news from zambia


Money can’t buy happiness! Regardless of how much you have, it’s never enough. Fear will always whisper, ‘unless you get more, you won’t be secure.’ If money brought happiness, wouldn’t the rich be happier than everybody else? Yet studies consistently show their happiness levels to be only slightly above average, and in many cases, far below it. Despite what you have been conditioned to think, happy people don’t follow money, they follow their passion for what gives their lives meaning.

The Bible says, ‘Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things,’ (Heb.13:5), simply because ‘Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot.’ (Luke 12:15). Wealth-based happiness is always a weakness indulged in by insecure people who are afraid to look inside and face their real fears. It’s a mistake to think that wealth buys a life of freedom, status, or worldly power. Take freedom, for example: the rich usually become wealthy by sacrificing their freedom and leisure time. And status? That is a slippery slope too, because no matter how far you climb, there’s always somebody ahead of you. And worldly power? Well, when that increases, you generally lose control of your life because of all the people you have to please, and obligations you have to fulfill.

When you pursue your God-given purpose, money is secondary. Your real status symbols are salvation, spiritual growth, a happy home, treasured friends, and the incredible joy of doing what God has called you to do.

One day two cats were talking, when one of them asked the other why he always chased his tail. ‘Because my Mom says happiness lies in your tail, so I’m trying to catch it!’ His friend replied, ‘But if you just kept walking, wouldn’t it follow you?’

Do you know what? When you pursue happiness it eludes you, but when you walk with God it follows you. The Bible says, ‘Happy are those who delight in doing what He commands.’ (Psalm 112:1)

Bro. Kalyoka Ngambi

The frequent occurrence of tragedies such as earthquakes, famines, Tsunamis, storms, flash floods and such like is an eye opener to us that we are in the last days. Examples of such tragedies are: the recent earthquakes in Haiti, storms and flash floods in Europe, falls from mountains on several people in Zambia and perhaps worst of all, the latest earthquake and tsunami in Chile which has claimed the lives of so many people.

Jesus prophesied about such tragedies; ‘And there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places…’ (Matt 24:6-7).

On the other hand, humankind have become lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. The Scripture has made it clear; ‘this know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God’ (2 Tim 3:1-3).

False teachers and prophets are multiplying and misleading people from the sound doctrine. ‘But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who secretly shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious ways…’ (2 Pet.2:1-2).

‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables’ (2 Tim 4:3-4).

Brothers and Sisters, let’s be vigilant, and faithful and pray for one another while we await the soon coming of Jesus Christ to establish his kingdom. ‘Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till Jesus comes, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine’(1 Tim. 4:12-13).

Bro. Christopher Mwewa


I was baptized by Bro. Anold Kunda, our national treasurer in the Kabompo River, witnessed by Bro. David Nicholls and his nephew with many more brothers and sisters.

I go to Kabompo Ecclesia, headed by Bro. Reuben Kambeu as our Ecclesial Secretary, succeeding the late Bro Charles Muhupu.

I have managed to help my wife to my Ecclesia from the Bread of Life Church, which she was attending. I am busy teaching her our doctrines and baptismal lessons, so that she is equally baptised.

Bro. Wellington Mukuma


All that you said in your letters was understood. Many things are not so good as they were some time back, and what is written in the Bible is now happening - crime, unemployment, poverty, prostitution is much higher than before.

I am building a small shop where I want to hold my business: it is almost complete, it is just a matter of putting some shelves and a counter and painting, but at the moment I have run out of cash. The address I am using is where Brother Sidney Kunda works as deputy headmaster. I had a P.O. Box myself, but now because rentals have increased they are beyond my reach. There are very few families who are having three meals per day.

The materials which you are sending me are building me spiritually. I pray that God will bless you so that for many years you may continue doing His work.

Bro. Greenwell Kunda


I would like to request two Bibles in Chichewa for my wife and me. My wife does not speak or understand English, and the ones we are using are not in good condition. In addition, could you also provide me with a ‘Teach Me Thy Way’ in Chichewa.

Bro. Jealous Silungwe


Warmest greetings to you and your loved ones. This letter is in your hands – why? Because someone truly cares about us all, and this is no other than Jesus Christ and his Father, the Almighty God.

The first thing I wish to tell you is that I appreciate the long awaited parcel which you had told me about in your letter which I received on 31.10.09. I got the parcel on 14.02.10. with the promised books, plus a really amazing book called ‘The Real Christ.’ Duncan, you are doing a mighty work and may God, the Creator of the universe, add more days to both you and Marcus, enabling you to preach God’s Word. You have tried, and are trying still to spread the Divine Word even in difficult situations.

I had gone through that dialogue you had with your counterpart, Jacqueline of the Church of England. At least those who have read that booklet have learnt a lot about the work of women in the church. I have seen a lot of churches contradicting the Bible by allowing women to preach before men. As 1 Cor.14:34 says, ‘Let the women keep silent in the congregation, for it’s not permitted for them to speak in the eyes of men.’ But Duncan, if that booklet (Women in the Church) has been distributed evenly in the ecclesias worldwide, we will grow spiritually. I have said so because, if each ecclesia has copies, it will be a ‘tool’ that will assist us in evangelizing those churches. Certainly, I have to say, it was an unbeatable theme.

Bro. Kambobe James


Thank you for sending those papers which were good to read, and our Magazine for the Truth: it helps us very much to see present day events referred to in the Bible so we can understand its meaning.

Our son will go into Grade 12 next year, which is the last grade in our country. We don’t have free education – we need to pay for our children’s schooling.

