news from kenya


It is my privilege to let you know that all you have been sending to me has been received. I am also thankful to you for forwarding my request for a copy of “Eureka” to Bro. Malcolm Cross. This has shown me that you are very mindful of my affairs and the book will be helpful not only to me but also to my colleagues.

The books you have sent me have helped my endeavours to bring people to the truth of the gospel and we are right now a group of believers serving the Lord tirelessly. I humbly request that you send us more copies and also the book on Revelation if it is available in your library and please uphold us so that we may also be strong in the Lord.

Finally brother, read 2 Thess.2:1-2 as words of encouragement; that for us to emerge victorious in the day of judgement it is paramount that we perform His will. The Word encourages us and tells us that we shall be made God’s kings and priests in His Kingdom, (Rev.5:10).

Bro. Maina George Wabwile

Bre. Maina Wabwile, Aggrey Kasili Wanyama, Ferdinand Wanjala and some of the Sunday School children.

I appreciate the assistance you have given me. It is quite rare to find somebody who can sacrifice to help others the way CAT are doing; may the Lord bless their hands. Here in Kenya we have the potential to produce anything you want but some factors have hindered most of us to make any progress; the key factors are climate change, political instability and capital. The literature and books you have been sending me have greatly helped me spiritually and also those who are within my reach. It is a wonderful work that deserves recognition at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you all.

Bro. Eric Wamalwa

My dear brother, currently I have been using the secondary school’s address but you may now use P.O. Box 974, Bungoma to send books to me; they are good books and have built me up in my faith and I promise that I will never leave my God.

Bro. Gabriel Wamalwa Werunga

I wholeheartedly appreciated the book “The Death of the Cross” and “Present Day Events”. As far as my fellowship is concerned may I take this privilege to tell you that I am a Christadelphian. As highlighted in my previous letter about the aftermath of the post-election, life conditions have just remained like that. The government has just assisted in settling a few displaced persons but the majority have been looked down upon, myself included. The testimony is that God has remained on my side; I am still strong in the Lord despite the severe challenges I have undergone. Hebrews 12:6-8 gives an encouragement that “…whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” Thus we should be ready at any time to accept the Lord’s chastisement. “What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?” Job 2:10.

Bro. Wycliffe Wasike

We are very pleased with your sincere concern in provision of spiritual aid for weak brothers and sisters, because in doing this we are really strengthened, as we read in Psalm 37:26, “At all times they give freely and lend to others and their children are blessings.” We pray that God will richly bless you in abundance as you do His work.

Bro. Jacob and Sis Valentine Waliaula

From the base of my heart I am delighted every time I receive Gospel News, meaning that you are really concerned for us, which is very wonderful.

Elijah visited a widow known at Zarephath during the hostile famine that had broken in the land. The only meal that remained for her and her son to eat and then die was given to Elijah. After Elijah had eaten the meal God performed His miracle by supplying a lot of food in the widow’s house, see 1 Kings 17:7-16. The widow had done something good for Elijah by being generous.

Let us consider the woman who broke the bottle of very expensive oil and poured it on the head of our Lord Jesus Christ. We read that some objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor”, but Jesus replied that she had done something good for him, Mark 14:6.

Abel offered the best of his flock, Gen.4:3-4, but Cain was very rude and offered an unacceptable sacrifice which God refused.

Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord. After being barren for so long she prayed to God and promised the son to him. She fulfilled the promise after Samuel was born by taking the boy to Eli to serve the Lord as we read in 1 Sam. ch.1.

There are so many examples we can learn from, but let us also give good examples to others because by doing so we shall be offering ourselves to God in an acceptable manner.

Bro. Geoffrey Wanyoni

You have made my team appreciate what you gave me on behalf of the others in the church and we thank you for your support to enable us to carry on in the many circumstances that we have. We are struggling to mould the youths to produce fruit for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. What you have given us has enabled many brothers and sisters to know more about the Word of God and for that I think they will continue with that spirit to spread the Word of God among others. My team is constant with the Word of God and have appreciated what you have said to them.

Bro. Chrisantus Wanjala

I am really glad and grateful for the help you give us as we wait for the coming of the Messiah, King or Kings, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is with sorrow we report the death of my father, Bro. Dominic Mayende as the result of a fatal road accident. We know he is safely asleep in Jesus and we look forward to the resurrection and judgement and trust that in His mercy we will be granted a place in the Kingdom together.

