Thank you very much for sending me the NEV Bible. I'm 37 years and a teacher by profession. I intend to help found an ecclesia near my place (in Bungoma Town) and God willing establish something akin to a Christadelphian Resource Centre. It needs a little library and a few volunteer brothers and sisters, plus some little funds to keep us going. Readers who want to know more about Christadelphians could visit this centre. That is my dream.
--Bro. Nicodemus Wanjala
In Gospel News it is wonderful to hear from fellow brethren and sisters and indeed to share experi- ences together as we hold each other shoulder by shoulder Zionwards in great anticipation of the soon return of our Lord and Master.
Please remember to send me a few copies when the whole Bible is finally received from the printers. I have a few enthusiastic Bible students who I feel will benefit so much when they have a Bible of their own.
--Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
Sisters Bible Class at Lurambi
I agree that the signs of the times show that Christ's return is near. Our Ecclesia watches these and has had six mini Bible Schools to study the Bible and help others come into the Truth. We gave many contacts studying Bible Basics, and expect 21 of them to be baptised later this year.
--Bro. Martin Chemiati
Sis. Pilistar with two orphans, which to her are like granddaughters.
Time seems to be running very fast towards the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ as the signs show in various parts of the world and, in particular, the Middle East events. Now I have no problem with doing any reading since you assisted me with several varieties of reading glasses with which I have also managed to assist some in the Ecclesia and outside.
I appreciate very much your work in the Lord by enabling people in the countries of the world to get access to the truth through the Gospel News. The Word of God should be spread in all ways possible to us in God's purpose.
I managed to meet Duncan and Cindy in Nairobi when they showed us the wonder of God's work through the pictures through the internet, and how some are suffering because of the Truth they had received through Gospel News, particularly those living in Muslim/Arab countries and Hindu areas.
Here in our country, Kenya, the weather has changed so much with heavy rain, and some areas are being submerged with many belongings being swept away but we are always assured from the times of Noah God will not again flood the earth.
Brother, I have been very much uplifted indeed through your encouraging letters accompanying your articles/books you usually send me and may the Lord God bless you and your efforts abundantly.
--Bro. John Muyala
Thank you very much for the good and very important work you are doing. I am happy that you have sent more Bibles and Bible Basics.This is helping with the spread of the Gospel and strengthening the faith of brothers and sisters.
--Bro Lazarus Kingoo
I thank you for the good work that you do in feeding the world with GOD'S word. God bless you.
--Bro. Sylvester Ariri
I am full of joy to inform you that God was faithful to me and our family last year, which was full of challenges and trials and in the midst of all these I have gained victory and my health restored. I count it pure joy that by going through all kinds of challenges and trials this has contributed to my strong faith in the Almighty God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (James 1:2-5).
Thank you for your persistence in making sure that the world receives the good and great news of the Word of God and also your continued supply of the Gospel News. I give God glory for helping to sustain me after losing my job. I have always put my trust in God when he speaks through his servant in Matthew, that I am more important than the birds in the air which get their food every day without worrying.
As His son I am allotted my portion every day; food, shelter and clothing is going to be provided, therefore I should not be worried about what I am going to eat or wear for the Lord knows clearly what I need.
I encourage my brothers and sisters never to be worried or troubled whenever they pass through or face trials of all kinds as they are there only to strengthen, and it is only in them that they get to know God and to understand that God is always faithful and will never forsake or leave us.
I congratulate all who have kept their faith during these troubled times, which have been difficult and really stressful, i.e. financial strains, inflation, wars, political instability and unemployment. I truly love God for all His faithfulness. Be blessed and continue being a blessing.
--Bro. Jared Kidiga
All the books and informative letters you have sent are of great help to us as some of our friends borrow them and come up with questions concerning their different beliefs, for example, the worship of the image of Christ and the Cross. In most churches here in Naitiri they believe that when someone dies, he/she has already gone to heaven and it has been a great task to teach them the truth. We have managed to convince some of them, who have agreed with us on such like topics but others are now against us because of some little disagreement over the Bible. They say that once you are baptised, directly and automatically you receive eternal life, then even if you die you will just continue living in spirit form. Some friends have agreed with us, and from proofs from the Bible are interested to get more information concerning the Kingdom of God.
