news from mozambique


I appreciate the good work you are doing in the distribution of gospel magazines throughout the whole world, which is a big task. Thank you all for your total encouragement. Here, the work of bringing people to the Truth is still promising. I am holding the position of Council Elder and am looking after twenty ecclesias in my area, Chitambo. The magazine you send me helps me to interpret the Bible spiritually.

In Matt.24:14 we read, “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come. We brethren and sisters in Mozambique did not expect to have this Christadelphian preaching reach us here, but through God’s mercy it has happened. A number of people are still joining us because of our preaching and as a result, our membership is increasing rapidly. God bless you.

Bro. Medson Chaleva Katopela

Bro. Medson Katopela


I greet you, my dear brethren, in the precious name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ and it is my hope and trust that you are in good health. I am quite well but am having problems as the Mozambican postal services do not seem to be aware of the validity of our prepaid envelopes, especially here in Tete, where I am living. In most cases I have to find someone to post the letters for me either via Zimbabwe or Malawi. I even had to pay to collect the Bible Basics you sent me last time. Is there anything you can do to help me overcome these obstacles?

As I am preaching to Mozambicans it would be very much easier for me if I could have literature in Portuguese so that I can preach to the local people in a language they understand better. Tete is a very large province with 1,832,339 inhabitants in an area of 100,724 square kilometres. I am the only person preaching the Truth here and there is no ecclesia meeting nearby. The nearest ecclesia that I know of is at Chiwindi which has about 200 members and is about 460 km. north of the part of Tete I live in.

I have more than 30 students right now and 15 are more than ready for baptism but who is to do it is the problem. I need your help brethren. I feel that I am locked away from my family of God worldwide. I feel very happy and revitalised when I am reading letters from brethren. I am sending a photo of some of the students I am preaching to, who are also ready for baptism. I am eagerly waiting for the day when all these obstacles will have passed away and send my love to all who call on the name of the Lord.

Bro. Emmanuel S. Mangente

Bro. Emmanuel Mangente and Tete students class.

COMMENT: Many attempts have been made to try and contact our brother to no avail. The address we have seems totally unreliable. We are trying to get a brother from Malawi to go and search for him.

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