Bro. Francis and Sis. Jentrix Mayende

I know that the way continues to be very hard for us but so it was for the Apostle Paul and his example is one that we can follow, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14). Brother, I received the Gospel News and letters, which have made us feel very happy, as a woman who has just given birth to her first born baby. Unlike many other religions, there are not many Christadelphians in Bungoma and we lack support. I believe that you and the entire CAT staff will help us to stand strong while waiting for the Master to return so that we will assist him to rule in the Kingdom in the millennium.

Bro. and Sis. Annasetus K. Khaemba


Thank you for helping us to have much more insight of the meanings of the words satan, devil and evil. The economic situation has caused a lot of pain to common people in Kenya. We have more than fifty Christian believers, including those who have not been baptised, who believe that soon we shall be one body of Christ. We worship God near the mango trees due to shortage of material to build a church structure. We bought two plots of land next to the market centre but the farmer refuses to release the Title Deed because of an outstanding balance of money.

The youth have played a very big role towards developing the church numbers and activities and have formed groups for translating Gospel News and Bible Basics into our ethnical language/mother tongue so that more can understand the Bible message. This is a challenge and shows that the church in general is growing both in a spiritual and physical way.

Bro. Emmanuel Joumer


Much greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am okay, together with the rest of the family and we are all hoping and waiting for our Lord who is coming for his saints. We all know that when the Son of Man comes every trouble shall be wiped away. We must keep looking forward and marching ahead to meet our Master.

I would like to give a word to my fellow brethren about The Judgement seat of Christ.

They who are truly “watching and keeping their garments” are blessed in that they see “the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven,” and are warned to trim their lamps with “the knowledge of the God’s will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,” that, when his arrival is announced, they may go forth to meet him with all confidence and joy. They are “blessed” in being able to stand before the judgement seat of Christ in the wilderness of Teman; but more blessed still will they be when the account they are able truthfully to render of themselves is accepted and approved and they are pronounced by the Judge to be the blessed of his Father (Matt.25:34); and are exalted to be sharers with him in his joy – Matt.25:21.

By this exaltation they will have attained to that perfect blessedness to which they were called in the gospel of invitation to “the marriage supper of the Lamb.” They are “blessed and holy”, not blessed only, but holy likewise, ‘be ye holy in all manner of conduct: because it is written, “be ye holy for I am holy”. This was their character in the days of their flesh. As such, they are the Great City, the holy Jerusalem, into which they have entered, and whose name is written upon each, Rev.3:12.

The door is yet open to all who aspire to so great and exalted a destiny: as it is written in Rev.22:14, “Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the City.” May Our Lord bless you all.

Sis. Caroline Aphaxard

Sis. Caroline Aphaxard


I am trying to establish an ecclesia here at Kilgoris . I am requesting Bible Basics in Swahili and in English and any material of use in preaching.

Bro. James Nyangute, PO Box 24 Kilgoris Kenya

We have sent our brother some English literature


My view on Middle East Peace is that many times both the Israelis and Palestinians have traded blames for the stalled peace process. U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama also has called for both sides to resume negotiations but no step has moved forward. The settlement issue is what is seen by both nations and the Americans as the biggest impediment to a two-state solution resulting in a serious rift between the Israelis and the U.S., and this will be the time…”where I looked around and no one helped me”.

Bro. Lawrence K’owiti


My wife Margaret has been seriously sick with malaria and typhoid and through your prayers and help she has now recovered. In our ecclesia we have an old brother aged 88 years who also appreciates your help. I appreciate very much the merciful heart you have for remembering brethren in Christ in need. Thank you for the sterling work you are doing in the vineyard of the Lord. The Gospel News is uplifting us very much. May God give you strength and power from above to continue to do what you are doing.

Bro. Martin Barasa

Our Lord is at hand according to the signs. Our brethren and sisters very much welcome your work. Please help us with the book “Wrested Scriptures” and also continue to send us the Gospel News. The ecclesia will appreciate these books to help them in their Bible Class studies.

Bro. Martin Chemiati


The weather is now very good. It is turning wet, following a dry spell, which is very welcome for the maize and bean seeds, which are being sown. We look forward to a good harvest, God willing. An exhortation of consolation to our brothers and sisters in difficult times, when their faith faces hard moments is found in Philippians 2:1-5.

Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir


It is my prayer and hope that you are fine and still waiting for the return of our Master, Jesus Christ, to restore the long awaited Kingdom of God here on this earth. I am pleased to inform you that I have been receiving Gospel News, as this is my only contact with the rest of Christadelphians worldwide. I received the detailed addresses of the Christadelphian Bible Mission in Tanzania from you and have actually written to one member, Thiery Kalonde, and spoken to him once on the telephone. God willing I am planning to visit Arusha ecclesia. Please send the enclosed letter to the editor of ‘Glad Tidings’. The last copy of the magazine that I received was a year ago and I still miss it.

Bro. Peter Thuo Kariuki


Who will have the Vvineyard? Jesus had come to offer himself to Israel as their King, but he taught that, because of Israel’s coldness towards him, their special blessing would be given to other people. A lesson we can learn is that if we don’t accept God’s love, then He will bless other people who will appreciate Him and His Son.

Bro. Aggrey Muyila


My people have a proverb that, “The mouth that eats is always grateful to the hand that provides. May the Almighty add you more.” Personally I have had the feeling that I would like to assist and contribute towards the spread of the gospel, but because I am not in the position to, I have never done so. I do pray that the God of Israel will open doors for us so that we can also make a contribution that may change the lives of people.

I usually count the drought that struck our country to be the wrath of God. A lot of injustice has been done in our country, which has made God angry. The post-election violence left more than 2,000 people dead and more than 150,000 displaced. They now stay in refugee camps in their own country – imagine! I think you have a rough picture of the current situation, but as Christadelphians we do not lose hope. Psalm 73:1-10 consoles us very well. Let us look how they will end and we shall see who will have the final laugh; it is simply a continuation of Nebuchadnezar’s image, which is nearly over.

Enclosed is a photograph I took with some deaf students when taking part in a sign language choir. I have taken a keen interest in sign language due to my interaction with the deaf and I have been able to learn much sign language. My prayer is that in August when I finish my P1 course, I should go further and specialise in education with reference to the deaf. I hope that God will help me to get the funds to proceed.

Bro. Laban Kisaka

Bro. Laban Kisaka singing with the deaf and dumb sign language choir.


The signs of the times clearly reveal that God’s prophecy is being fulfilled. Everything seems to be in a mess – hunger, sickness, wars, corruption and many other things worldwide, so this year may realise the coming of Jesus Christ. The articles in Gospel News are really encouraging.

My wife had a severe chest problem and was admitted to hospital for four days last week. It was diagnosed as asthma and the nurse says that she should go for some X-rays to detect any further complications but, alas, this needs a lot of money so she is just at home nursing her pains. These health problems could have emanated from poor cooking methods and heavy tasks like carrying water on the head from a distant well and heavy digging on the farm. Kindly pray for my family. Her sickness weighs me down with a lot of responsibility at home – the need to nurse her, cooking for the children every morning before they go to school, digging the farm for planting and ,alas, going out to look for a job to get some income.

Bro. Manasseh Wamamili


Loving greetings from my family to all awaiting brothers and sisters of the precious faith. We began this year with joy by receiving encouraging letters of sympathy to all brothers and sisters. Thank you for remembering us Kenyans. My family needs this year’s Bible Calendar for Bible readings so we would be grateful for 10 calendars for ourselves and our friends.

Bro. Gilbert Walela and family

Bro. Gilbert Walela’s family 


I would like to inform you that Bro. Joanes Ouko has fallen asleep in Christ. He was baptised 28/6/07 and we look forward to meeting him again when our Lord and Brother comes back to establish the Kingdom and we shall then ever be with the Lord.

Bro. Daniel Ogembo

Thank you very much for the work you are doing in the Master’s service. I have received the Gospel News magazine and appreciate it and find it helpful. If possible please send me literature dealing with the topic of women priests. Since I joined the Christadelphian faith I have learnt a lot of things that I did not know when I was ordained as a priest at the New Apostolic Church in 1998. When I heard the gospel about the Kingdom of God that will be established on the earth, I believed and was baptised into the name of Jesus Christ on 30th June 2007 and I am fighting and praying for the Kingdom to come.

Bro. Ezekiel Ouko


There is an assumption that Adam’s liberty to eat of “every tree of the garden” of Eden, extended to the tree of life, which was in the midst of the garden. “And the Lord God made all kinds of tree grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Gen.2:9). These two kinds of trees were situated with two kinds of references to each other; one was death and the other was life. (Gen.2:17 and Gen.3:22). After the partaking of the forbidden fruit Precautionc were needed not to make mankind immortal sinners and so to “keep the way of the tree of life”, the placing of a flaming sword that turned every way, was to protect a man in his fallen state to not eat of it or to touch the tree of life and live for ever.

