news from jamaica

Why should we fear when we know that the end of all things is at hand? The Lord Jesus will soon be here and all these events will end. We read of these events but do we really long for the change? This is the time when Christians should pause to reflect on the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for our redemption and give us the hope of eternal life, so let us who possess that blessed hope, pass on the way of salvation to those around us.

Thank you for the copy of the New Testament; the commentaries bring the reading to life. I can almost see the Lord healing the sick or hear him speaking to them. I intend to pass the book on to a sister whom I think will show some interest. I would like to have a few books for relatives who may be interested.

Sister Daisy Wilson Allen

I have been so happy and cheerful. My heart rejoices to be in touch with CAT. God has you there to meet the needs of people, not only temporary but with the food from heaven, which is the Word of God. Jesus asked Peter, “Lovest thou me more than these?” He told Peter to “feed my sheep”. Without the teaching of God’s Word there would be no salvation. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and belief.

I enjoy reading the Gospel News and seeing the names of many different places in the world you have reached out to and those who have come to know Christ through Bible Basics. Thank you very much for the books which were appreciated by the Young People’s Group. The New Testament books, “The Real Christ” and “Bible Basics” were very welcome. Please send me a copy of the book “The Real Devil”.

Sis. Icilda Logan

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