requires us to do, (Can we ignore baptism when Jesus didn't? Mathew 3:15),so we must follow His steps in this as in all things.
I was happy to travel to Kafue with one of my contacts Creighton Samboko for baptism and he was baptised in the saving name of Jesus Christ by brother Kelly Simayumbula of Kafue ecclesia.
1 Corinthians 3:7 says, so neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. We only water and God gives the increase, May God and His son Jesus be with him in his walk to the kingdom,
Bro Gideon Hankomone, (Mazabuka,Zambia)