Bro. Walter Wanyama Wasike

Bro. Lazarus Sikolia with Kikonemi at Mwandeo Youth Camp in Mombasa.


I would just request you to send us some Bible Basics in Kiswahili for some Bible students in our ecclesia – three books would be really helpful.

Bro. Joseph Odhiambo


I am glad to write to you and to inform you that I have received the Bible Basics books and the Bible which you sent me and would like to thank you very much for your concern towards me in preparing me to obtain life everlasting which we are promised. My father-in-law is very concerned and helpful with my Bible studies and has given me a lot of impetus towards this goal.

Bro Erick Nango Odhiambo


I thank you for your endless prayers for me and my ecclesia. You are the first brother from the U.K. to give us literature books concerning doctrine. The love you have shown is the love you have been given by God, the way you use to distribute it iswisdom from God. May God in heaven add toyou more blessings to your treasure in heaven, Amen. Give my thanks to all brothers and sisters who actually brought their contributions to CAT and may God bless them.

Bro. Johnstone Kaliwanga


When I pray to God I am glad that He knows me, even by my name. As His children He hears us, provides and puts us in a condition that is ever good for Him, not as we intend it (Luke 11:11-13). He does this because He loves us as His sons and daughters (John 3:16).

Yes! Jesus came for all and maybe that is why he still stays away, but it should be clear to us that when Jesus comes the second time he will then come to those who will have done the will of God, (Matt.25:14-30).

No doubt that hearing and doing the Word will make us real sons and daughters of God, who will rise to inherit eternal life in God’s Kingdom, that will be established by the Lord Jesus and it will last for ever and ever. How wonderful.

Bro. Allan Ketoyo

Bro. Allan Ketoyo


The Holy Spirit is God’s invisible power; the miracles that Jesus and his disciples did were as a result of this gift from the Almighty God ( Although up to date some preachers claim to possess these powers, none is said to have them. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was born through the power of the Holy Spirit because he had a human mother but he had no human father Matt.1:18-24; Luke 1:35).

Many present denominations are famous for having large numbers of followers because some believe they can cure diseases, make people rich, acquire jobs; the list is endless, but it is only prayers and faith that can bring solutions to our problems. We all know that the true riches is eternal life, John 3:16. Jesus Christ is our mediator and he speaks to God on our behalf. He died so that we might have everlasting life if we love, obey and believe him.

Luke ch.4 tells us how Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. When he was tempted by the devil (the promptings of the flesh), God’s Word helped him to resist the temptation. The Scripture further tells us not to put our God to the test. The Holy Spirit was really amazing because Jesus could even use it to cast out evil spirits (the diseases of those days) from people, Mark 1:21-28. He fed the multitude of 5,000 people, turned water into wine, raised back to life dead people, etc.

So brethren and sisters let us not be misled by people who claim to possess these wonderful powers from God, but let us worship Him in spirit and in truth as we wait the return of Jesus Christ.

Bro. Samuel Wanga


First and foremost may I give thanks to the Almighty God who has granted me this chance to send words of appreciation for the spiritual help you have given me, including the magazines and books, which you sent. I had some problems which delayed me receiving your letters, as I was sick and could not manage to maintain my long serving post box. I requested the postmaster to assist me with the mails and am therefore praying the Lord will soon open up a way of paying the rent. I will still be temporarily using the address c/o P.O.Box 31, Rapogi. I would like to receive more books from you, including ‘Bible Basics’ for preaching.

Bro. Mike G.O. Juma


I want to talk about the greatest commandment, Matt.22:36-40, “Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? – “You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

The Bible teaches us that we must show our love by recognising that God exists and that everything we do is as a result of his invisible energy, which provides us with all basic things to live. We must love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Love is the greatest. L stands for Listen, O stands for Observe, V stands for Verify and E for Evaluate. When we listen, observe, verify and evaluate we fulfil the purpose of the Creator by using our creator tools provided, doing His will and obeying His voice, which is all we are commissioned to do. We shall be rewarded with life eternal - immortality - and we shall be like our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In conclusion of the matter we must obey the first principle by loving our Creator with all our heart and mind. All we have belongs to the Creator and we have nothing to glorify in ourselves. Everything we have comes through His invisible energy, Psalm 37:5, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust him and he will act.”

I also want to talk about the fear of the Lord. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.”

