news from haiti

We’re pleased to share news of the baptisms of Srs: Mervil Nehemie; Mejane Leon; Marcelin Bejanette; Paul Danise; Clerima Bebete; and Brothers Jean Luc Berson; Isaak Lunette; Jean-pierre Amuricette; Cassignol Donatien; Gerald Cherival. May God bless them in their journeys to His Kingdom.

Grace and peace of God be with you all, I am so happy today to read your explanations to me about the witch of Endor. I feel so flattered the fact that you gave much value to my questions and you sent the answers rapidly. I have learned so many things through your writings, I do not have enough time at the cyber cafe to finish reading all things, but I copy it in my flash drive to go home, in order to memorize the entire answers by reading... I have learned so many things from you and I hopefully believe that God will allow us to be connected until the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. I am always ready to learn provided what I am learning is true.

Bro. Esmath

Photo: The Haiti ecclesia after their baptism before the earthquake; they have now over tripled in size. Brother Esmath is second from the right. The house they are standing in is now rubble.

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