May the Lord who is our Rock bless you and increase your knowledge and keep you in your path, so that your remembrance in Christ the Lord may continue to reach us here.
I have taken a long time to reply to your letter because I was in difficulty. In my home I had no food, which caused me to go to Mozambique for piece-work to support my family. So you will know it is not because of weakness, being lazy or tired of reading any Scripture you usually send me that has caused this lack of contact: I very much appreciate and am satisfied with all that you do for me.
We must use our skills and pray without ceasing, to encourage one another to defeat sin in the flesh through Jesus Christ, who is to come. In our desire to be spiritual, we must not let hunger or lack of
food entice us to sin. May we daily feed on the spiritual food that is in the Holy Bible: this will give us strength and increase our hope, beliefs and love.
Today there are plenty of spoilt, corrupted things, but in these end times we bless those who know that our God can work in the hearts of those who do His will.
--Sis. Mai Cook
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the changing of my postal address. This is so because I am experiencing a tough financial status this year and because of that I have failed to pay for the 2011 postal rent hence my postal address has been closed down, and I enclose a note of the current one I am using. Although this change might cause some difficulties I hope that all in all things will get better and I will be receiving normal articles.
--Bro. Lucky F. Mbalale
Congratulations on being blessed with a grandson, Daniel who, through God's love.was born at home. I was so grateful to hear about Gwladys. It was a long time ago that she sent us a children's Bible which my children still use. It has pictures and words explaining what happened. Sister Gwladys was a very close partner to our ecclesia with Bror Jailos Khonje and I send her my warmest wishes.
Sister June Churchill wrote me a letter in reply to mine. She advised me to concentrate more on the farming scheme because of shortage of work places in our rural area. I have started school, not because of my will but members from our Bible sharing think about the problem of surviving with all the financial problems in the world and I understand that after obtaining a Malawi School Certificate of Education one can be trained as a teacher. After praying, I thought that this might be God's purpose in order that I may survive. .
--Sis. Bertha Khenje
It is very comforting to hear from you and thanks for the information regarding Duncan's family in Eastern Europe. Duncan having two children means he is no longer the young Duncan I used to know. Well Marcus, this is just a joke, I have seen him in Gospel News the time he came to visit our brethren alongside our Lake (Malawi).
Some of us really appreciate the efforts that CAT is doing in order to spread the Truth. We have witnessed recently the downfall of some presidents in some African countries who took their subjects for granted, and new authorities are being put in their places. Well all this reminds me of one thing, that "the Most High reigns in the kingdoms of men".
--Bro. Sylvester Tembo
The last Gospel News shows that you are still remem- bering and caring for us. Everything was quite excel- lent when I read and heard about it. I also support the compilation and new distribution of those Bibles.
Things here have now completely turned from better to worse. Fuel prices have resulted in shortages and higher prices for many things. There are many problems here and we just try to keep going and pray to the Almighty God to redeem us. I would like to encourage you to continue providing us with Gospel News. We are still working hand in hand like ants no matter that we are few, but strong in believing in God. I would like to announce the death of my father who died at the age of 87, born in 1922. This death of my father has made me speechless, hopeless and helpless in my life.
--Bro. Dutch Mphayah
With me here in Malawi, God is caring for me in good condition and the work which I was given by the Almighty Lord is progressing day by day. I was one day reading your book called "Bible Basics" concerning the joy and peace of true Christianity and after reading the book I found your name and where you live. As a man of God spreading the Good News here in Malawi I have so many brothers and sisters but I am lacking more spiritual items like Bible Basics, magazines, booklets and Holy Bibles.
--Bro. I.W.F. Thabwa
Thank you so much for your continued interest sending us gospel support, books, literature and the Gospel News. The purpose is to direct our attention to the Scriptures and its unique message of hope in this troubled world, as well as to the essential prin- ciples of the Divine teaching, appealing to the Bible for demonstration of the Truth in all aspects. We require 10 Bibles in English for brothers and sisters, 5 in local language Chechewa and 2 for those awaiting baptism, 17 in all. Also required is literature con- cerning God's coming Kingdom, Christmas, Heaven, Hell and Baptism. I am 70 years old and my wife is 67 years old and we suffer from heart attack (HB) dislocation so we cannot work hard to cope with our cost of living. May God continue to bless you.
--Bro. Henderson M. Sosola
Brother, I received your letter but I was sick in hospital after I went to Kasonga to see brethren and sisters. My sister was also sick in hospital.
--Bro. B.S. Kawonga
I am planning to spread the Gospel to some Sec- ondary Schools which have Christian Clubs with members from different churches, so I hope to meet with them to share the True Gospel. I could there- fore do with some extra literature for this project.
--Bro Samson Banda.
(l-r) Bre Emmanuel, Andrew, Symon, Hackwell and Samson with books recently sent them.
An historic picture of Bro David Rennison with
Bro Charles Sanjama translating.