The Bible is God’s book, written by people created by God, by the power of God called the Holy Spirit. The message of God, the Creator must be obeyed or we face the punishment of eternal death. How can we claim that we fear our Creator if we don’t listen to Him, obey His message and act according to His will? Everything has a purpose. To fear God means doing His will and if we don’t then we are disobedient, rebellious and condemned to die. God has power to create and destroy. The Bible reveals that man has been very hostile to do His will and as a result God made a plan, through one man called Jesus, to set ,and be, an example of how His plan of salvation should be fulfilled.

The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, feared the God of the Bible, obeyed His commandments and did His will. When he died as we do, God raised him to life again. We have examples of men and women of faith who died in God’s service, not having received what was promised to them, eternal life, but they shall be rewarded together when our Saviour, Jesus Christ, comes a second time to reign on earth.

Whether good or evil, we too will have to give account in the day of judgment. We are to reflect and show acts to glorify Him. If we disobey and act in our own ways then this ugly word “SIN” comes. Sin is disobedience, transgression, rebellion and the punishment is death. But if we fear God, hearken to His commandments and walk in His ways we shall be given immortality; we shall be immortal like His Son, Jesus Christ.

In conclusion of the matter we read John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Please read the following Scriptural references : Matt.7:21, Micah 6:8, Psalm 15:1-5, Prov.8:32-34. When you fear God our Creator you receive blessings and finally eternal life.

Bro. John Owalo Onani


We are doing very well under the umbrella of the Almighty God. As you can see I have changed my address. I am not staying in Songhor (P.O.Box 67, Songhor). That one does not mean that Muhoroni ecclesia is dead, no! Muhoroni ecclesia is still existing with several brethren and sisters, the Elder being our Chairman, Maurice Ochieng and the Secretary being Silvester Ariri. My email address is alexabuya@ or gmail is as follows:-

Bro. Alex Abuya


God has mapped the destiny of His people, the Jews, as has been prophetically revealed. Because of their disobedience God punished them, so as to correct them and turn them again to Him.

They could not see suffering as an ingredient in the making of the man of God, which actually was the case. In 2 Cor.12:7-10, Paul gives us a spiritual view of suffering, which says, ”And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure concerning this thing. I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Viewed from that perspective we will say with Paul, that, “what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ, and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is from God by faith, that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:7-11).

Bro Joseph Odiambo Onyango


I extend my sincere thanks to you for having open hands towards the needy. I write to request more Christian literature so that I can become a true Christian. Also, if you can help with a copy of the Holy Bible it will be of great help to me since the one I have is worn out as it passes many hands. I am pleased to have three converts in my family, two sons and a daughter, who have been baptised and I am looking forward to seeing the other two sons also being taught in readiness for baptism.

Bro. Daniel Simiyu

Bro. Mark & Sis. Ruth (UK) when they visited Tongaren Ecclesia and met with Tongaren Tailoring School trainees. 2nd from left is Sis. Nancy Isaac and third from right is Bro. Ben Chelumuli. The photo was taken after the Bible School.

The baptism of Bro. Luke Sikolia of Tongaren Ecclesia.

 The Kenya we live in is becoming worse every day and it seems that this year hunger will increase due to the price of maize, which is rising every month. At this time of the year in the past we usually paid 30/= per 2 kg. tin but this year in the same month we are paying 65/= per 2 kg. tin of maize. This means that in the months of July and August we shall be buying a 2 kg. tin at 120/=. This proves to us that we are living in the last days. When we see the events in Haiti we realise that only Jesus can save us and bring an end to the world’s troubles when he returns to this earth.

Bro. Isaac Kapa, Sis. Nancy, his wife, and Sis. Getguin, the elder daughter, and Swin, their last-born. Bro. Isaac has a scar on his left leg which is said to be skin cancer, so he needs special treatment.

May I thank the Almighty God for keeping me alive to this day. I am still alive in the Lord, our Saviour, and I will continue to do His work as long as I live. Three months ago I became infected with a disease in my left leg, which is said to be skin cancer, and has caused my leg to swell. For three months I have been using modern medicines but with no change. I have been told to go for special treatment but due to lack of finances I have left all to God. I believe that the body, which God has given us, has great powers of self-healing, particularly when we live our life as intended by God. Because we lack some things that can make us live our life as intended, dying must come instead of life.

God is the only one who knows the starting life of a man and the ending of that life. As long as the end of my life is still future, I shall continue serving the Lord, who will one day come to judge the world.

Bro. Isaac Kapa

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