news from malawi


This is some of the Bible teaching concerning the basic principles of the one faith. Romans 14:11-13, “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another any more: but rather resolve not to put a stumblingblock or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.”

Such are promised places in the Kingdom:-

“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth” Matt.5:5.

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to that which is good,” from Rom.12v9.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honour giving preference to one another” v10

“Not lacking in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” v.11.

“Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfast in prayer” v.12.

“Distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality” v.13.

“Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse” v.14.

Bro. John Lyton


Here we are OK. I write to inform you that on Sunday, 25th of April, I went to Dzaleka Refugee Camp to see Bro Bernard. Brethren Mark Sheppard and David Nightingale, who were here last May, asked me to visit this brother who was corresponding with another Brother in UK. I also learned from Bro Ron Hicks in USA who told me Bro Duncan was at the camp last December---. When I reached there, I was met by a group of eight members and I attended their meeting where there was an exhortation on FAITH and thereafter there was breaking of bread as usual. After the service, they invited me to their ecclesial committee meeting which they said they conduct every Sunday to discuss issues concerning their ecclesia. Previously, all were meeting in a brothers’ hut (Brother John who transferred from Lowani Camp) but when they realized that the number of members has increased, they discussed looking for a larger place and leave Bro John’s house –Bro Duncan knows how small these huts are. The other members, numbering eight (five baptized by Bro Duncan), went to the Camp Administrator to ask him if he could provide them with a bigger room to be used for breaking of bread on Sundays. The Administrator kindly provided a bigger room for them where they are meeting free of charge. I will let you know the results of the next visit.

Your brother in the Hope of Israel,

Bro. Thomas Muleso

Thank you for your moral support and encouragement. Life in the camp is very hard. (We are expecting a visit from the CBM soon).

Bro. Innocent

Here in the camp we are in need of any Swahili hymn books or literature and copies of Bible Basics to help in our preaching.

Bro. Bernard


The Official UNRC report on the series of 5.4 to 6 earthquakes that struck the area in December reports 4 killed and 300 wounded, a thousand homes totally destroyed and another 4,000 severely damaged. The Government declared it a national emergency and 53 large tents for Schools, Hospital, Maternity Unit etc provided together with 4,677 family tents.


I am very happy to write to you and inform you that God is still calling people for His Name in our district. Five of my students were baptised after being interviewed by Bro. Jick, our counsellor, Bro. Mleso and Bro. Letala from Lilongwe. The newly baptised Bre and Sis are: Bre. Richard Zimba, Thomson Banda, Isaiah Banda and Sis. Sellar Banda and Sis. Sarah Mbewe. Just a week later I welcomed four students who are willing to join our studies, so we have been blessed with five baptisms and also with four students.

Our meeting room is now very small but it is still my prayer that the Almighty God will add more to His house. Kasungu District has about 600,000 people but only very few are called Christadelphians, but still more we want quality not quantity, harmony not discord. One day we will sing Hosanna, Hosanna to the Son of David and the problems that afflict our bodies and brains will vanish away.

Bro. Harmony Ntchalachala

Newly baptised (from left) Bre. Thomson Banda and Richard Zimba,Sis. Sellar Banda and Sis. Sarah Mbewe and Bro. Isaiah Banda.


I have found Gospel News helpful on my way to the Kingdom. Please do not delete me from the mailing list. There are indeed some delays in the post and some postal staff do not allow the “no stamp required” envelope which you send to us. Some of the post offices have been closed due to failure.

Bro. Peter Mulesa also wrote to me when I needed funds urgently to pay for my operation. He asked me to meet him in Lilongwe city but I could not as I had no money for transport and was also in great pain and could not risk making the journey. However, God was at my side. Our President visited Nkhoma Mission Hospital to cheer the sick and saw with his own eyes the plight of the patients and asked them what their problems were. Most of them complained about the high medical and admission fees which the Mission Hospital charges. The God fearing President donated money so that the hospital could subsidise the medical bills and so that children under five years suffering from malaria could be given free medicine but the subsidy is for one year only.

We have started the rainy season on a very bad note here in Malawi. The rains are erratic due to the El Nino wind, which is blowing through Malawi from the Indian Ocean, causing spells of drought and an earthquake measuring 6.5, caused havoc in Karonga district for three days. Houses were damaged and people lost their lives. The district has been declared a disaster area by the President.

Bro. Clifford Mtisawu


I have received your letter and was so happy to hear from you. Would you please send me Gospel tracts and a Bible course. I also need a Bible in English, a dictionary and a Bible in Chichewa. Thank you.

Bro John Muthumbwa


You are sending me the Gospel News tirelessly and certainly helping me and others on our way to the Kingdom. Also I thank you for the copy of Bible Basics in Chichewa, my mother tongue, which is helping us to overcome the false teachings, which are widespread.

Bro. Morris Charles Assani


I do appreciate the articles as well as the news updates that you send and I enjoy reading about such issues. We are now getting ready for the maize harvest but low yields are expected due to shortage of rainfall in January and February. Some parts will get enough harvest, apart from our villages, especially in Zomba East and even on the shore areas of Lake Chirwa. All these difficulties are due to climate change. These things all point forward to the second coming of our Messiah, Jesus. Watch out! The Lord is near to set up his Kingdom here on earth.

Bro. Kenneth Maganger


I have been down with malaria but am now feeling better. Many thanks for the parcel of Bible Basics and I am sure they will be of great help in our preaching endeavours.

Bro. Sylvester Tembo


Please send us the Gospel News magazine so that we can read the articles and get to know about our brothers and sisters in Christ. I have a little baby who was born on 15th November last and her name is Magreti. When you come here you will see that we are many brothers and sisters praying in our country and the chairman in our Ecclesia is Bro. Lyton John.

Sis. Aida Kalungama

Sis. Aida Kalungama, Nkanda Ecclesia.

Sis Stella Chimalira, Nkanda Ecclesia.

Sis. Benideta, Nkanda Ecclesia.

Thank you for sending us a Bible in English and the book “The Death of the Cross”. I am happy that I must learn the lesson of the cross of Jesus Christ. We are praying for the coming of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. Please try and send us the book “Where There Is No Doctor” and another Bible in English. I have opened three other Christadelphian Ecclesial churches in this area, they are Ntelera Ecclelsia, Mwenye Musa Ecclesia and Chowe Ecclesia and we would like the Christadelphian Advancement Trust to send them all literature.

Bro. Lyton John

Bro. Lyton John, Nkanda Ecclesia


Let me say something about the literature you send to me. Without beating about the bush, the literature is 100% the Word of God fully revealed, the pure doctrine extracted from the Bible. I salute you in the Name of our loving Saviour, the Son of God, whose precious blood was shed at Calvary for our redemption, so that he may crown us in his everlasting Kingdom.

Bro. Edson Makwecha

Edson & Rose outside the mini shop.

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