As you know, I started learning much more about the true gospel recently, from about 2009. I have not gained all the knowledge required to defend the Holy Scriptures in terms of differences on some Bible basics. I hereby come into arguments after discussions and find myself weak in heart for lacking the ability to remember verses quickly.
--Bro. Nasong'o Haron
I am writing this with a lot of joy because I was baptised five months ago with the help of Brother Haron. He was teaching me, using the books you have been sending to him, "Bible Basics" and "The Real Christ". These books helped me a lot and I am still using them. I will be reading them again and studying them slowly because God is the perfect Father, (Matt.5:48).
I would like to inform you that one day we were at a school discussion group during break time. There were six of us in a religious education discussion and a friend, Dennis, raised a point about the trinity and I could see that most of the group believe that God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one being. Could you please send me some notes about the trinity so that I can read and understand more and be able to go and teach them the truth without any doubt.
--Bro. Revin Simiyu
Bro. Revin Simiyu
In our ecclesia we now need only four Bibles mainly for visitors. I was shocked to hear that some people in Latvia are also undergoing hardships like we are in Kenya. The Kenya shilling has weakened against the US dollar. A kilogram of sugar is sold at ksh.200 which is equivalent to £1.50p. Let us pray that Christ comes soon.
--Bro. Samuel Wango
We in Nyange Ecclesia are fine and pass warm greetings to you. Our members are saying that it is quite a long time since you last wrote to us, so we are not quite sure whether our courier services are hoarding our parcels or maybe you are busy doing other duties that absorb you fully, but we hope you will soon be able to send us more newsletters.
Here in Kenya we thank our Almighty God for the showers of rain we are receiving and we are trying as much as possible to grow food crops as early as possible to ensure that we fight hunger. Though we are living in tensions due to insecurity from our neighbouring republic of Somalia, we thank God for sustaining us alive since many members of the AL-SHABAAB have been found as close as Bungoma Town, which is next to us, and have been arrested by the County's armed forces.
Nyange Ecclesia is growing rapidly and all thanks return to God and also you for your material support. Currently we have candidates again who are preparing for baptism, including Daniel, Irene, Bridgit and Janet. We hope that our Lord shall one day fulfil our dreams of having a large ecclesia in our region that will enlighten people about the Truth, as in Habakkuk 2:2, which encourages us to wait for our dreams to be fulfilled at the end of it all.
--Bro. Adriano Wanjalo
The purpose of the God of Israel is that all human beings should be saved but because of our deceitful hearts and minds we have all gone astray, all have sinned and come short of God's glory. We cannot save our own lives as our natures are corrupt. That is why through God's grace and truth revealed through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth died on the cross, and through his resurrection from the dead man has been given a hope of living beyond the grave.
We can only praise God and give thanks for providing a way of life after death. The God of Israel will show His love and mercy to us only by our being obedient to Him. Your communications to me from 1999-2011 have made my faith to be alive. You have given me the tools to do the work of God without any fear, but with love and patience. Finally I feel that if I remain a faithful servant I have the golden opportunity to be one of the brothers in the Kingdom of God, when our Saviour returns for the second time with great power and glory to rule on this earth for a thousand years.
--Bro. John Owalo Onani
Someone once asked me why she should be like Jesus now, since she would become like him when he comes to rule the world. Great question! Actually there are several reasons why becoming like him is important. When we see Jesus and stand before him we will give an account as to whether or not we lived in ways that were consistent with his will, or, as Paul put it, whether or not we have built on him as our foundation with "gold, silver, precious stones, wood, clay or straw". (1 Cor.3:12-13).
All that we should do to advance his Kingdom things like to contribute to the strength of his church, serve the poor and needy and promote righteousness and justice as he did - is like building with essential materials that will survive the fire of his judgement. On the contrary, building with things that reflect our fallen ways and advancing ourselves and our earthly desires and commodities, will turn into a pile of ashes before the consuming fire of his glory, (consuming fire means to return to the grave). I don't know about you, but I would rather love Jesus enough to live like him now, for the thought of standing before him, and having to return to the grave for ever is an unthinkable alternative. (1Cor.3:13).
--Bro. Isaac Kapa