We love you brothers, and we pray for you every day. Our Lord’s encouragement to those who today look for good things to come is that they should raise their heads when they see the chaos about them beginning to happen, for these things are an essential prelude to the appearing of the Kingdom of God on earth, and to the redemption of the faithful.

Bro. Charles & Sis. Cathrine Daka

Bro. Charles Daka


I enjoyed reading your letter: I hope and trust that the good Lord is, and will be with you all the time. I sincerely thank you for the reading glasses you sent me, but the sizes are not quite right – my sizes are 2.00 and 2.50 respectively.

Our God is the only good doctor who can never fail to heal us whatever disease we may encounter.

The world today is going through hard problems, but we know very well that these are signs of Christ’s return to the earth, and we should continue to preach the Word of God to our fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ until he comes.

Bro. Joshua Mushili


I am very pleased to let you know that we have a new friend by the name of Miss Scohlah Kalumba, who is prepared to read the Word of the Lord with the Christadelphians. She is at Kalasa Basic School in Grade 9, but because of the distance between my home and her home, she needs your tuition and study material assistance. Currently I have given her one Bible Basics book and Revision Test booklet, plus one on the Kingdom of God on Earth. I am sure you will assist her with a Bible in modern English.

Bro. Vincent Mwense

I have found another brother-to-be, and his name is Mathew Kaunda, who is very willing to read Bible Basics and join our Ecclesia. He admits that doctrines are very different as one moves from one church to another. Many readers have told me to obtain Bemba Bible Basics since the majority speak Bemba.

Those who believe they will be raptured in heaven insist on one baptism, which they had in their first church, and feel it is sinful to undergo several similar baptisms, so they say, they were immersed in water. What advice can you give me regarding such baptisms?

Bro. Vincent Mwense

COMMENT: Before baptism it is essential that one believes the basic doctrines of the Bible, a summary of which is outlined in our Statement of Faith. (For a baptism to be valid, one must first have a clear understanding and appreciation of the essential Bible doctrines). As your friend believed in heaven-going, (which is contrary to Bible teaching,) when he was ‘baptised,’ his baptism is not scripturally valid. He needs to be properly instructed in all the true Bible-based doctrines. M.H.


Earlier this year I suffered a lot from malaria. I was unable to leave my bed. Fortunately our link man, (Bro. David Nicholls) every time he comes to Zambia, brings us anti-malaria drugs, and with the use of these, thankfully I quickly recovered.

If you have some French material please send some for me, for sometimes I go to Sakania in Congo and talk to some people about our faith. Any English material sent to me also, will be appreciated.

Bro. Robert Miwele

(l-r): Bro. Robert Miwele with his elder brother Francois Kimata in Sakania mine camp (D.R.C.).

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ gives us an example of God’s love for mankind. Matt.19:19 says, ‘Honour your father and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself.’ Jesus honoured his Father and loved his neighbour, or mankind.

The sacrifices of animals under the old Covenant was just a covering for sins, without taking them away. Heb.10:1-4 says, ‘The Law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming, not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifice repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. If it could, would they not have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins? But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins’ Heb.9:13-14. The sacrifices were just the cleansing of the flesh outwardly, not the conscience of the inner man.

For this reason the Breaking of Bread should always remind us to love God with all our heart and conscience, and our neighbour – throwing away selfishness as Jesus did.

Bro. Robert Miwele


Many thanks for sending the transcript booklet ‘Women in the Church.’ This is an interesting book based on two speakers coming from different churches, with different doctrines. Thank you, too, for sending me information on ‘Present Day Events.’

Although there is the Internet, we don’t have access to it, so I must continue to request spiritual material to be sent via the postal service.

Bro. Christopher Nkandu

The literature regularly sent me has helped me to attain a particular lifestyle ever since I dedicated my life to God through His Son Jesus Christ, and I am sure that every person who reads the Magazine is gaining a sense of change in his or her life.

I am glad that God has blessed me with a job in which I’ll be enabled to make my dreams come true, despite all the pain I’ve endured over the past years.

Bro. Siamabi Stephen


I would like to let you know that we have a group in our Ecclesia of 20 baptized Brothers and Sisters and a group of 40 Sunday School children. If possible, could you send Sunday School books to help us to teach the children?

I am 55 years of age, with my wife and eight children. I am baptized with my wife and four of my children; I have one boy of 22 years.

Bro. Ackim Sikabuli


Ezekiel was just a human being like us, he was married and lived his own life (in Tel-abib for a short time, Ezek.3:15). For a period he was dumb, except to speak God’s Word (Ezek.24:27).

Ezekiel’s name means ‘El Will Strengthen’ and he was told that God would make his face as hard as a diamond, (adamant) against his opponents. (Ezek.3:8-9) God gave him a vision of four living creatures and each had the face of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. Thus was Jesus reflected in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

•  Symbol of the face of a Man—is an association of the things of the human race. The man represents Christ as the only perfect man.

•  The face of the Lion—represents majesty and royalty (Kingship). The blessing of Jacob to Judah (Gen.49:10) gives the symbol of Christ in the days of his coming.

•  The Ox—is the symbol of sacrifice and service. John 13:12 shows Jesus as the servant of others. Jesus came as a Lamb ‘to the slaughter,’ (Isa. 53:7).

•  The Eagle—symbolises Divine care (Exodus 19:4) Isaiah 40:31 ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles.

We had a Copperbelt Fraternal Gathering in Kitwe in February where I first met Bro Chris Mwewa from Chambishi Copperbelt. . We shall be communicating, and I will be including him on an inter-ecclesial exhortation programme, which takes place every three months.

Bro. Fred and Sis. Silviol Mumba

(l-r): Bro Fred, then Sis Silviol Mumba and Christopher Mwewa

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