news from ghana

It is really a long time since I sent you mail. I do hear from you always in the Gospel News which I receive regularly.

Am writing you now through my mobile network! It s just amazing what the world is growing into, in terms of information and technology. I was having a discussion on present day events! with a colleague who teaches ICT at a Junior School not far from mine. I introduced her to the Christadelphian website on the mobile phone and you can imagine what might have happened! The internet, they say, is not good. That idea should be viewed single-mindedly because everything has both a good and a bad element in any angle that the consumer will take it.

Life and living is okay for me here. Brother Paul taught us to be content in all things and for His Grace bestowed on us, we can boldly say and proclaim His Name, at least among our colleagues. The years fly fast and all things being equal, it will definitely not be long before our Messiah comes. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Bro Wonder Wornyo


Owing to the use of ICT and mobile phones, most of the post offices in rural areas have folded up, due to lack of patronage. Twifo Praso Post Office is one of the victims. I discussed my predicament with the Accra Ecclesia and they agreed for me to use the following address. I hope you will take note of the new address and let brothers and sisters know – “Subri Ecclesia, c/o C.B.M., P.O. Box MB 301, Accra, Ghana”.


Since my baptism in 1973, I have been involved in preaching the Truth at all levels in Ghana. Of late, Christendom in Ghana has increased, while Christadelphians, who have the Truth, have been decreasing. This unfortunate situation prompted me to conduct this research.

Christadelphians appear to be content with themselves that they know the Truth and that is all, but we forget that the Apostles in the first century preached to increase their numbers. Most of the brethren nowadays came to the Truth through correspondence courses and so tend to lack the ability to talk to their neighbours about the Truth. For some time now, correspondence has not produced a fruitful result. Check and you will agree with this. I conducted a search into the activities of the orthodox and their method of preaching (though not the entire Truth), but they have been gaining members. I have come out with these recommendations.

NOTE: Bro. Francis in his report outlines some suggestions, a few are as follows–we welcome our readers to also suggest possible solutions.

During Easter Bible Schools, much attention and resources are spent on dormant brethren and sisters. Cross-check the members of ecclesias that attended the Bible School with the attendance books of the ecclesias. It will come to light that only a quarter or even less of that number, are active in the ecclesia.

There are many ‘floating’ Christians, who think there are more questions than answers in the doctrines being preached to them in their churches. The financial burden laid on them has worsened their situation and they are always looking for a way of escape. “Look before you leap”, goes the proverb. Though not satisfied with their situation, they would not like to join a dormant church, which boasts only of sound doctrine but in reality are dead in Spirit. Preaching in Ghana is different from that of the European countries, so we have to face the reality and come to terms with the Ghanaian way of preaching if we want our fellowship to thrive.

For instance, at our last Bible School, selection of towns for public preaching was probably wrong. How can we preach in towns more than 30 kms away from the ecclesia and assume that interested friends would automatically travel that far to enquire about the ecclesia? We should have preached at the ecclesial town, to create awareness. How can we preach once a year at a town and expect good response? It will generally always be a waste of effort and resources.

Africans regard brethren from Europe as kind of Father Christmas and always expect gifts from them, but there are African-based churches that continue to expand because Africans understand Africans better and can explain African beliefs better with the Holy Writ. Part of funds used on fraternals and Bible Schools could be used to finance Ghanaians to preach,so that brethren from Europe can come to evaluate their project.

Bro. Francis Odiko

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